Chapter 398 The Discovery of Oulu

Everyone tried each other, and found that the storage bracelet in the miracle trial space was indestructible after it materialized.

Whether it is a physical attack, a magical attack or a mental attack, when it falls on the materialized storage bracelet, it will disappear out of thin air.

At the beginning, everyone tried cautiously, but in the end, it was also useless to use the greatest attack.

It's exhausting them.

Anyway, with their current abilities, there is really nothing they can do with the storage bracelet.

"This is indeed a miracle bracelet produced by the Miracle Trial Space!"

Shi Jiajia's emotion has been recognized by everyone who is like-minded.

In this way, the title of Miracle Bracelet appeared naturally.

It's good that the Miracle Bracelet is indestructible.

In this way, everyone can store their valuables in the miracle bracelet, safe and secure.

After a while, most of the cultivators won't even need the space backpack for camouflage after they get the miracle bracelet of realization!

At that time, it must be safer in the wilderness area.

In addition to not finding a way to damage it for the time being, the Miracle Bracelet also retains the characteristics of the Miracle Trial Space.

The interior storage space is compartmentalized.

The upper limit of the same item stored in each small grid is 999, and different things cannot be directly stuffed into a small grid.

However, if different items are packaged in boxes of uniform specifications, they will be regarded as one item by default by the Miracle Bracelet.

Even storage boxes with folding space, space backpacks, storage bags, storage rings and other storage utensils can be stored in the storage grid by the Miracle Bracelet in the state of unrecognized owner.

Of course, if it is a storage device recognized by the owner of the miracle bracelet, it can also be included in the miracle bracelet.

In this way, there are many things that everyone can carry with them, but it is a bit troublesome to access them.

Every time you want to access something, you must take out the storage device from the miracle bracelet, then you can store and withdraw items in the storage device normally, and then put it into the miracle bracelet...

Therefore, things that are commonly used in emergencies should not be put away like that.

As for the number of small storage compartments in the miracle bracelet, it varies from person to person.

If the treasures of the expansion package are obtained in the Miracle Trial Space, the storage grids of the Miracle Bracelet will naturally increase after use.

If not, it is the initial default of 20 grids.

Seeing his little friends trying their best to organize their belongings, Guan Mingxin didn't say anything about the strangeness of his purple lotus bracelet.

Things are rare and expensive, don't worry about scarcity but unevenness.

Guan Mingxin knew that although his purple lotus bracelet also had small storage compartments, the upper limit of each small compartment has not been tested yet, anyway, it is far beyond the number of 999.

And even if it is a storage device that is stored in a small grid, it only needs to mobilize the mental power to access the items at will, and there is no need to take out the storage device at all.

As for the number of small storage compartments, Guan Mingxin didn't count them himself. When checking the mental power, it was divided into many pages and displayed.

Each page has 20 small grids, and each page can be marked differently.

After everyone's busy work, the space backpack on the back is gone, and the waist is also refreshed. How relaxed is the whole thing?
What happened to everyone's sudden inexplicable increase in confidence?

Putting away the battle speed car again, Ou Lu took the lead and set off first.

His figure is mysterious and unpredictable, and he is silent.

If it weren't for the naked eye who could clearly see him moving fast, and only rely on mental power to perceive, Ou Lun's existence would hardly be noticed!
This move is clearly the signature skill of the shadow profession in the Miracle Trial Space - Stealth!

Although it can't achieve the perfect hidden figure in the miracle trial space after being used in reality, it can weaken the sense of existence in the perception of spiritual power, which is also very powerful.

As the shadow of an assassin in the Miracle Trial Space, his pathfinding ability is really good.

Without much effort, Ou Lu appeared in front of everyone again, without disturbing any young snakes, and came and went freely:
"The large area of ​​Bizhilan grass discovered by the little group leader is in a very hidden mountain depression in front.

Except for the cave entrance, that mountain depression is surrounded by the bloodthirsty demon vines that we encountered when we entered the Bizhi Valley, and it was impossible to pass through. "

"Is there an entrance underground?"

Yan Zhiqi keenly grasped the point, and hurriedly asked.

The corner of Ou Lu's mouth raised slightly, his joy was undisguised, which was very different from his usual indifference:

"There is a lake in that mountain depression that accounts for one-third of the area, and there are quite a lot of fish in the lake. It is obvious that this is a living lake.

I put an exploration puppet in the lake. According to the information fed back by the exploration puppet, there is a water channel with a diameter of about 75 cm at the bottom of the lake, which leads directly to the small river one kilometer away.

What surprised me even more is that the concentration of vitality contained in the lake water is far higher than that in the air. The concentration of vitality in the surface lake water alone is 5% higher than that in the air, and the concentration of vitality in the lake bottom is as high as 37%! "

This is really good news!

"The concentration of vitality in the lake water is high, so there must be treasures.

But the fish in the water are probably high-grade beasts, right?
What if the level of the fish is too high and we can't beat it? "

Shao Qian frowned, reminding everyone not to be happy too early, it would be bad if the car overturned, and even his life would be in danger.

"Don't worry, the exploration puppet has scanned, and the fish in the lake are not above the second level, and they are all small fish, and the largest is only about 5 centimeters."

Ou Lu quickly introduced his discovery, the curvature of the corner of his mouth became more and more obvious, and even his eyes were filled with a layer of smile.

Hearing this, Shi Shalan couldn't help but make a joke:

"Uh, wouldn't it be the same as the Jade Scaled Flying Snake, it's a fry hatched from fish eggs laid by big fish?"

Unexpectedly, Ou Lu's eyes shot out sharply, confirming Shi Shalan's joke:

"The facts should be the same as what Lan Lan guessed.

It is very likely that there is some kind of treasure in Bizhi Valley that is very beneficial to the growth of cubs. It emits a certain breath or energy fluctuations, or the treasure itself affects the environment of Bizhi Valley and gradually evolves into the cub’s natural condition. Breeding place.

However, this treasure should be very repulsive to entry-level beasts that have entered the growth stage.

Come to think of it, isn't it that there are almost no high-grade beasts above the growth stage in Bizhi Valley?

Coupled with the existence of Bizhi Lancao, Bizhi Valley has become a paradise for the Jade Scale Flying Snake. Before the other primordial beasts discovered the specialness of this place, the Jade Scale Flying Snake and that kind of fish and beast took it as their own.

Therefore, apart from the small and low-strength primordial beasts and mortal beasts that can serve as food for young snakes, there are no other powerful terrestrial primordial beasts here.

Even if one or two appeared occasionally, they were probably wiped out by the mature snakes guarding Bizhi Valley.

The same is true in water.

Over time, Bizhi Valley has become what it is today, and the specialness of this place has been preserved.

And that small mountain depression should be the last place where the treasure might exist. "

(End of this chapter)

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