Still the same sentence, although treasures are good, you have to have your life to get them.

Since the head of his own team has already spoken to warn, something must happen.

Regardless of whether the next thing is a blessing or a curse, it is not something rookies like them can participate in.

"[Master of the Ming family]: Miss Ben has a great plan, the anchor and the others can't get out."

"[Tutu Zhenxiang]: Oh, Mr. Xuan, don't scare me! The anchor is cute and a baby, so it's not good to be scared."

"[Meow is the cutest]: Sister Hua must be right.

But Sister Hua, is there really nothing wrong with you using the secrets to calculate so easily? "

"[Yao Zun]: So far, the cause and effect of the anchor's small world has not been implicated in the master, but it will not be known in the future..."

"[Tangtang packs a pocket]: It seems that your honor agrees with me, so I'm looking forward to it."

"[Borderless Night]: Haha, we look forward to the same thing!"

"[Prime Minister Commoner]: Do you guys mean the one I guessed? ∑(OОO) Really...really!?..."

"[Emperor Hanyuan]: Hush, the secret must not be leaked. I hope the anchor will grow up smoothly."

"[System 9999]: Emperor Hanyuan rewarded 100 Divine Source Crystals!"

"[Long Man Red Dust Lone Traveler]: Wow, another boss appeared in the live broadcast room!

What kind of cutie is the anchor to attract the attention of so many bosses, I envy and hate ε=(ο`*)))"

"[Midnight bells come and come]: Envy and hate (っ╭╮)っ"

“[Long-legged kneeling]: So many newcomers are here, welcome! (((Scattering Дflowers)))”

"[Anchor]: Thank you for your reward, big brother, I will work hard and will not disappoint your expectations (っω)っI love learning and make progress every day!"

"[Anchor]: Welcome newcomer ()*."


After such a long time, Guan Mingxin already had a preliminary understanding of some familiar faces in the space-time live broadcast room.

For example, the "Ming Master of the Ming family" should be a practitioner of divination and calculation or secret arts, and his status is not low.

"Yao Zun" seems to have a very high level of cultivation, and he is a divine source crystal when he makes a move.

Without the corresponding strength, doing so will also bring disaster.

After all, from the memory obtained from No. 9999, and between the lines of the audience, Guan Mingxin has already realized that in that high-latitude time and space, top-level superpowers traveling across the universe are really nothing.

The space-time live broadcast room cannot completely hide the identity of the audience.

As long as you are willing, it will be a matter of time before you are exposed.

What's more, among the nearly [-] viewers in Guan Mingxin's time-space live broadcast room, there are several celebrities who seem to be well-known.

For example, Tang Tang pretends to be a bag, such as Yao Zun, such as Ming Ye Wu Jiang, such as the Emperor Han Yuan who just gave a reward...

The more this happened, the more Guan Mingxin's attitude towards this space-time live broadcast room became more and more important.

Since the "Master of the Ming family" has already said that they can't get out, it is very likely that they really can't get out.

Sure enough, even though the tracing mercenary group rushed towards the entrance of Bizhi Valley at the fastest speed, the more anxious they were, the more likely they would encounter trouble.

No, there was a scuffle involving thousands of people on the way. In order to avoid getting involved in trouble, they had to detour and fly for 23 hours.

But it was this detour that made them completely lose the opportunity to leave Bizhi Valley...

One after another, the roars of beasts came from the surrounding mountains around the valley.

The sound of rumbling running came from far and near, and the ground began to tremble...

"[Ben Shuai]: The anchor quickly find a hidden place to hide!"

"[Ben Shuai]: If you're wasting time, it's really dangerous!"

"[Nianhua Yixiao Baishixiao]: But right now there is no place to hide here, and the luck of the anchor is no one else. It's really a blessing and a curse (≡Д≡;)."

"[I'm serious about calamity]: The host should hurry up and go to the supply point. There is Yuanwu Daomeng there, so it should be safer."

"[Anchor]: I want to go too, but I always feel that I can't go ε=(ο`*)))"


Seeing that the crisis could not be avoided, Guan Mingxin calmed down and chatted with the audience in the time-space live broadcast room, quietly waiting for the development of the situation.

At this moment, it is no longer up to them to decide what the source tracing mercenary group should do.

Although Guan Mingxin also knew that going to the supply point should be safe, when she looked up at the sky, the sun had already set, but the map navigation showed that the distance to the supply point was 26 kilometers away. Even if the combat speeder flew at full speed, it would take five or six minutes.

However, in the current situation, who dares to really let the battle speed fly at full speed?
Look at the dozens of battlefields with extremely strong fluctuations in Yuan energy ahead, it's no wonder they weren't bombed down as enemies!
No matter how good the performance of the combat speed car they rented was, the academy had installed an emergency call button, but far water could not save near fire.

Whether the rookies of the traceability mercenary group can persist until the teacher's rescue is another matter.

Before the little rookies could figure out what to do next, a stray bullet hit their combat speed vehicle, and the body shook violently.

The little rookies who forgot to fasten their seat belts were almost shocked and fell.

At this time, Min Yuchen, who was controlling the battle speed car, had no time to stabilize his figure, so he immediately controlled the battle speed car to turn around and fly towards the col.

On the 1080° all-round monitoring screen, it was clearly shown that three combat speeding vehicles came out diagonally from behind and were flying up and down frantically for their lives.

And closely following these three combat speed vehicles, there are more than a dozen battle speed vehicles that bombarded non-stop.

The previous stray bullets came from them.

Seeing this scene, Shi Shalan angrily slammed Zhongsun Lexing beside him:

"Damn it, these bastards! It's really deceiving!"

In an instant, Zhongsun Lexing's originally nervous handsome face twisted in pain.

But now he didn't dare to tease Shi Shalan, who was in a rage, so he quietly rubbed his shoulder that was hit, and as expected, he touched a big bag, which was simply...

Even Yan Zhiqi, who was the most gentle and upright, didn't have his usual smile at this time, and the rare coldness climbed onto his face.

Yan Zhiqi walked to Min Yuchen, helped him to sit on the main control seat in front of the console, and sat on another auxiliary control seat:
"Chen Wu, activate the free control mode, we must leave the battle behind."


Taking a deep breath, Min Yuchen pressed a button in front of him, and the speed of the combat speeder suddenly increased.

Inertia made Guan Mingxin and the other eight people unable to stabilize their bodies any longer, and they all fell to the ground one by one.

At this time, the two people controlling the combat speed car had no time to take care of their friends. Anyway, it was no big deal if they fell or bumped in the car. (end of this chapter)

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