Guan Mingxin felt a layer of cold sweat on his back when he was watched, and his mouth stuttered a little:

"That... that... I am... Hua... it's over...

Either...or, this harvest...all...all first...can I give it to you?'t cry..."

"Hahahaha! The little man wants to keep his word!"

He got the answer he expected, and there was an unexpected harvest that he didn't expect. Zhongsun Lexing immediately changed his face like turning over a book, pinching his waist with one hand, pointing at the sky with the other, laughing wildly up to the sky, it can be said that he owes as much as he wants !
No, Shi Shalan really couldn't see it anymore, so he flew up and kicked Zhongsun Lexing's ass.

Zhongsun Lexing had been on guard for a long time, and immediately turned sideways to avoid it. The two fought for a while, and stopped tacitly before anyone else reminded them.

Everyone understood that the two wanted to liven up the atmosphere.

Especially Guan Mingxin, who was extremely nervous on the combat speeder, they wanted to use this to relax Guan Mingxin, so that he would stop being tense, which would be detrimental to training.

The effect is still obvious.

No, after setting off, Guan Mingxin, who was protected in the center, involuntarily relaxed his tense body.

The three-kilometer journey took the group a quarter of an hour. When they were only a hundred meters away from the entrance of the Bizhi Valley, the nine members of Class [-] and [-] met each other's eyes. Tacitly activated the personal protective cover on the waist hanging buckle.

As a result, the originally slightly relaxed atmosphere disappeared immediately, and everyone's state instantly entered alertness.

They moved and formed a diamond-shaped defensive formation in the blink of an eye. They slowed down and moved forward towards the entrance of Bizhi Valley.

The entrance is extremely narrow, only about two meters wide.

On both sides are endless rolling mountains with endless ups and downs. On the mountains, there are clusters of trees tens of meters high, and the dense canopy blocks the sunlight.

Thick vines interweave among the trees, climbing freely, weaving vine nets of various shapes, covering the entrance of Bizhi Valley tightly.

If it weren't for the map navigation mark displayed on their Yuanxun magic weapon, the entrance is here, Guan Mingxin and his party really couldn't see that there is an entrance directly to Bizhi Valley under the dense rattan net.

Following the navigation arrow, they stopped again ten meters away from the entrance.

Except for Guan Mingxin, the nine members of the second class of junior high school took out a medicine watering can about one foot high from the space backpack, and sprayed the medicine towards the entrance of the navigation sign.

As nine strands of light blue water mist sprayed onto the vine net, the vines suddenly swam and retreated, revealing the deep entrance.

As nine strands of light blue mist sprayed onto the vine net, the vines suddenly started to swim, retreating quickly, and in the blink of an eye, a deep and dark entrance was revealed.

Seeing that the exposed entrance was enough for a single person to pass through, Xuanyuan Yun moved.

He continued to spray the medicine with one hand, while with the other he suddenly grabbed Guan Mingxin into his arms, and rushed towards the entrance.

The others also followed closely, almost heel-to-heel, following Xuanyuan Yunyan's figure through the entrance.

During this period, those who passed through the entrance turned around one after another, and continued to spray the medicine towards the rear, and put away the watering can only after the last Oulu also passed through the rattan net.

Guan Mingxin clearly saw that the rattan net that had been hiding from the potion was weaved together at an extremely fast speed after the potion stopped spraying, covering the entrance again so that it was airtight.

This process takes less than 1 minute!

If he hadn't watched this scene happen with his own eyes, Guan Mingxin would not have believed that there was an entrance to Bizhi Valley hidden among the layers of rattan nets.

After winning the first battle and successfully entering Bizhi Valley, Guan Mingxin and his party felt a little better, checked their equipment again, and started to move on.

With the help of the searchlights on the Yuanxun instrument that were modulated to the lowest brightness, they passed through an arc-shaped tunnel of more than 20 meters.

Bizarrely, no plants grow in the tunnel. It is bare, a bit like a cave, rough and uneven, and there is no trace of man-made, which is very strange.

Such a scene made Guan Mingxin and his party tense up again.

The tunnel became wider and wider. From the initial width that only allowed two people to walk side by side, by the time of the exit, it was already about ten meters wide, and the view was covered by a curtain of water.

The water speed of the water curtain is not very fast, there is white mist on it, and the sound of falling water is clear and ethereal, which can be heard endlessly.

Under the water curtain, there is a small stream with a width of only half a meter. The stream is crystal clear, and among the sparse aquatic plants, small fish come and go from time to time.

Guan Mingxin and his group did not stop, relying on the isolation of their personal protective shields, they quickly passed through the water curtain.

Suddenly, the eyes suddenly opened up.

The sun is shining brightly, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the flowers are blooming, colorful, showing a thriving appearance.

In the lush bushes, the little beasts flashing by from time to time, blinking their watery eyes, thinking they are sneaking at the outsiders who strayed here, are really cute.

The inside of the valley is wider than imagined, and at a glance, without the blessing of Yuanli, the edge cannot be seen.

According to the map on the Yuanxun Magical Artifact, the narrowest part of this valley is 1 kilometer, and the widest part is more than 100 kilometers. The valley is 2357 kilometers long.

Although the Bizhi Valley is classified as a wilderness area with only a second level of danger, this does not mean that the highest level of primordial beasts inhabiting the Bizhi Valley are mortal primordial beasts with only a second level.

With the same level of cultivation, generally speaking, Yuan Beasts are much more powerful than Yuan Wushi.

In the skin refining stage of the Yuan Wushi's body tempering period, he can only fight against mortal beasts. When he enters the muscle training stage, he can compete with the first-rank and one-star Yuan beasts.

By analogy, when Yuan Wushi advances to the first level of Qi training stage, his combat power will be comparable to that of the first-order nine-star Yuan Beast.

This means that Bizhi Valley, whose level of danger is at the second level, can fully accommodate Yuan Wushi masters whose cultivation level is not higher than the Jindan stage to practice treasure hunting.

In view of the fact that the area of ​​the wilderness area is much larger than the safe area, in order to maximize the benefits, the time for Yuan Wushi to enter the wilderness area will not be too short each time.

Therefore, in the wilderness area of ​​each class, supply points are set up in places where the flow of people is relatively concentrated, to provide convenience for Yuan Wushi to rest, replenish supplies, and trade.

The supply points vary in size, the small ones are only about one kilometer in radius, and the big ones are even comparable to a small city.

There is such a medium-sized supply point in Bizhi Valley, which is located 58 kilometers away from the entrance.

This supply point was created during the land reclamation process when the Ogagao star in the original Xinghan world was discovered.

It continues to exist until now. (end of this chapter)

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