Chapter 384 Promise's Decision

Even though the compressed crystal beads they had taken before were mid-to-high-end products with added medicine, they still had to keep their minds tight all the time during the fast journey without a moment of rest, and beware of possible road robbery by passers-by. At that time, Guan Mingxin and his party were really exhausted physically and mentally.

Therefore, after stepping into the one-meter-wide entrance opened under the city wall of the supply point, Guan Mingxin and the others really had no strength and no interest in visiting the Bizhi Valley supply point.

Pull up your spirits, navigate along the current map of Yuanxun Dharma Tool, find the office of Yuanwu Daomeng, choose a large suite, pay for three days of accommodation, decline the catering and other services recommended by the waiter, and wash up a little Afterwards, they threw themselves onto the bed one by one, and fell into a deep sleep without even bothering to pull the quilt up to cover them.

Yuan Wu Dao League is an official non-administrative organization established by the Ta Ling of the Great Desolate Nine Spirits Holy Pagoda in the New Hundred Wars World.

It is also the only cultivator alliance organization recognized and vigorously promoted by all local forces.

The Yuanwu Dao League is not controlled by any local forces, and provides conveniences such as exchanges, transactions, and tests for practitioners of the Yuanwu Daoyi.

It owns the exclusive guilds of Yuan Wuyi branch training system [Yuan Wushi Guild, Casting Guild, Pill Guild, Rune Guild, Formation Guild, Beast Guild, Restoration Guild], the mercenary guild that distributes tasks, and the Xinbai Guild. Zhanjie is the largest firm covering all industries - Yuanwu Trading Firm.

The subordinate forces of Yuanwu Daomeng spread all over the New Hundred Wars World.

In any wilderness area, as long as the supply point has been established for more than a year, regardless of its size, there will always be an office under the Yuanwu Daomeng.

It can be said that where there are truly people, there is the Yuan Wu Dao League.

Of course, the only supply points in the wilderness area that have not reached the town level are the offices of the Mercenary Guild and Yuanwu Trading Company, and other guilds will not set up them.

Any achievements made by the practitioners in the Yuanwu Dao League can be recorded in the personal data as personal achievements, and will be recognized by all forces, and the gold content is very high.

Just after Guan Mingxin and the others fell asleep, Wuji, who had already fallen into a deep sleep and was progressing, suddenly opened his eyes.

Wuji stared at the small thing in his hand, for a moment, his eyes flashed with confusion, but he soon regained consciousness.

"Little thing, it seems that your ability is not small, you can even confuse me.

Tsk tsk, I originally wanted to study it carefully, but you don't seem to be willing.

That being the case, then..."

When the little guy in his hand pricked up his ears to listen carefully, Wuji stopped abruptly, and took advantage of the little guy's momentary stupor to launch an attack.

In the invisible fight, Wuji used all his strength.

Although the little guy fought passively, he was defeated after a stalemate for several hours. He was absorbed by Wuji without a single word.

When touching the original core of the little guy, Wuji found a little bit of energy that he couldn't digest for the time being, so he had to strip it out.

But as soon as that little bit of energy was stripped out, it released an irresistible coercion, and an extreme danger hit Wuji's heart.

In the blink of an eye, Wuji didn't care about other things, and immediately threw this little bit of energy into the energy market well of Wuji Realm.

With the help of the suppression of the void energy storm deep in the energy market well, Wuji still sealed this little bit of energy.

Even if the opponent's energy level is very high, but after all, the number is extremely small, so how can there be an opponent with infinite void energy?

After doing this, Wuji let out a long sigh of relief, and carefully checked and absorbed the information obtained by the little guy.

"Tsk tsk, it is actually a higher-level system than the Mu universe where the temple is located.

I thought the Mu universe was the highest dimensional space.

Haha... I'm really arrogant..."

After a long time, Wuji muttered to himself with a wry smile.

Seeing the little bit of energy sealed by his own energy layer by layer, Wuji was silent for a while, with a seriousness and struggle that had never been seen on his face...

Finally, Wuji made up his mind, stripped out the original core of the little guy he absorbed earlier, and carried out "reinstallation" with great difficulty according to the little guy's structure.

After Wuji "reinstalled" a system that was almost identical to the previous little guy, Guan Mingxin was about to wake up.

At this time, Wuji was extremely weak, but also extremely happy.

She successfully obtained the secret of the higher-latitude space of the Bhim universe!

Although I have paid a huge price, but compared to what I got, these sacrifices are very worthwhile!

Even if I'm going to fall into a deep sleep soon, I still don't know the time limit, and I won't be able to gain any perception during the period, but once I wake up, it will be the time for me, the Wuji Realm, and the Yunxuan Realm to advance by leaps and bounds!
With infinite expectations and joy, Wuji held on to the last sliver of waking consciousness, summoned Qi Ling Jiujiu of the phantom star, stuffed her with the "reinstalled" system, and disappeared.

Jiujiu looked at the system in his hand with a puzzled face, and then concentrated on sensing Wuji. After noticing anything unusual, he left the Yunfan Realm with doubts.

When Jiujiu just left the Illusory Cloud Realm with her first kick, the Illusory Cloud Realm closed itself the next moment.

Jiujiu, who knew nothing, sensed the system in his hand with his mind, and as expected, he found Wuji's message:

"Jiujiu, when I was in closed-door training before, I got something occasionally, combined with something I got by accident, I reassembled a system, can you swallow it and integrate it.

If not, let the little master make a contract after the little master wakes up.

The new system can bring more help to the little master. This king has spent a lot of energy in waking up this time, and I am afraid that he will no longer be able to perceive any external situation, even if the little master is in crisis.

In this way, I can only rely on you, Jiujiu, I hope you will work hard to cultivate, even if you can become an independent spirit body, it doesn't matter.

Seize every opportunity that can be promoted, work hard to promote, and protect the little master well..."

Jiujiu didn't understand what happened to Wuji, but she was very happy.

This is the first time Wuji has officially recognized himself.

Although Jiujiu is a weapon spirit conceived by the phantom star transformed by Wuji, it is actually not.

Jiujiu's core origin is actually a small part of Wuji's original core.

It's just that Wuji didn't regard Jiujiu as his clone.

But strictly speaking, Jiujiu is the clone of Wuji.

Being able to become an independent spirit body is no longer a clone of Wuji. Even though Wuji has never admitted the idea of ​​a clone, it is still a dream longing for Jiujiu, a self-aware tool spirit!

Wuji actually made such a promise, which shows that Wuji's consumption probably hurt the source.

But even so, Wuji didn't absorb himself to replenish her energy.

In his heart, Jiujiu was very grateful and very fortunate.

(End of this chapter)

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