After being dressed as the villain's sister, I just want to farm

Chapter 389 Tracing the Origin Mercenary Group

Chapter 389 Tracing the Origin Mercenary Group

Guan Mingxin and Xuanyuan Yunyan both keenly caught this glance.

Guan Mingxin was fine, but after Xuanyuan Yunyan saw Shi Jiajia's eyes clearly, his body stiffened involuntarily.

Turning his head to look at the other seven people, the expressions of the seven people made Xuanyuan Yunyan understand that the secret he had been trying to hide all this time was discovered by his friends at some point.


For a while, Xuanyuan Yunyan wanted to explain, but his throat seemed to be blocked by a foreign object, and it was unbearably dry, and it was difficult to speak out.

Xuanyuan Yunyan couldn't say against his will that he would fill in the contents other than the required items.

Even though his little majesty had already woven camouflage coats for their identities, Xuanyuan Yunyan never let down his vigilance out of fear of the Heywood family, which also had the Xuanyuan clan's mysterious inheritance.

An inexplicable depressive atmosphere flowed among the ten of them.

After a while, Guan Mingxin was the first to break the silence: "Brother."

The soft and waxy title broke the ice that had just been built in Xuanyuan Yunyan's heart in an instant.

Taking a deep breath, Xuanyuan Yunyan looked at his little highness, feeling encouraged, then looked at the eight little friends, and slammed his chest with his right fist, which was self-evident.

After making a decision, everyone worked hard and filled out their respective mercenary application forms.

However, when filling out the application information for the mercenary group, they pushed back and forth about who would be the head of the mercenary group, anyway, just don't let it fall on themselves!
"[Dashuai Benshuai]: You are really a child, and you can still give in to each other. How come I haven't encountered such a good thing?"

"[The Master of the Ming Family]: This young lady has a clever plan, and the head of the group will fall on the anchor."

"[Meow Miao is the cutest]: Huh? Huh? The one upstairs can't be Sister Hua, right? Grandpa said, you can't easily calculate."

"[Ming Master of the Ming Family]: Please call this young lady Master Ming Master, across the latitude of time and space, karma will not fall on my head, the little guy is safe!"

"[Meow is the cutest]: Is that so?"

"[Wang Yiyi]: Cough, cough, little meow, everything sister Hua says is right {{{Д"}} trembling"

"[Nianhua Yixiao Baishixiao]: Master? Is it the legendary master of the Ming family, Junshang? I actually met the living Junshang! Hello, Junshang!"

"[Master of the Ming family]: Uh-huh, it's not that exaggerated ()*. Let's watch our cute little anchor."

Before he knew it, the number of viewers in the space-time live broadcast room had exceeded double digits. Seeing the speeches of the audience, Guan Ming felt a bad feeling in his heart.

It must not be the result of the clever calculation of the master of the Ming family!

I'm still a baby!
However, things went against their wishes, and the nine-and-a-half-year-old children in the second class of junior high school gave in for a long time, and finally Yan Zhiqi suggested a solution that was not a solution:

"Okay, okay, I think Bao Bao will be the head of the mercenary group. At most, we will have two deputy heads to assist in management. What do you think?"


"Hey, let me tell you earlier, this half-day effort was wasted."

"I agree."

"No comment."


Who would have thought that, except for Guan Mingxin's face of resistance, the others would unanimously approve this proposal.

The minority obeys the majority, no matter how reluctant Guan Mingxin is, he struggles to no avail.

Even the name of the mercenary group became "Baby Mercenary Group"!
However, when submitting the application form, the staff told them:
"The name of the mercenary regiment has been taken. Do you want to change the name, or add the same name number to it?"

Yan Zhiqi frowned slightly, barely visible, and still asked gently:

"May I ask what the number with the same name is now?"

"Wait a minute, let me check... the group name 'Baby' has more than 1000 million suffix numbers."

When the staff member said the number, the corners of her mouth twitched a few times. If it wasn't for her professionalism, she would really want to laugh.

"[Meow is the cutest]: Hahahaha, more than 1000 million! This is how many people like 'baby'!"

"[Wang Yiyi]: The anchor is really aura and cute, and it is only natural that many people like it."

"[Prime Minister Commoner]: The serious nonsense upstairs is also a kind of kung fu, admiration!"

"[Wang Yiyi]: Thank you, thank you!"

It was also difficult for Guan Mingxin to maintain his paralyzed face.

If it weren't for the cover, the blush on the little face, teased by the audience in the space-time live broadcast room, would have been exposed.

"so much?!"

Even Yan Zhiqi, who has always been smiling and gentle, has failed.

Not to mention the other few people, they resolutely don't want the group name "Baby".

It's not that they don't want the mercenary group to be named as the head, it's because the suffix number is too scary!

Just when everyone was struggling with the name of the mercenary regiment, Guan Ming saw the impatience on the staff's face, and Guan Ming had an idea. The staff asked weakly:
"Sister, do you think the group name 'Trace the Source' can be used?"

The staff couldn't see Guan Mingxin, who was covered by the counter, and asked Yan Zhiqi, "Which two words?"

But Yan Zhiqi didn't understand what the word was. Seeing this, Xuanyuan Yunyan quickly hugged his little highness, and Guan Mingxin pointed to the projection light screen:

"Sister, that's the name."

Only then did the staff realize that there was such a small trainee mercenary, and they routinely asked with a smile on the surface:
"OK, just a second……

This group name has not been used yet, are you sure to use this group name? "

In fact, the internal turmoil of the staff is almost uncontrollable. How could such a young child appear at the supply point?

It's so cute!

Nai Meng Nai Meng's voice, really want to hug and hold high!
And her finger had already stopped above the [Confirm] button.

"OK, OK!"

Ten people spoke in unison.

Emma, ​​it's really worrying to apply for a group name for the mercenary group, but the leader of the baby boy is smart, and he came up with a number without the suffix of the same name.

The next procedure is very simple.

When Yan Zhiqi received the personal mercenary information card chip and the initial chip of the mercenary regiment badge from the staff, only one minute passed.

"Thank you."

Yan Zhiqi glanced at the staff's office light screen before leaving, and saw with sharp eyes that the suffix number column of the same name after the name of his mercenary regiment "Trace to the Origin" had changed from "0" to "573", and also In continuous growth...

Seeing this scene, Yan Zhiqi couldn't help feeling secretly, the name of the mercenary regiment is really rare!
He was also more and more grateful that he proposed to let Baby Yu become the team leader.

Otherwise, with the little boy Yu Baobao's temperament of not paying attention to everything, he will definitely not use his brain to participate in the discussion of group name selection.

At that time, there will inevitably be a long string of suffix numbers after the regiment name of your own mercenary regiment...

Just imagining it gives me chills!

(End of this chapter)

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