Chapter 393 Scholar Baby [Part [-]]

This made the nine-and-a-half-year-old children in Class [-] and [-] feel envious and regretful at the same time.

When I was in class, why couldn't I be more serious?

Even if you only memorize a little bit of content in the textbook, you won't be blind now, right?
Not to mention the complicated emotions of the nine people at the scene, even the audience in the space-time live broadcast room were amazed at what Guan Mingxin had gained.

"[Long-legged kneeling]: The anchor is cute, such a dense jungle is full of weeds, how did you find those precious spiritual materials?"

“[Tutu Zhenxiang]: This is the advantage of the three-headed doll.

Compared with other people, the anchor is holding a natural magnifying glass. "

"[I'm serious about the calamity]: The anchor's knowledge reserve is really solid. When I was the same age as the anchor, I didn't know what cultivation is."

"[Tang Tang Packed in a Pocket]: Don't rely too much on equipment, only focus on your own knowledge reserve, the host Xiaocuti is doing a good job."

"[System 9999]: Tangtang packs a bag and rewards 1 Shenyuan crystals!"

"[Xinyue Junxi Junyue Water]: Wow(''), Shenyuanjing! Surprised to see a local tyrant god, please Baoyang() to pass it off!"

"[System 9999]: Yaozun rewards 10 Divine Source Crystals!"

"[Yao Zun]: The anchor is good."


With the rewards from the two local tyrants, the other viewers in the space-time live broadcast also more or less rewarded Guan Mingxin.

In the high-latitude time and space where they are, there are many universes, and there are countless worlds, large and small.

Since the time-space live broadcast function loaded by the system appeared, there have been many anchors, and the youngest among those anchors is almost an adult.

There has never been a cub like Guan Mingxin who has become an anchor.

After all, when the system loaded with the time-space live broadcast function chooses to bind the host, most of them are dead soul bodies, and they have deep obsessions, strong soul bodies, and mature thinking.

Even after they entered the mission world, some of them possessed cubs, but after all, the soul body has mature thinking ability, and no matter how much they pretended to do, they could still see a sense of disobedience.

As for Guan Mingxin, although she had an amazing experience, her memory started from this life, and she was a genuine little cub.

No matter how many secrets she has, she won't feel disobedient like a real child.

Therefore, whether they wandered into this live broadcast room accidentally, or the viewers who came in curiously after seeing the name of the small and fresh style of the live broadcast room like "Little Planter's Pastoral Life", they all had more or less positive feelings for Guan Mingxin. A tolerant attitude.

Even if in reality they are a heinous devil, or a cold and detached god.

However, Guan Mingxin, who was already immersed in the fun of treasure hunting, did not pay attention to the situation in the space-time live broadcast room.

Anyway, since I turned off all the notification sounds that can be turned off within my authority, any information in the space-time live broadcast room will appear in text form at the bottom of the side viewer column, and it will be translated into the official language of New Baizhanjie and saved in real time.

If Guan Mingxin wanted to know what happened in the live broadcast room, he could just climb upstairs and look through it when he was free.

At this time, Guan Mingxin didn't know that there was a special notification sound that she couldn't block no matter how high her authority was.

Looking at Guan Mingxin, who was digging the plants vigorously, and Xuanyuan Yunyan, who stepped forward to help, the other eight members of the traceability mercenary group always felt that their little group leader's luck was a little bit good?

You know, since Bizhi Valley opened up wasteland, how many practitioners have come here to hunt for treasures, it is really countless!
Even though the area behind the supply point is not as "clean" as the 58 kilometers between the entrance and the supply point, except for Bizhilancao, other spiritual materials have already been found.

The precious and large ones have been poached long ago, the ones with a whole nest of roots!
It is really a "lucky one" who can miss it.

But right now, what's going on with his little regiment leader?
After getting off the battle speed car, and within less than 1000 meters, the head of his own group has already harvested seven types of spiritual materials, large and small!

The number of monomers adds up to nearly a hundred!

This is not something that can be achieved by just relying on the attribute of the top student.

When Guan Mingxin and Xuanyuan Yunyan were not aware of it, the other eight members of the Traceable Mercenary Group exchanged a vague look, as if they had made some kind of decision...

This scene was naturally seen by the audience in the time-space live broadcast room.

Out of the mentality of watching a good show, none of them spoke, quietly waiting for the follow-up development.

Guan Mingxin didn't know that his extremely high fortune attribute in the Miracle Trial Space had also been brought into reality.

Fuyuan, in holographic games, especially role-playing games, is an indispensable character attribute.

Some games choose to hide the blessing attribute, while some games directly display the specific value on the trial character panel.

Regardless of whether it is hidden or not, the attribute of fortune is an existence that all trialists love and hate.

Trialists with high fortune attributes, the probability of accepting hidden tasks, the number of treasures dropped when killing monsters and touching corpses, the level of dropped items, the survival rate of wilderness battles, etc., are all higher than ordinary trials By.

Commonly known as "European Emperor", "Little Red Hand", "Fu Xing Da Da" and so on.

Correspondingly, the trialists with low fortune attribute values ​​will be forced to suffer.

Hidden missions are too much for him to avoid.

When killing monsters and touching corpses, there are few treasures dropped, and the ranks are very low, and there are even times when they return empty-handed!
When opening up wasteland and fighting in the field, they are often in danger.

If you are a great god-level trainee with high combat effectiveness, you may be able to get a little bit of benefit from "No Ji Tailai" when you are in danger.

But more of them are the ones who don't want to die, the kind who will lose all their wealth.

In most cases, he didn't even know how he died!

Such testers are jokingly called "non-chieftains", "stinky black hands", "ancestors of moldy gods" and so on.

As a large-scale role-playing holographic virtual online game, the predecessor of Miracle Trial Space, in Yuan Xinghan World's "Miracle" game, the attribute of fortune naturally exists.

Moreover, in the reorganized New Hundred Wars World and the changed Miracle Trial Space, most of the settings of the original "Miracle" game have been retained.

Among them is the setting of the attribute of fortune.

In the original "Miracle" game, the attributes of fortune were purely randomly matched.

But after changing to the Miracle Trial Space, when the trialists create trial characters for the first time, they will add their own luck in reality on the basis of the randomly matched blessing attributes.

This point was deliberately done by the pagoda spirit of the Great Desolate Nine Spirits Holy Pagoda, which is also responsible for the way of heaven.

Just to help the target he was targeting - Guan Mingxin, grow up faster and better as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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