Chapter 390 Crazy Choices
After returning to the hotel of Yuanwu Trading Company, the freshly baked traceability mercenary group held its first regimental meeting.

First of all, two deputy heads were elected.

Yan Zhiqi, who is in charge of the foreign teacher, took office without a doubt.

The other deputy team leader was also acquired by the little beauty teacher Jiajia without any surprise.

The task of the former is naturally diplomatic management, while the latter is responsible for the property within the regiment.

Next, it is the choice of the first regularization task for the trainee mercenary.

"I think, instead of accepting ten individual missions, we should choose a group mission directly.

In this way, there will be extra points in the evaluation after completing the task. "

Shi Shalan was eager to try.

As a combat lunatic who dominated the academy with violence, Shi Shalan was too lazy to screen personal tasks, and immediately set his sights on group tasks, no matter how difficult they were.

In fact, among the few people who can become good partners with Shi Shalan, who is really willing to only do personal conversion tasks?
In addition, when filling out the mercenary application form before, he hid his personal information. Even if he did something out of the ordinary, it would be difficult for the elders to find out as soon as possible, so that he could reap a meal of fried pork on bamboo boards, right?

Thinking about it this way, their mischievous nature, which had been suppressed all this time, suddenly became ready to move.

After going back and forth, they actually chose a task with the highest level of task that can be accepted with the current authority of the traceability mercenary group-picking Bizhi orchids.

Task requirements: Pick ten intact Bizhi orchids.

Mission rewards: 100 points for the mercenary group, 100 points for individual mercenaries, 100 red spirit crystal coins, and 10 points for meritorious service.For every ten flowers that exceed the number required by the mission, the mission reward will be doubled.

The mercenary guild has strict regulations on the level of mercenaries and mercenary groups and the level of task difficulty. From low to high, the order is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, sect, spirit, king, and emperor. , Emperor, Zun, God, Holy, fifteen levels.

A newly registered mercenary becomes a red-level mercenary after completing regular missions, and can receive tasks of the same level. To advance to the next level, a mercenary must accumulate enough 1000 points. You can only advance to the next level after completing the task of the first level. If the task fails, the points will be cleared.

By analogy, every time you advance to a higher level, your personal mercenary points will increase by 10 times.

The promotion of the mercenary group is the same, but the points required are 10 times more.

And every 10 years, the mercenary group will have a mandatory mission.

Completion pays well.

However, if the mandatory task cannot be completed, the level of the mercenary group will be forcibly reduced by one level.

It is precisely because of such strict and harsh regulations that since the founding of Yuanwu Daomeng in the original Xinghan world, the highest level of mercenaries recorded in the history of the mercenary guild has only reached the imperial rank.

The level of the mercenary group is even worse, only the spiritual level.

In the newly reorganized New Hundred Wars World, this historical record is still maintained.

In today's New Hundred Wars Realm, the highest level of mercenaries is the king level, and the mercenary group is only purple level.

It's not that the quest maniacs among the mercenaries don't want to go further and break the historical record. The key is that the laws of heaven and earth in the new hundred battle world don't allow it.

When the mercenaries reached the emperor level and the mercenary group reached the spirit level, their personal cultivation reached the limit that the new hundred battle world could tolerate.

At that point, they can only try their best to suppress their cultivation base. If they are not careful, they will attract thunder disaster, and they will either pass the disaster and ascend, or their souls will be scattered.

There is no third option.

Over time, everyone's mentality will calm down.

The upgrade of mercenary level and mercenary group level is just as good as fate.

As for the new mercenary honorary title "Hunter" after the New Hundred Wars merged the Hunter Guild into the Mercenary Guild, the method of obtaining it does not depend on the level of the mercenary, but only on the highest level that the mercenary can receive. Task completion rate for level tasks.

After completing ten consecutive missions of the highest level that can be accepted as a mercenary, you will be automatically promoted to "Hunter" and get the corresponding rights and treatment at the same time.

The original hunter guild's division of hunter levels, contribution points, and regulations on dependents have all been cancelled.

Even the functions of the hunter's bracelet and similar technician's bracelets have been completely replaced by the more complete and powerful Yuanxun Magical Artifact.

The difficulty factor of the task of "Picking Bizhi Orchids" chosen by the Tracing Mercenary Group was rated as green.

For the new mercenary regiment created entirely by trainee mercenaries, the first mission of the group to become a full-time member can be accepted in a higher order, and the highest level of difficulty can be accepted.

The difficulty of picking Bizhi orchids is well-known in the entire New Baizhan world.

The task requirement is still "intact", which undoubtedly increases the difficulty of the task.

Although, the adult Jade Scaled Flying Snake that lives with Bizhilan will leave after laying eggs, allowing the eggs to fend for themselves.

The young snake breaks its shell and grows for a period of time. After devouring the Bizhi orchid flower to complete its first transformation and entering the growth period, it will leave the place of birth like its parents.

But before the young snakes have devoured the Bizhi orchid, once they encounter a fatal crisis, a large number of young snakes will neigh together, which will stimulate the blood to call the elders for help.

This kind of help information in the bloodline has a wide range of escape. As long as the Jade Scaled Flying Snake receives the information, it will rush towards the place of birth.

Whether they are growth or maturity.

The Jade Scaled Flying Snake that has entered the growth stage after its first metamorphosis has at least the third rank.

At the worst, a Jade Scaled Flying Snake at the mature stage can become a seventh-order primordial beast, comparable to a primordial martial artist at the transformation stage.

The reason why the difficulty of the task of "picking Bizhi orchids" is not classified as purple is because most of the time when young snakes are recalled, the green-scaled flying snakes are in the growth stage.

But even if it doesn't attract 100% of the seventh-order mature snakes, it's not easy to deal with the venom of the young snakes alone.

What a crazy choice!
Of course, the reason why the tracing mercenary group finally agreed to choose the green-level task of "picking Bizhi orchids" was also on the premise of repeatedly ensuring that there was no fatal crisis.

They have the spirit of not admitting defeat in their bones, but they will not act recklessly.

After determining the target, everyone inserted their personal mercenary information chips into their personal optical brains.

After the Yuanxun magic weapon automatically devours the chip, there will be an extra item on the personal panel-【Mercenary】.

Click to display your mercenary information.

The initial state is public display.

Of course, it can also be set to be hidden and not made public.

At the bottom of the mercenary information page is the hyperlink of the Yuanbudo League Mercenary Guild. Clicking on it will jump to the official website of the Mercenary Guild. Each section is almost the same as the mission hall of the mercenary guild in reality.

In this way, mercenaries can accept missions on the official website, which is very convenient.

As for the initial chip of the mercenary group badge, it was thrown to the head of the mercenary group, Guan Mingxin.

When Guan Mingxin let the magic star swallow the chip, the traceable mercenary group was officially activated.

(End of this chapter)

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