Guan Mingxin immediately recruited everyone into the mercenary group, and quickly set up the positions of deputy heads for Yan Zhiqi and Shi Jiajia, and set the others as elite members, and at the same time opened their highest authority, and then completely let go do not care.

Guan Mingxin's operation made not only the other members of the Traceable Mercenary Group speechless, but also the audience in the time-space live broadcast room.

"[Meow Meow is the cutest]: The anchor means throwing away the shopkeeper?"

"[Lonely Traveler in the Red Dust]: It's obvious, but the anchor is still young and doesn't realize the benefits of power, so it's not bad to be a shopkeeper."

"[Long-legged kneeling]: Only I think that the anchor Xiaocuti is too troublesome and too lazy to take care of it, so I will hand over the rights so readily (/(°∞°)\)?"

"[Ben Shuai]: Hahaha, don't tell me if you see through!"

"[Anchor]: The head of the group is a troublesome and unpleasant job, why should I like (ω) and ignore you!"

"[Tang Tang pretends to be in a pocket]: The anchor, cutie, hurry up and practice, your world is not simple, you can say anything if you are strong."

"[Anchor]: Hmm, thank you for reminding me, I'm going to practice (||●''●)))!"

After using his mind to chat with the audience in the time-space live broadcast room, Guan Mingxin went straight back to his room to meditate and practice.

As for whether the viewers in the space-time live broadcast room would find the unchanging images too boring, that was out of Guan Mingxin's consideration.

However, Guan Mingxin guessed in his heart that the pictures he saw in the space-time live broadcast room were only within ten meters of himself as the center, but without Jiujiu controlling the phantom star, the audience probably could see a wide range, similar to God. Angle of view, you can even adjust the picture you want to see at will, zoom out or zoom in.

After exiting the cultivation state, Guan Mingxin noticed a badge imprint on the left chest of his protective clothing.

The pattern of the imprint is a 5 cm diameter ring surrounded by different shapes of buds. Against a starry void background, there is a lotus holding twelve colors in its hands, with colored translucent wings on its back, its small head raised, ready to Even though the eyes of the little doll fluttering its wings are covered by a black and white two-color lotus petal mask, it is not difficult to see how delicate and outstanding the little doll's face is.

Take a closer look, the little doll's appearance is clearly three points similar to his real appearance after removing the disguise!

Looking at the pattern of the group emblem, Guan Mingxin knew that Xuanyuan Yunyan must have raised a lot of opinions.

After modification, the little doll in the group emblem pattern is obviously a virtual one, so don't worry about being traced by people.

Guan Mingxin was actually not worried that he would be found by someone.

Just put the image of the little doll in this pattern on the Yuanneng Magic Field, and you can search for countless pictures with a similarity of more than [-]%.

But even so, Guan Mingxin still found it difficult to adapt.

Guan Mingxin, who knew in his heart that the nine people would never agree to his request to modify the pattern of the regiment emblem, felt a little depressed, and then forgot about it.

After all, it was the opinion of his cheap elder brother. When it didn't touch his bottom line, Guan Mingxin didn't want to interfere too much, so as not to damage the relationship between them.

When Guan Mingxin washed and changed his clothes, the time-space live broadcast room would automatically be mosaiced, and so would the other people who entered the screen.

Civilization, everyone understands it.

When Guan Mingxin packed up and came to the outside room, he found that everyone was ready and he was alone.

Guan Mingxin couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, and a red cloud suddenly appeared on his baby-fat little face.

Guan Mingxin thought she was covered by the white lotus mask, and she still put on a calm and composed appearance, but forgot that she hadn't put down the protective hat and eye veil, so that her reddened ears could clearly reveal her heart at the moment.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help smiling.

Xuanyuan Yunyan, in order to prevent his little highness from becoming angry, before Guan Mingxin noticed everyone's emotions, he immediately stepped forward to help her put down the veil of the protective cap, and arranged the equipment she was carrying.

After Xuanyuan Yunyan retreated, the others had already restrained their emotions.

After leaving the hotel and enjoying a delicious meal at Yuanwu Restaurant, the traceability mercenary group released the combat speeder and flew towards the supply point.

The combat speeder flies at the prescribed low altitude, and its speed is not fast.

Wherever they passed, Guan Mingxin and the others saw hurrying pedestrians, bustling street stalls, drunkards hooking their shoulders, laughing and cursing, children chasing and playing...

Of course, it is more of a combat speeder that shuttles at low altitude.

The number of them is so large that the source-tracing mercenary group are all stunned.

"It's so lively here."

Even Shao Qian, who is usually the quietest, couldn't help muttering to himself, expressing his emotion at the grand occasion in front of him.

As the first mercenary group to experience the wilderness, the wilderness area has always been a mysterious place they have longed for.

It is said that there are joyful grievances, treasure hunts and adventures, and countless opportunities...

But when they really came to the wilderness area in person and faced all this, what they saw and heard during the rush all the way the day before yesterday poured a lot of cold water on them.

Even thinking about that bone-chilling chill now, I can't help shivering.

But seeing all kinds of cultivators in the supply point today, they have restrained their aura for the most part, but they still sounded a wake-up call to the ten little fellows of the traceability mercenary group.

Even though it wasn't a malicious intent to kill, the evil aura and fighting intent from seeing the blood was still breathtaking.

Therefore, the little guys who originally wanted to go shopping at the street stalls completely gave up this idea, pressed the maximum speed limit of the supply point, and left the supply point.

As soon as he got out of the supply point, Ou Lu, who was in control of the combat speed car, accelerated immediately, increasing the speed of the battle speed car to the extreme. He didn't look at the direction at all, and turned the front of the car at will, leaving the original driving route.

After completely getting rid of the other combat speed vehicles that were following him, Ou Lun slowed down slightly, turned to look at his friends: "Where are we going?"

Yan Zhiqi touched his chin embarrassingly:
"Wait a minute, I'll look at the map, I was too nervous to pay attention just now."

"Haha, I actually forgot to look at the map."

"Me too. There were so many battle speeders traveling together just now, and most of them were carrying various battle marks. Once they saw it, they knew that they should not be provoked, not to mention there were some following us."

"It's just..."

The brief laughter relaxed for a while, and everyone decided not to go to the Bizhilan picking area marked on the map.

Just walk around casually, without specifying a specific destination.

Let nature take its course and avoid other practitioners as much as possible.

As for the Bizhi orchids required by the mission, just look for scattered Bizhi orchid grass.

If it’s too late, we’ll wait until everyone gets used to living in the wilderness before making other plans. (end of this chapter)

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