Chapter 383 The Arrogant Man
Among them, the look in the eyes of the leader who looked at them made Xuanyuan Yunyan's nine and a half children immediately tense up, and put Guan Mingxin firmly in the middle, making a defensive posture.

"Hey, it's another group of little guys who are rushing to trade. Looking at their outfits, they seem to be pretty good!"

At this time, a middle-aged man next to the leader glanced at Guan Mingxin who was surrounded in the middle, and thought of his little daughter who had just turned three years old at home, his heart suddenly felt soft, and he couldn't help but say:
"Come on, iron head, don't make fun of those little rookies.

Their few things are not enough for you to stick your head between your teeth. "

"a ha ha ha!
I didn't want to do anything, but I just felt that the rookies nowadays are getting richer and richer in travel. "

The leader made a haha, he understood what his companion meant, and he was in a good mood today, so he changed his words and dispelled the thoughts that had just arisen.

Wen Xiange knew the elegant meaning, and the other members of the small group naturally understood the meaning of the boss. Following the topic, a woman wearing a red rose mask said:
"That's true, but I heard rumors from above, it seems to be unstable.

These little rookies are probably also asked by the teachers.

After all, if they don't hurry up to practice and practice, they may not even have enough capital to survive when trouble comes. "

"It's hard to live, let's take care of ourselves."


This topic attracted everyone's attention and made them start talking with each other.

It's hard for Guan Mingxin and the others, they want to leave, but they are afraid that this is the opponent's strategy, which is to launch a thunderous blow as soon as their own side is ready to leave.

But don't go, it's very uncomfortable to always be on guard and stalemate your body.

Just when they were in a dilemma, suddenly, a very arrogant voice covered the discussion of the group of people:
"Don't you think this is an opportunity?

Natural selection, survival of the fittest, no matter how hard you can't survive, it won't help. It's better to take advantage of this time and enjoy life. "

As soon as these words came out, the surroundings were silent for a moment, and even Xuanyuan Yunyan and his party, who were already on guard, were stunned for a moment.

Guan Mingxin looked at the speaker, and found that it was an unusually handsome man in his early twenties, with a majestic smile on his face and extraordinary equipment.

"Who are you kid? You are so shameless!"

"That's right, who stipulated that the weak cannot live?

Could it be that there is no weak one in your family?Or are you alone? "

"Even if you are a loner, isn't it natural to love the young?
According to you, the cubs who are not capable of surviving on their own deserve to die? "


Soon, the silence was broken.

The man's remarks aroused public indignation, and even some passers-by in twos and threes who had not participated in the topic of the gang before couldn't stand it anymore and joined the crusade against the man.

The man didn't reflect on his words and deeds, and directly quarreled with those people, the more noisy the more fierce...

Suddenly, "Iron Head", the leader of the group who started the conversation, suddenly shook his hand, and a thin needle glowing with faint blue light penetrated into the man's temple.

The man's pupils dilated suddenly, and before he had time to say anything, he fell straight down, his eyes wide open, filled with fear and doubt, and his vitality decayed rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, the man was out of breath.

The man didn't even understand until he died. He had already obtained a great opportunity that no one else could even imagine. He was destined to reach the pinnacle and be proud of his mighty power. How could he die inexplicably on the second day after obtaining the great opportunity? Woolen cloth?

As for the "iron head" who threw out the poisonous needle, he didn't care whether anyone discovered his behavior at all.

He just didn't like the dead arrogant man.

Especially the bald words that came out of that guy's mouth made him feel extremely disgusted.

Although he himself is a bully floating in the wilderness area, he still has his own bottom line, unlike that guy who said "the weak should die" and other cruel words.

If all the weak are really killed, then some of the remaining so-called "strong" must be "weak", so should this part of the "weak" also deserve to die?
In the end, is there only one person left in the New Hundred Wars World, and this person is that guy?
How arrogant!
"Iron Head" couldn't explain why he suddenly felt murderous intent towards that man, but since he thought that man deserved to die, he should be sent to die.

Anyway, dead people, no matter how weird they are, can't make any waves, especially in this wilderness area.

The action of "Iron Head" is actually very hidden.

At least, among the nearly a hundred people present, only Guan Mingxin could clearly see the little movement of him throwing the poisonous needle.

In fact, this was due to the particularity of the poisonous needle of "Iron Head" and Guan Mingxin's unconscious release of consciousness due to nervousness.

That poisonous needle is extremely concealed, invisible to the naked eye, and at the same time, even the vast majority of cultivators whose mental power level is lower than the Nascent Soul stage can't see it even if they use their mental power.

But Guan Mingxin has spiritual consciousness!

As an existence whose energy level is much higher than spiritual power, even if there is only a little bit, it is easy to find that poisonous needle.

"Iron Head" taught Guan Mingxin his first lesson in the wilderness!
Still kind of shocking!
But Guan Ming knew that he could not tell the truth about the man's death.

Seeing that those people were panicking because of the man's sudden death, Guan Ming couldn't care less about other things, and hurriedly urged Xuanyuan Yunyan, who was also stunned, to leave quickly.

With Guan Mingxin's reminder, Xuanyuan Yunyan and the others bypassed this group of people without any risk, speeding up and getting away as much as possible.

The chaos in this wilderness area really lives up to its reputation!
If they hadn't adjusted their equipment before, they would have suffered disaster by now.

In the eyes of Xuanyuan Yunyan and the other nine, the reason why the lying man died was because the equipment he was wearing was too dazzling.

With this encounter, the ten little guys rushed to the supply point as quickly as possible without any chances.

I saw injustice along the way, but I turned a blind eye to it and listened to it.

Even if he was thirsty and hungry, he just slowed down and took out compressed crystal beads and nutrients and poured them directly into his mouth to solve the problem.

Compressed crystal beads are compressed and condensed purified water into solid beads with a diameter of 1cm through a special process, which are easy to carry and melt in the mouth.

When making compressed crystal beads, medicines can also be added to the purified water, such as physical medicines for replenishing physical strength, blood medicines for replenishing qi and blood, and so on.

The medicaments added to the compressed crystal beads are different, and the water quality is also different.

A common compressed crystal bead of the lowest grade can replace 500ml of water.

Therefore, since the development of compressed crystal beads, it has become a necessary material for travel in wilderness areas.

Guan Mingxin and the others carried all kinds of compressed crystal beads themselves, and the quantity was not cheap, enough for them to stay in the wilderness area for ten years without worrying about water shortage.

After rushing all the way, Guan Mingxin and the others finally stepped into the gate of the supply point at sunset.

(End of this chapter)

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