Chapter 388 The Forgotten Mission
Everyone looked at each other, slightly embarrassed.

What are you waiting for?

Everyone checked out and left in a tacit understanding.

It was Shi Jiajia, the financial housekeeper, who paid the money, but the money was handed over to her in advance, and it was considered common property.

Go straight out the door, cross the street to the gate of the mercenary union opposite, and walk straight in without pausing.

"[Long Man Hong Dust is looking for you]: It's been a long time since the host, cutie, is this going to release a mercenary mission?"

"[Tutu Zhenxiang]: It doesn't look like it, who else is the anchor?

These ten children all look good, I really want to take them home! "

"[System 9999]: Tutu Zhenxiang rewards 10 drops of micro-source liquid!"

At some point, a few more viewers entered the space-time live broadcast room. Guan Mingxin glanced at it inadvertently, and saw the tip.

"[Anchor]: Thank you for the reward, I am the youngest baby ()!"

“[Anchor]: We are not issuing mercenary missions, but registering mercenaries.”

At this time, Guan Mingxin also reacted belatedly. Since the time-space live broadcast room has been opened, he should do his job as an anchor.

Thinking of this, Guan Mingxin hastily explained to several viewers in the time-space live broadcast room.

It turned out that this year, all the academies in the Mortal Realm of the New Hundred Wars World, regardless of their size, have all changed the rules for going out to practice.

In addition to the required training time, there is also a hard task - to register as a mercenary in the mercenary guild under the Yuanwu Daomeng, and to successfully complete at least one task issued by the mercenary guild.

The degree of difficulty of the selected task and the quality of the task evaluation submitted after completion all affect the final credits obtained.

If an additional mercenary group is formed, all members will have additional credits, and the additional credits of the group leader will add 10 points.

Most of the students who applied for wilderness experience in Mandoya Children's College chose to complete this hard task in Mandoya City.

However, there are also a very small number of students who pursue higher credits, or who simply like exciting adventures, will perform this task after entering the supply point in the wilderness area.

However, Jiu Ren and Guan Mingxin from Class [-] and [-] were not actually this type of students.

The former was busy preparing for experience and forgot.

The latter didn't read the notice issued by the academy at all.

"[Prime Minister Commoner]: So, the anchor cutie and your friends have really big hearts!

I just took a look at the general situation of your small world, and it seems that a crisis is coming. The host, Xiao Kei, is still such a small baby, so hurry up and find a golden thigh to hug her. "

"[The long legs are kneeling]: What's the situation? Isn't the anchor doing the live broadcast mission?"

"[Lonely Traveler in the Red Dust]: The anchor is in his own nascent world, it seems that there is a problem with the system, and he cannot take the anchor to travel through time and space to do tasks."

"[Yufeng Flying Fish Cub]: It's no wonder that the host actually chose a small milk doll, who is also a long-lived race. Tsk tsk, the host should not be weaned at this age, why did he go to the wilderness?"

"[Star of the Bu Clan]: The fate of the anchor is rough, I hope the anchor can go to the end."

"[System 9999]: The star of the Bu family rewards 1000 Shenyuan crystals!"

"[Tang Tang Dressed in a Pocket]: Surprise the boss!"

"[Anchor]: Thank you, boss, I will try my best to survive."

Silently watching the bullet chatting of the newcomers in the space-time live broadcast room, Guan Mingxin first turned off the bullet chatting function, allowing the audience's speeches to be concentrated in the sidebar of the live broadcast screen, and then expressed his gratitude with his thoughts.

Guan Ming didn't show it on his face, but there was a chill in his heart.

It seems that the audience in this high-latitude time and space should not be underestimated. Anyone who comes here can see through their own age and even deduce their own life experience.

Fortunately, even though Jiujiu lost control of the phantom star, the basic protection measures for herself still exist. The audience can't see through her disguise just by relying on the three-dimensional real-time projection in the time-space live broadcast room.

that's enough.

Guan Mingxin was guarded in the middle and came to the front desk. A staff member asked enthusiastically:
"Hi everyone, what service do you need?"

As the default "diplomatic responsibility", Yan Zhiqi replied on behalf of everyone with a gentle and humble smile:
"Hi, we want to register as mercenaries."

"Okay, how many people need to register?"

"ten people."

"Please go to the next waiting area to fill out the application form."

"Thank you."

Yan Zhiqi took the ten application forms handed over by the service staff, and walked towards the direction directed by the other party.

Xuanyuan Yunyan and others hurriedly followed.

The waiting area occupies a large area. They chose an unoccupied corner, opened the foldable seat, and pressed the [Activate Invisible Table] button on the armrest. A transparent table popped up in front of ten people. Automatically adjust to the most appropriate height.

There is a special energy pen on the table.

Writing on special paper with a special Yuanneng pen avoids the risk of tampering by advanced virtual hackers on the Yuanneng Magic Field, and also avoids the chance of counterfeiting as much as possible.

Once written, it cannot be modified.

Even if you make a mistake, you can only admit it.

This made Guan Mingxin and the others have to take the content on the application form seriously.

As the only recognized cultivator alliance organization in the New Hundred Wars World, there is no restriction on joining the mercenary guild under the Yuanwu Daomeng.

Just fill out an application form and hand in a mortal spirit crystal coin to become a trainee mercenary.

The trainee mercenary can accept the mission.

Regardless of the difficulty of the task, as long as any task is completed, the trainee mercenary will automatically become a full-time mercenary and become a permanent mercenary.

The difficulty of the first task a trainee mercenary receives and the evaluation after completing the task are closely related to the amount of profit that can be made on the contract signed after becoming a regular.

If the first mission fails, the mercenary qualification of the trainee mercenary will automatically expire, and he must reapply after three months from the standard time of the New Hundred Wars World, and the application fee will be doubled.

There is no limit to the number of mercenary applications.

As long as you have enough time and a full wallet, you can spend it until you can't afford it.

It is precisely because of this that some practitioners apply repeatedly in order to obtain better contract conditions.

It is worth mentioning that the Hunters Guild of the former Hundred Wars Realm was also merged into the Mercenary Guild of the Yuanwu Dao League. "Hunter" has become a special honor for mercenaries and enjoys certain rights and treatment.

The hunter's assessment has also changed to another way of examination.

Yan Zhiqi, who was the first to read the entire application form, suggested softly:

"The ten of us have already met the requirements to apply for the mercenary group, so why not apply for the mercenary group together, what do you think?"


"it is good."


Others also agreed after hearing the words, without any objection.

"As for the content of the application form, we just write the required items.

Although there will be some troubles when accepting mercenary missions, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

For long-term development, it is better for us to hide information as much as possible. "

Shi Jiajia looked at Guan Mingxin and Xuanyuan Yunyan, and pointed out something.

(End of this chapter)

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