Chapter 397 Fifth Yahao [1] (Debt Repayment [-])

As soon as this post by Fifth Yahao was published on [Zhiwo], it was reposted by countless domain residents.

In less than an hour, this post has already flown out of the phantom area of ​​Mortal Yuan Domain!

Half a day later, even the residents of remote areas on the edge of the Mortal Realm saw this post.

The fifth, Yahao, became the youngest world-class star in the Mortal Realm of the New Hundred Wars World!

It's still the kind of superstar that is universally recognized and no one can refute!

From the lines in this post, it is not difficult to see that the Miracle Trial Space should allow real bodies to enter and integrate with trial characters.

Although this conclusion is too bizarre and too bold, it is an indisputable fact after analysis by countless people!

Ever since, under certain conditions, the Miracle Trial Space can allow the trialer to enter and integrate the trial character with his real body, which has become the headline of the Primordial Energy Illusory Realm!
If you click on any website, you can see similar information.

Even the rookies in the tracing mercenary regiment, who had a great time gathering medicine and digging treasures in the Bizhi Valley, got the news from the messages of their classmates.

At that time, Guan Mingxin, who was so tall that he was a little perverted, had luckily discovered a hidden area where Bizhilan grass grows.

Looking at the traces around, it seems that it has never been discovered.

This discovery surprised everyone in the traceability mercenary group, and said that the mission is hopeful!
In order to ensure safety, they did not act recklessly, but released the combat speeder. Everyone got on the car to adjust their status and make detailed plans at the same time.

In the midst of a heated discussion about how to pick Bizhi orchids, except for Guan Mingxin and Xuanyuan Yunyan, the other eight people noticed the reminder that the Yuanxun magic weapon had received new news almost at the same time.

The eight people didn't want to talk to each other at first, but one after another new news kept pouring in, making them very annoying.

What time is this now?
There is such a large area of ​​dense and clumps of Bizhilan grass, and all the places within sight are full of blooming Bizhilan flowers. Just thinking about it makes them very excited.

Where is the time to check the information on the Yuanxun Dharma Vessel?
They couldn't help feeling dissatisfied with the person who sent the message.

But when the special reminder from their own parents appeared, the eight of them had no choice but to click on the Yuanxun Magical Artifact to see what happened to them.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, the eight people couldn't help but exclaimed in unison!

Fortunately, they have already boarded the battle speed car, and the good performance of the car perfectly cut off their voices.

Otherwise, if this voice goes down, it will definitely alarm the young snakes of the Jade Scaled Flying Snake not far away.

After regaining their senses, the eight people looked at each other and smiled awkwardly. Guan Mingxin and Xuanyuan Yunyan looked at each other more and more confused, with bewildered expressions on their faces.

It was Yan Zhiqi who solved the mystery for the two of them and avoided further embarrassment.

Upon hearing such news, Guan Mingxin, who had already merged with the trial character, pretended to be pleasantly surprised.

As for Xuanyuan Yunyan, he was really pleasantly surprised and extremely excited.

After laughing together for a while, everyone unanimously decided to integrate the trial characters first, improve their combat effectiveness, and then pick Bizhi orchids.

Fortunately, all of their Yuanxun instruments are customized versions, and most places can be successfully linked to the Yuanneng Magic Domain, and Bizhi Valley is no exception.

The ten people were arranged in order of age from youngest to oldest. Guan Mingxin was the first to enter the Miracle Trial Space, and the other nine were Dharma protectors.

When Guan Mingxin's young body really disappeared out of thin air, the nine people realized that the news on Yuanneng Illusory Realm was true!

The Miracle Trial Space really allows the trialer to log in in person!
Soon, Guan Mingxin withdrew and changed her teacher, Jiajia, to log in to the Miracle Trial Space...

An hour later, storage bracelets of different shapes and colors appeared on the right wrists of ten people.

It is the result of the storage bracelet of the trial character in the Miracle Trial Space being realized according to the owner's will.

Among them, Guan Mingxin's purple lotus bracelet is the most delicate.

But the others didn't take it seriously, they just thought it was because the little guy had a rich imagination.

After Guan Mingxin logged into the Miracle Trial Space, a screen was displayed in the time-space live broadcast room, which showed Guan Mingxin's situation in the Miracle Trial Space.

"[Tutu Zhenxiang]: Huh? This miracle trial space is a bit unusual. The world where the anchor cutie lives is still very beautiful."

"[Lonely Traveler in the Red Dust]: It is indeed not simple, but it is an exaggeration to say that the anchor's cute world is beautiful. You definitely don't want to stay in that world."

"[Yufeng Flying Fish Cub]: Don't tell me if the upstairs sees through, save face for Tutu."

"[Master of the Ming family]: This miraculous trial space, with the power of the laws of time and space, is my lady's ingenious calculation, and the anchor cutie will be blessed and misfortune in the future."

"[Meow is the cutest]: Sister Hua, don't scare me!
I like the little cute host very much, and I don't want her to be in danger, can Sister Hua help her ()? "

"[Master of the Ming family]: Meow, you have exceeded the rules."

"[Yao Zun]: Whether it's a blessing or a curse depends on how the host sees it."

“[Boundless Dark Night]: When did the space-time storm hit the small world?
How come I don't know? "

"[Tangtang in a bag]: You're messing around upstairs."


When Guan Mingxin, who had nothing to do, saw the speeches of the audience in the space-time live broadcast room, he had doubts about the miracle trial space for the first time.

Logically speaking, with the current technical level of the original Xinghan World, it is impossible to create a special holographic virtual online game like the original "Miracle" game.

Although many people attributed this credit to Lord Lingshen, Lord Lingshen also acquiesced.

But in fact, does the spirit god really have such a heaven-defying ability?

the answer is negative.

It's just that the impending crisis of Yuan Xinghan World at that time made everyone subconsciously ignore this point.

This will be another disaster comparable to the destruction of the world.

At that time, life will not be guaranteed, and who will care whether the spirit god has the ability to make the "Miracle" game have special functions to help everyone improve their strength.

Regardless of where the "Miracle" game came from, what if it was just pretending to be an opportunity given to Yuan Xinghan World by Lord Lingshen?

Finding ways to grab the opportunity into their own hands is what they should consider.

After the reorganization of the New Hundred Wars World, after the pagoda spirit of the Great Desolate Nine Spirits Holy Pagoda, who is also responsible for the Heavenly Dao, changed the memory of almost all living beings, no one would even think about why a miraculous trial space could be created.

In their consciousness, the Miracle Trial Space is an opportunity unique to the New Hundred Battles World.

Apart from that, there is no other cognition.

After everyone in the Tracing Source Mercenary Group completed the fusion of their real bodies and characters in the Miracle Trial Space Trial, Guan Mingxin pretended to be very happy, but also secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Finally, the purple lotus bracelet can be exposed openly!

 Previously, due to physical reasons, I was suspended for 54 days. There are 108 chapters in total. I said last month that I will pay off the debt this month. As a result, I started coding with confidence today, but I don’t know why. Intermittently, until now the three chapters that are going to be repaid today are sent.

  Judging from this situation, if Hanhan keeps making trouble in the future, Takijue probably won't be able to take it anymore. His body has not fully recovered, and staying up late will have a great impact on his body.

  Let's repay the debt as much as possible. Thank you for your support. Your recommendation tickets, collections, monthly tickets and subscriptions are the biggest motivation for Long Jue to move forward!
(End of this chapter)

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