In this way, with the same energy base consumed, the harvest will naturally be less, isn't the gain outweigh the loss?

Because of this, when Shi Jiajia saw Ou Lun's small movements clearly, instead of letting the disk continue to expand, it shrunk instead, until it was only about [-] centimeters in diameter.

This level is comparable to the size of the storage compartment released by the small storage puppet.

In order not to disturb the young snakes of the Biling Flying Snake, everyone dared not use their mental strength to check easily, and only relied on a pair of naked eyes to stare at the strangeness of the Bizhi orchid flower sea by the lake.

Soon, eight Bizhi orchids disappeared out of thin air.

The young snakes around him raised their heads and made hissing sounds, as if they were communicating with each other and asking what happened.

After a while, nothing unusual was found, and the young snakes lowered their heads again and continued to play.

Well done!

The first battle was successful and profitable!

The boulder in everyone's heart can finally be let go.

Shi Jiajia took a few deep breaths, adjusted her mentality, stopped paying attention to the young snake, and concentrated on controlling the flying claws to pick Bizhi orchids.

Of course, the clever little Miss Shijiajia adopted guerrilla tactics.

Change a place with one shot.

Within the range of her mental power control, Shi Jiajia's attacks are irregular every time.

The young snakes paid attention at first, but after finding out that they couldn't figure out the situation and couldn't detect other non-similar auras, they simply ignored it...

Half an hour later, Shi Jiajia's body began to tremble slightly.

This is a sign that her mental power consumption is approaching the limit.

Shi Shalan, who was beside her, quickly embraced Shi Jiajia's body, and extended her spiritual power next to Shi Jiajia's spiritual power, successfully taking over the control of the hidden disk.

Fortunately, when they were rushing on the battle speeder a while ago, they felt bored, so they came up with a whim and specially trained on how to smoothly take over control without withdrawing the mental power of the previous person.

After several experiments, I found that the most time-saving and labor-saving way is to keep the mental power close to each other.

But the premise of doing so requires both parties to trust each other very much.

Of course, there are other ways besides this.

It depends on how the person who takes over the control chooses.

Ten people came down one by one, and only lasted for one hour, four and 10 minutes.

The consumption of mental power is really too great.

Even Guan Mingxin, whose mental strength is far superior to that of practitioners of the same level, can't bear it.

Coupled with the fact that Guan Mingxin has to maintain the "weak, pitiful and helpless" little milk baby character, Guan Mingxin, who appeared in the end, could only pretend to hold on for 5 minutes before flying back with the hidden disc.

Shi Jiajia and Ou Lu quickly started to check. At the end of this round, the energy consumption of the concealment disc is one-tenth of that of a top-grade mortal energy stone.

The harvest at this price is that in the storage compartment for the small puppets, there are 247 Bizhi orchids that are intact, 609 that are slightly damaged, and 395 that are seriously damaged.

Shi Jiajia consciously began to perform the duties of the chief financial officer at the first time, and their income and expenditure for this round were quickly displayed on the shared light screen:

"The market price of a intact Bizhi orchid is 50 mortal spirit crystal coins, a slightly damaged one is 000 mortal spirit crystal coins, and a severely damaged one is only 10.

The average market price of a top-grade mortal energy stone is 500 mortal spirit crystal coins. In the first round of picking, excluding our labor, we made a net profit of 000 mortal spirit crystal coins! "

The accounts were clear, and everyone was immediately happy.

Motivation comes from earning money!

Everyone began to take turns to protect the law to restore mental strength.

They don't plan to use pills and potions that replenish mental power, such as Yangshen Pill.

Anyway, the task of becoming a regular has been overfulfilled, and time is running out, so they naturally want to try the extreme cultivation method.

The so-called extreme practice method is to consume all the energy or mental power in the body, and practice meditation directly when you are tired. It can expand and strengthen the meridians and dantian, strengthen the sea of ​​soul consciousness, and also speed up the speed of practice.

According to the size of the young snakes here and the small fish cubs in the lake, it can be seen that at least within half a year, no mature snakes or fish or beasts will come back to reproduce and lay eggs.

So as long as they are careful not to get out of the water and disturb the young snakes, they can stay here relatively safely until the end of the experience time.

Of course, it is impossible to live underwater for a long time.

They decided to cross the waterway and dive into the small lake in the col to pick Bizhi orchids every day at dawn, and when the sky darkened in the evening, they returned to the small river and went ashore to rest.

Next, they calculated the number of energy stones they each carried, set aside enough combat speed vehicles to return to, and ensured the amount they would need to keep fighting for a month, and then handed over the remaining energy stones to them. Give it to Shi Jiajia for safekeeping.

These energy stones will all be used for the consumption of the hidden disc...

After one and a half months, the tracing mercenary group harvested a total of 29 intact Bizhi orchids, 739 were slightly damaged, and 30 were severely damaged!
Excluding the 1000 undamaged Bizhi orchids that were consumed and ready to hand in the task, each member of the Tracing Source Mercenary Group netted an average net profit of at least 1.5 million mortal spirit crystal coins!

It can be described as a bumper harvest!

After being happy, everyone rested in place for a few days and adjusted their physical condition to the best before putting the treasure hunting plan on the agenda.

Just as the others were eager to explore the ground, especially the situation at the bottom of the lake, Guan Mingxin, who had been watching coldly, said suddenly:
"For some reason, when I learned that the destination of our wilderness experience was set in the Bizhi Valley, I felt an inexplicable sense of uneasiness, vaguely absent.

But when we got here, I couldn't feel it anymore.

So I never mentioned it.

But just a while ago, this sense of anxiety reappeared.

And it's getting stronger and stronger.

Just now, my intuition clearly told me that if we don't leave Bizhi Valley quickly, we will be trapped here, and we will not be able to return to the safe zone in a short time.

It is impossible to return to school at the time stipulated by the college. "

Recently, Guan Mingxin has been very silent, and the number of times he can speak in a day is extremely limited.

Originally, everyone thought that Guan Mingxin was a child with the nature of a child, and that he was in a bad mood when he was tired of such a single and repetitive day.

Anyway, since the head of their own team didn't lose their temper, they didn't take it seriously and let her go.

How could he have thought that the reason for the recent strangeness of his own small regiment leader is actually like this.

Hearing this, Yan Zhiqi and the others, who had already worshiped the super-high fortune of their small regiment leader, immediately suppressed the eagerness on their faces, and looked squarely at Guan Mingxin's intuition.

Without much hesitation, everyone decided to give up the treasure hunt and return immediately with the attitude of preferring to believe what is there rather than not to believe what is not. (end of this chapter)

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