Along the way, in order to speed up, Guan Mingxin directly stimulated the chaotic energy in his body, pulling it out of the body to act on the flying board, making the speed of the flying board more than three times faster!

However, this kind of outrageous approach still consumes a lot of Guan Ming's heart.

When she arrived at the stop of the speeding car in the school, the energy in the solid chaotic elemental force crystal in her dantian, which had been completed during the Qi training period, was also exhausted by a few catties.

After being approved by the Heavenly Dao of the New Hundred Wars Realm before [concluding the contract of the Dao], Guan Mingxin's cultivation level was rebuilt, but he only reached the Great Perfection of the Qi training period of one turn and stopped improving.

It's not that the energy before the Sangong was wasted, but because Guan Mingxin's dantian and meridians were broadened and strengthened again during the process of Tiandao's approval of the [contract of the Great Dao], and the chaos condensed after the reconstruction. Yuanli was also compressed and purified, so that it was finally directly solidified into Yuanli crystals...

The combination of the above reasons finally led to the fact that the total amount of Yuanli that could have reached the level of the Qi training period of the ninth revolution could barely be maintained at the level of Dzogchen in the Qi training period of the first revolution.

But if someone wants to underestimate the little guy because of Guan Mingxin's superficially low level of cultivation, he's making a big mistake!

Judging from Guan Mingxin's age alone, the four-year-old Qi training period of Dzogchen is already very enchanting, isn't it?
What's more, the Yuanli in Guan Mingxin's body is the chaotic attribute with the highest energy level, which is far from comparable to that of other elemental attributes.

With the same amount of Yuanli storage, Guan Mingxin's combat durability is much higher than other practitioners.

This is on the premise that the primordial force of the chaotic attribute naturally suppresses the primal force of other elemental attributes.

Besides, Guan Mingxin's bloodline inheritance has everything from combat martial arts and secret techniques, as long as she is willing, it is easy to leapfrog to fight.

In the same level, it can be regarded as an invincible existence.

It was precisely because of this that Guan Mingxin dared to form a team with Xuanyuan Yunyan and his team to practice in the wild.

As the saying goes, if you have the strength, you don't panic.

Of course, Guan Mingxin still didn't want to expose himself unless it was a last resort. Wouldn't it be nice for him to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?

Why rush to express yourself?

I don't know there is a saying that goes well, the rafters in the early years rot first!

Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, after Guan Mingxin calmed down, he was nothing more than a baby.

Seeing Xuanyuan Yunyan and his group, Guan Mingxin persisted in saying hello to the nine people one by one, then closed his eyes and meditated on the speeding car in exhaustion.

This move succeeded in dispelling the idea of ​​the other nine people who originally wanted to chat, and quietly arranged the list of shifts to take care of the speeding car, and they all entered a shallow cultivation state.

In order to provide better convenience for cultivation, the safety zones in the New Hundred Wars Realm are fragmented. There are very few safety zones with cities as units bordering each other, and even the adjacent ones are almost invisible.

From villages, townships, towns, cities, provinces, principalities, kingdoms, and empires, each administrative level has strict quantitative indicators.

A village with a resident population of no more than [-] people and a residential area of ​​no more than [-] kilometers; with a resident population of more than [-] but less than [-], there must be at least one Yuan Wushi with a minimum cultivation level of Qi training period, and the area of ​​the residential area should not exceed [-] kilometers. More than one hundred kilometers for the township.

By analogy, every time a level is raised, the prescribed limit on the number of permanent residents and the area of ​​the residential area will increase tenfold, and the cultivation level of the permanent population with the highest cultivation level will also increase by a large level accordingly.

Starting from the city, in order to optimize the development of non-safety areas, there must be no small non-safety areas around each city.

Naturally, the distance between cities will increase accordingly.

Of course, the degree of danger in the unsafe areas around each city is also different.

No matter how small the safety zone is in an area with high development intensity, the danger level around it is lower than that in an area with less development intensity.

Just like Sasso domain.

As a newly discovered edge of the original Xinghan world, the development of the Sasso domain is the lowest in the entire original Xinghan world.

Naturally, the danger level of each planet in the Sasso domain is far beyond the non-marginal zone.

In the reorganized New Hundred Battles, the Sasso Domain was divided into the Mortal Domain, and its internal development efforts did not increase much, or even decreased.

Take Manduya City, where Guan Mingxin is located, as an example, in the eyes of a slightly more developed place, this is a proper barren land.

Its interior is directly surrounded by an area for dumping garbage.

But it is such a barren land, according to the division of the danger level of the unsafe areas in the Mortal Realm of the New Hundred Wars World, the unsafe areas above the fifth level add up to [-]% of the total surface area of ​​the entire Mandoya city area. Three out of three!

Of the remaining two-fifths, nearly one-fifth is classified as garbage.

The last remaining part is where 90.00% of the residents of Mandoya City live.

You know, the city of Mandoya covers a very large area, accommodating nearly one billion permanent residents.

The unsafe areas around it range from the lowest level of danger to the highest level of ninth level, and everything is included!
The unsafe area of ​​the New Hundred Battles World is also called the wilderness area.

The wilderness area, as the name suggests, is a place that is not restricted by artificially formulated laws and regulations, and is a battlefield where the survival of the fittest is vividly displayed.

Every creature who steps into the wilderness area must have the consciousness of dying anytime and anywhere.

Regardless of gender, age, or background.

Everyone understands the truth that once they step into the wilderness area, the only thing that can guarantee their safety is their own combat effectiveness and survivability that they have tried their best to improve.

The training destination in the wilderness area that Xuanyuan Yunyan and the nine people set before is located in the second-level dangerous range, and it is a place named "Bizhi Valley".

Even though the location of Bizhi Valley is only in the second-order category, its reputation far exceeds the level that the second-order area should have.

Bizhi Valley is famous for producing a high-grade second-grade Lingzhen——Bizhilan.

There are common grades and imported grades for spiritual treasures related to cultivation. The former does not contain the vitality of heaven and earth, while the latter is divided into nine ordinary grades from low to high according to the content of vitality of heaven and earth, with nine being the highest.

Level nine and above already belong to the ranks of heaven, material and earth treasures, and even rare treasures, and their ranks are divided from low to high into yellow rank, mysterious rank, earth rank, heaven rank, spirit rank, immortal rank, god rank, holy rank and so on. order.

However, this division is only a written record.

In today's Mortal Realm of the New Hundred Wars Realm, most of the cultivation resources are of ordinary grade.

Among the treasures of spiritual objects that have already appeared, the highest level, that is, the treasures of the heavenly rank, was only once, but it caused countless masters to desperately snatch it, and it also caused the average cultivation base of the cultivation world at that time to drop two high ranks!
Hanhan has been crying and fussing for some reason today, Takijue is alone with him and really can’t find the time code words, today’s update is a bit late, I’m sorry.The two-and-a-half-year-old little beast has amazing lethality, I really can't afford to hurt it...

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