Therefore, everyone simply got off the battle speed car, minimized the sense of presence, chose a direction at will, and prepared to walk forward.

After walking a few steps, Guan Mingxin saw a silver pistil butterfly grass with sharp eyes, surrounded by lush grass leaves, and the breeze blowing by, it really looked like a butterfly taking off, it was really beautiful.

Guan Mingxin hurried forward, pulled the grass leaves, took out a small medicine hoe from the purple lotus bracelet, carefully dug up the roots, put it in a high-grade storage box, and put it away.

The Purple Lotus Bracelet was originally refined by Wuji in order to better nourish the body of the phantom star when it was performing tasks in the Linhe world. The storage bracelet of the warehouse, and at the same time disguised as a personal storage package after the gamification of the world of Linhejie.

Now, without Guan Mingxin's knowledge, the Purple Lotus Bracelet was conveniently turned into a storage bracelet in the world of Miracle Trial Space that was embodied on the right wrist by Wuji.

Guan Mingxin only felt that this storage bracelet of his was very powerful, with unlimited compartments inside, and there was no upper limit on the number of compartments and the storage of the same item in each storage compartment.

Thinking of this, Guan Mingxin suddenly remembered, it seemed that the phantom star on his left wrist was from the original body, and it had not been nourished by the sea of ​​soul and consciousness.

Guan Mingxin, who had lost his memory, did not know when he summoned the main body of the phantom star.

Guan Mingxin was very annoyed that he didn't remember this.

Otherwise, with the cultivation of the soul and sea of ​​consciousness, Jiujiu probably wouldn't be injured so badly that he lost control of the phantom star, right?

But it's not too late to remember now, as long as the phantom star body is taken back in time and nourished, Guan Mingxin believes that it will definitely help Jiujiu.

Do it when you think of it.

During the fluctuating thoughts, the body of the phantom star was taken into the sea of ​​consciousness by Guan Mingxin.

What was left on the left wrist was just the phantom star clone that Wuji made in Linhejie back then, which served as a link to the phantom star itself and as a cover.

When Guan Mingxin put away the main body of the phantom star, there was no vision or sound at all, even the viewers in the time-space live broadcast room didn't notice it.

The others waited for Guan Mingxin to pack up before setting off again.

But just about ten meters away, Guan Mingxin exclaimed suddenly: "Don't move!"

This sound made everyone tremble in fright, and froze their bodies motionless, thinking they had encountered some kind of crisis.

Unexpectedly, Guan Mingxin bent down and carefully "rescued" a fruit of Scrophularia scrophulariae from the foot of Guo Xinlang who stopped in mid-air, and dug out a scrophulariae scrophulariae.

The obvious three rounds of cloud-like wood grains on the body of the ginseng indicate that this Zhu Yunyan Scrophulariaceae is at least 30 years old.

After doing all this, Guan Mingxin realized that he was too nervous just now, and smiled at everyone embarrassedly, looking like a pitiful little girl who had done something wrong.

The people watching couldn't laugh or cry, so they had to give up and continue walking.

However, before everyone calmed down the beating little heart that had just been startled, Guan Mingxin screamed eagerly before he walked seven steps away:
"Sister Lan, don't move!"

Fortunately, a title was added this time, and those who were not named were relieved.

But Shi Shalan stiffened his body bitterly, maintaining the posture of raising his left foot, and the golden crystal steel alloy sword in his right hand was about to split diagonally downward.

Just ten centimeters away from the blade of the golden crystal steel alloy sword, Guan Mingxin dug out a golden bud Yuli grass again with a small medicine hoe.

This was more than that, Guan Mingxin continued to dig deeper, and after a while, he took out another golden rainbow snow glazed stone the size of her thumb...

The move of the little regiment leader can be said to be just right once.

Twice is sharp-eyed.

Three times can still say luck.

But the posture of picking two unknown pink fruits immediately after that, and seeing that he was about to continue digging the plants, was enough to explain the problem!
The leader of his own team is definitely a top student!
The three-headed baby doll who is less than one meter long has memorized the "Basic Materials of the Pharmacopoeia" by heart, what a genius!

"Basic Materials of Pharmacopoeia" and "Basic Materials of Casting and Refining" are compulsory courses for beginners.

Although the teacher didn't require me to memorize these two very rich books thoroughly, but at least I need to master a few points.

Otherwise, in the wilderness area, they will be like them, encountering precious spiritual materials on the road without knowing it, and missing a lot of money for nothing.

However, from the day when the advanced version of the Yuanxun magic weapon was updated to be able to load the components of "The Encyclopedia of Lingzhen Spiritual Materials", as long as the new Baizhanjie had enough money, they would replace the Yuanxun magic weapon and load the components.

This component contains all the precious spiritual materials found in the New Hundred Battles World, with rich pictures and texts, and detailed information.

After loading the component, you only need to scan it offline with the Yuanxun Dharma Tool, and you can quickly determine whether it is a spiritual material, what type, what level, etc. information.

And this component can also automatically update the newly discovered spiritual materials on the Yuanneng Magic Field, without the need for the owner to look after it.

To this day, before the high-end version of the Yuanxun magic weapon is sold, it has already been loaded with the components of "Compendium of Lingzhen Spiritual Materials".

The little fellows of the traceable mercenary group who are not short of money, which one is not wearing the advanced version of the Yuanxun Magical Artifact?

Now that they already have a fully functional, convenient and fast advanced version of Yuanxun magic weapon, why should they bother to memorize "Basic Materials of Pharmacopoeia" and "Basic Materials of Casting and Refining Science"?
Is it okay to turn on the automatic scanning function?
But they forgot the most important point, no matter how advanced the Yuanxun magic weapon is, after the function of automatically scanning for the existence of spiritual materials within a certain range is activated, it cannot hide the energy fluctuations when the automatic scanning function is running.

No matter how subtle the energy fluctuation is, it still exists, not hidden.

In wilderness areas, such energy fluctuations can easily attract primal beasts and robbers who catch fat sheep.

After several accidents happened to Lengtouqing, others gradually developed the habit of turning off the automatic scanning function in the wilderness area, and only using the manual scanning function of Yuanxun Magical Artifacts when encountering spiritual materials that they could not identify.

Of course, this habit is a default unspoken rule.

I don't know what kind of mentality it is, but there is no record of this in the post about the wilderness area on Yuanneng Magic Domain.

So much so that the nine rookies in the second class of junior high school didn't even know there was such a thing.

Fortunately, they also forgot to turn on the automatic scanning function, which is the key to their safety so far.

However, when they were resting at the supply point, they still learned this from the chats of other people. Fortunately, none of their group had turned on the automatic scanning function, and at the same time, they had already expected that they would most likely encounter treasures on the road without I know it.

No, after walking less than 50 meters, the head of my own group has gained one after another, but I just can't see or recognize it! (end of this chapter)

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