Chapter 399 Small Mountain Col (Debt Repayment 3)

While explaining in detail, Ou Lu's gaze towards Guan Mingxin was full of deep meaning, although it was fleeting, Yan Zhiqi still noticed it.

Is Fu Yuan, the head of the small regiment, showing off his power again?

Yan Zhiqi also felt a little strange, pondered for a while, seeing that the others were silent, he had no choice but to speak and make a final decision:
"In this case, let's pick Bizhi orchids first, complete the task of becoming a regular, and then consider whether this treasure can be obtained, and do what we can.

It would be a pity if the natural environment of Bizhi Valley was destroyed. "

Not his heart attack.

If Ou Lu's guess is true, if this treasure is touched, it is very likely to attract the crazy pursuit of the green-scaled flying snake and the fish and beasts in the lake.

No matter how good the baby is, it depends on whether you can get your life.

Yan Zhiqi never believed that such an important treasure would not be constantly watched by the Jade Scaled Flying Snake and that kind of fish and beast.

Any race attaches great importance to reproduction.

For the Jade Scaled Flying Snake and that kind of fish and beast, this treasure is like a lifeblood!
If they have touched their lifelines, it would be strange if they didn't snatch back the treasures and hunt down and kill the evildoers!
It was said that no one objected to Yan Zhiqi's decision.

They also had Yan Zhiqi's worries.

Having made a decision, everyone followed Oulu to the small river, stood above the entrance of the waterway, opened the full form of the protective cap, and Oulu was still at the head, and everyone entered the waterway one by one.

The entrance to the waterway was mostly blocked by a big rock, leaving only a group of half-grown children who hadn't grown up able to squeeze into the gap left.

The waterway is very narrow, so that the range of swimming cannot be expanded, and the speed naturally cannot be increased.

In particular, there are two narrow areas in the middle where you can't swim at all, and can only crawl and move bit by bit...

It took three hours to pass through the waterway of just over one kilometer.

If it weren't for the high-level protective clothing that is impermeable to water and fire, and the matching protective helmet can automatically absorb oxygen and vitality from the water when it is in full form, it would be really difficult for them to persist.

But even though they got out of the waterway, they were still cautious, fearing that if their movements were a little too big, they would startle the young snake, and it would be dangerous to summon the big snake.

Silently lurking half a meter away from the lake, everyone took out auxiliary tools to maintain their figure while observing the luxuriant Bizhilan grass by the lake.

At a glance, there are layers upon layers of orchids in full bloom, unopened buds and half-opened buds are everywhere.

But the small emerald green snakes that roamed freely were also densely packed, countless, which made their scalps tense.

"[Meow Meow is the cutest]: Oh my god! It's so scary, goosebumps start to appear all over my body!"

"[Prime Minister Commoner]: I don't have a dense phobia, and I feel like I'm about to commit a crime. This is too embarrassing for the anchor. Give the anchor a little encouragement, the anchor, please be careful."

"[System 9999]: Prime Minister Commoner rewards you with 1000 Weiyuan liquid!"

"[System 9999]: Tangtang packs a bag and rewards 1 Shenyuan crystals!"

"[System 9999]: The Master of the Ming Family rewards 10 Immortal Origin Crystals!"

"[System 9999]: Yaozun rewards 100 Divine Source Crystals!"


The viewers in the time-space live broadcast room also felt that the scene was very uncomfortable, and they all gave rewards to cheer for Guan Mingxin.

From their point of view, it was too difficult for a three-headed baby like Guan Mingxin to face such a scene.

"[Anchor]: Thank you for your rewards, I will be careful (з(c)."

In order to observe more accurately, Guan Mingxin thought of the time-space live broadcast room, and wanted to check it through the screen of the live broadcast room, but he did not expect that the audience would give so many rewards.

While Guan Ming was grateful, he also became more serious.

You can't live up to the hearts of the audience, can you?
With the aid of the time-space live broadcast, Guan Mingxin could indeed see more clearly and accurately.

But no matter how you look at it, it's hard to get started!
After a long while, Shi Jiajia clicked on the Yuanxun magic weapon, turned on the shared light screen, and typed with mental power:
"There are too many young snakes, we must not go out of the water and the young snakes perceive a strange breath.

Xiao Lang built an invisible frisbee for me in the Miracle Trial Space. The frisbee has eight telescopic flying claws, which can be manipulated with mental power by inserting a power stone, and the energy fluctuation is very small.

But the disadvantage is that it consumes a lot of mental power and energy stones.

Let's try picking with flying claws, we switch controls.

Even if the waste is huge, at least it is safe. "

It was inconvenient for them to communicate in the water without mental power sound transmission, so they decided to try it first without too much hesitation.

After discussing it, this location is inconvenient to take out things, so Shi Jiajia dived to the bottom of the lake first, opened the energy shield on her body, separated the water into a blank area, and then used her mental power to take out a miracle bracelet. A palm-sized silver disc.

The disc is engraved with mysterious runes, exuding a mysterious atmosphere, and there is a regular hexagonal energy groove with a side length of one centimeter in the center.

After a little thought, Shi Jiajia first took a top-grade mortal energy stone.

But when she looked up at her companions who were eagerly looking at her, she still put it away and replaced it with the three top-grade mortal energy stones that she had kept as treasures at the bottom of the box. Gritting her teeth, she pressed them all into the circle In the energy groove of the disc.

The grooves grow automatically, covering all three energy stones.

After careful perception, and after confirming that the energy fluctuations of the Yuan Energy Stone could not be detected, Shi Jiajia put away the Yuan Energy Shield and floated back to her companions.

After re-fixing her body, Shi Jiajia looked at the others, and began to release her mental power to drive the disc to become larger, and at the same time it slowly rose.

When the disc was about to surface, the disc became gradually transparent, and everyone knew that it was about to hide.

Seeing that Yuanpan was about to jump out of the water, Ou Lu, with quick eyes and quick hands, quickly threw something on Yuanpan.

In the blink of an eye, Yuanpan hid with that thing.

Although Ou Lun's movements were fast, everyone with keen senses could still see clearly that it was a small storage puppet.

Everyone couldn't help sighing with emotion, Ou Lu's brain is quick and flexible.

No, with the existence of the small storage puppets, they don't need to worry about the Bizhi orchids picked by the flying claws not being able to fit on the disc before the energy in the three top-grade mortal energy stones is exhausted. manage.

Maybe you want to say, isn't the disk can be controlled by mental power to change its size at will?

There is no place to put it, wouldn't it be good to expand the disc a bit?
However, the mental power needed to control the disk cannot be ignored.

It's not that the disc can't be controlled to become bigger.

But correspondingly, the consumption of mental power and energy stone will increase, and the difficulty of controlling it with mental power will inevitably increase.

 I forgot to add the debt repayment mark in the last chapter. This is Chapter 3 of today’s debt repayment. Good night, my dears
(End of this chapter)

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