Although it has also experienced many times of destruction caused by various reasons during the period, especially after the reorganization of the New Hundred Battles.

But every time it was destroyed, it was rebuilt in a very short period of time.

And every time it gets bigger and bigger.

If it wasn't for worrying about destroying Bizhilan's growing environment, maybe what appeared here was not just a township-level supply point, but the size of a small town.

Because the Bizhi Valley supply point has existed for a long time, the 58 kilometers from the entrance to the supply point have been plowed countless times, and it is still the kind of carpet search that is almost [-] meters deep.

It is also because of this that in this area, except for some small animals such as pheasants and hares that are not aggressive, there are basically no good things to see.

Naturally, in this 58-kilometer area, there are very few non-man-made dangers.

Especially after walking for a short distance and seeing many children laughing and playing without their elder guards, Guan Mingxin and his party finally realized that this feeling of peace and tranquility was no longer an illusion.

This made Guan Mingxin and his party, who had been extremely vigilant since seeing the entrance of Bizhi Valley, secretly heave a sigh of relief.

However, they only relaxed for a while, and then restrained their minds again, not showing it on the face, but secretly guarded.

After all, this is a wilderness area, a place where all laws, regulations, and ethics are ignored. Burning, killing, and looting can be described as endless, and it may happen anytime, anywhere.

Especially rookies like them who have just stepped out of the academy are the favorite prey of those vicious people.

Fortunately for them, the tower spirit, which is attributed to the Great Desolate Nine Spirits Holy Pagoda, also adheres to the concept of "caring for little cubs" and lists it as a world convention. , deeply imprinted in the bones.

Under such a premise, the domineering gangsters in the wilderness area will not kill the little guys, but their property will inevitably be lost.

There is a saying that goes well, "breaking money and eliminating disasters"!

Of course, at any time, there will be that kind of truly bad and thorough person. If you meet such a person, no matter whether you are male, female, or young, death is a luxury.

There is more unimaginable pain and suffering than death.

What's more, once the little guys carry very precious belongings, and the money touches people's hearts, at that time, no matter how hard the concept is cultivated in their bones, there will be times when they will give in to greed.

At that time, killing and silence will happen naturally.

Such things are not uncommon in Yuanneng Fantasy Domain.

Some villains will even frantically record the whole process of their own evil deeds, and post them on the Yuanneng Fantasy Domain without any codes, in order to show their abilities, or it is purely due to evil taste.

There is no way to investigate what happened in the wilderness area. Even if there are more bonuses and rewards, someone must be able to kill those villains, right?

Over time, those villains even created a website by themselves to publish various records of evil deeds, either videos, pictures, audio, or pure text.

For some unknown reason, Ta Ling did not ban this website, but he also made it clear that he could not upload and publish posts in the safe zone.

Once the villains who posted the post enter the safe zone for more than two hours, the Yuanxun Dharma Tool and other similar devices they use will automatically emit a specific positioning signal.

Local administrative agencies and military agencies will receive these positioning signals at the first time, so as to make deployment as quickly as possible.

In this way, it is almost impossible for those villains to stay in the safe zone unless they abandon all Yuanxun magic equipment.

However, in today's New Hundred Wars World, how could it be possible to get away from the Yuanxun magic weapon equipment?

It can be said that without Yuanxun's equipment, it is really impossible to provide food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Because of this, under the vicious circle, the wilderness area has added an additional human-made danger of uncertainty to the degree of danger of the original natural environment.

Precisely thinking of this, after walking through the entrance for about ten minutes, Guan Mingxin and his group stopped tacitly, found a secluded and secluded corner, and rearranged their equipment.

In addition to an expensive high-end protective clothing, a layer of protective clothing used by the mass-tempering practitioners was put on, and the conspicuous high-grade Yuan energy gun, Yuan energy lightsaber, and their valuable private items were also put on. All the equipment is stored in the hidden storage utensils.

The ones placed on the bright side were replaced with Yuanneng Gun and Yuanneng Lightsaber, which are equivalent to the strongest blow in the ordinary body tempering stage and viscera refining stage. Cold weapon.

As for the high-level space backpack on his back and the high-level energy boots on his feet, they haven't been replaced.

Ordinary practitioners who enter the wilderness area to make a living should store their tools as well as possible, so as to avoid encountering good things but being unable to take them away due to lack of space.

You must know that for practitioners who enter the wilderness area to make a living, other things can be slightly worse, but the storage utensils and escape equipment are as good as possible.

The former is to avoid missing good opportunities when encountering good things because one’s own space is full and cannot be taken away.

The latter, of course, is to prevent that once encountering an invincible crisis, he can escape as soon as possible and save his life.

And the primordial energy boots, the primary equipment for escaping, naturally cannot be left alone.

This is already an accepted rule of survival in wilderness areas.

The nine members of Class Nine and Two, who had made preparations in advance, naturally knew this very well.

Of course, Guan Mingxin was not affected by this torment.

The little guy is too young, and the value of the obvious things on his body is not too outstanding, even if it is better equipped, it should be taken for granted.

However, after Guan Ming thought about it, he took out a high-level body-hardening suit that could automatically adjust its size and put it on his body.

Xuanyuan Yunyan looked at Guan Mingxin worriedly, saw the mask on her face, had an idea, and quickly asked in a low voice:

"Baby, do you still have the mask?"

Guan Mingxin heard the words, and immediately took out a handful of masks from his warehouse in Yuanzhu Xiaojing, and answered Xuanyuan Yunyan with practical actions.

Seeing this, other people became interested one after another. After picking and choosing the style they liked, Guan Mingxin didn't put it away, but handed it to Shi Jiajia, the default "financial steward".

Then put a half face mask on the face to restrain the aura of the whole body, a proper wilderness survivor!
When the nine people put on masks of different shapes and colors on their faces, and then subdued their aura and aura, they were definitely survivors in the wilderness!
Of course, this is what they call themselves.

Check again and again to make sure that there are really no loopholes this time, and everyone rushes towards the supply point.

Sure enough, not long after, I encountered a wave of gangsters. (end of this chapter)

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