After being dressed as the villain's sister, I just want to farm

Chapter 402 People are not frivolous and waste youth

The combat speeder, which was originally flying smoothly, began to draw beautiful arcs in the air, avoiding the constantly flying energy bombs, and gradually opened up the distance.

The eight of Guan Mingxin only felt that they were going up and down, left and right, and the boredom in their chests was getting stronger and stronger. They suppressed the vomiting and hoped that they couldn't get up at all, so they simply hugged the legs of the seat nearby, Put your own safety in the hands of Yan Zhiqi and Min Yuchen with confidence.

However, the three fleeing combat speed vehicles seemed unwilling to let the source tracing mercenary group go, just biting them.

It's kind of like I'm having a hard time, and you don't want to have a good time either.

Naturally, the chasing combat speed cars will not give up halfway...

After Yan Zhiqi noticed the intentions of the three combat speeding vehicles behind him, a look of ruthlessness flashed across his face:
"Chen Wu, fly in the direction of the melee!

Since you can't escape and you can't avoid it, then it's a big game! "

"Hahaha, exactly what I meant!
It's not in vain that we come out to experience a game! "

Hearing this, Min Yuchen laughed out loud.

The willful and frivolous arrogance that belongs only to the young man Lang Tian, ​​who is not afraid of the earth, let it out to his heart's content.

Min Yuchen and Yan Zhiqi's crazy operation attracted the audience in the space-time live broadcast room to admire.

I saw the battle speed of the Traceable Mercenary Group draw a "8" in the air, making the illusion of turning to the left. When the battle speed behind him turned left without hesitation, Yan Zhiqi pulled Steering stick, relying on the high performance of the battle speed to make a 180° turn.

When the direction had just been changed, Min Yuchen cooperated tacitly to increase the speed to the maximum, and disappeared behind a raised mountain wall not far away in the blink of an eye.

"[Tutu Zhenxiang]: You really are not frivolous and wasteful of young people!"

"[Dashuai Benshuai]: These two friends of the anchor are very good, and their flying skills are among the best among adults."

“[Meow is the cutest]: Wow! Their operation skills are so cool! *(())*”

"[Wang Yiyi]: Miaomiao, girls should be more reserved.

Suck ( ̄ii ̄;) Suck ( ̄" ̄;), really handsome!"

Seeing this scene, the three fleeing battle speed cars were also aroused by this play, and they became more and more unwilling to let the tracer mercenary group go. They avoided the chasing battle speed car group dangerously, and also changed directions and continued to bite .

In this way, while avoiding the bombardment, Min Yuchen and Yan Zhiqi made provocative movements from time to time, playing with the battle speeder behind them.

Their behavior aroused enough hatred, so that the battle speed behind was so angry that it didn't even notice the strangeness of the surrounding environment, and vowed not to stop chasing after it.

After three-and-a-half hours of provocative pursuit, the area of ​​the big dogfight loomed.

Min Yuchen controlled the battle speed car to speed up again, and after slamming into a dense bush, he landed quickly. Before his friends could catch their breath, he directly pressed the emergency escape button.

Caught off guard, ten people were thrown out by the combat speeder and fell into the bushes.

Min Yuchen still had the skills to put the combat speeder into the miracle bracelet at the moment of being thrown away.

By this time the sky had darkened.

But the big melee area was still extremely fierce.

From time to time, there were extraordinarily loud screams and roars, which even suppressed the roars of the surrounding beasts.

The fishy-sweet smell continued to spread and intensified, making one almost sick...

The cultivators who fought in the big melee area have long gone mad.

They almost do not distinguish between enemy and friend, they will chop anyone they see, and with a knife in hand, a life will disappear.

Guan Mingxin suppressed the discomfort in his body. When he raised his eyes, he saw a man lying not far away. His whole body was soaked in blood. The tyranny and madness in his eyes made Guan Ming's heart shudder!

This is not a place to stay for long!
After throwing a compressed crystal bead with healing effect into his mouth, Guan Mingxin began to look for his friends in a prostrate posture.

Fortunately, the bushes were lush enough for ten children to hide in it. As long as their movements were not very violent, they would not be noticed by the group of crazy people outside.

The distance they were thrown away before was not far apart, and soon, the ten members of the traceability mercenary group joined together smoothly.

Before that, they tacitly did not stand up, and they all crawled, trying to minimize their movements to avoid big movements from the bushes.

The ten people didn't dare to speak, they just made eye contact, and then quietly sneaked away from the big melee.

After merging, the tracing mercenary group still didn't dare to speak or make big moves. They just made eye contact and began to sneak away from the big melee.

The luxuriant bushes were two meters high, which completely covered the figures of the ten members of the Traceable Mercenary Group. As long as they tried to move as slowly as possible, it shouldn't be a big problem to escape smoothly.

As for the combat speeding cars that were clinging to the traceability mercenary group, they suddenly woke up from their anger when they drove to the big melee.

But at this time, it was too late for them to avoid it.

These crazy people were already extremely dissatisfied when the combat speeder of the traceable mercenary group flew straight over the area of ​​the big melee.

If their combat speed was not fast enough, they would have been blasted to pieces by these crazy people.

And the group of fighting speed cars that did not slow down again soon gave these melee people a chance to vent their anger.

In an instant, these crazy people seemed to have a tacit understanding, they stopped almost at the same time, and aimed their attacks at the battle speed group in the sky.

Rumble boom!

In just one face-to-face time, two combat speed vehicles were blown up at the same time.

The aftermath of the explosion spread, and the raging heat wave swept over many people, but it also angered them even more.Regardless of their injuries, they launched more and more violent attacks on the battle speed car group.

Seeing that the situation was not good, those people on the battle speed car group were forced to jump off the car and flee.

If you stay in the car, you can only follow in the footsteps of your companions in the two combat speed cars...

It's really scary!
How aggressive was the pursuit of the traceable mercenary group before, and how embarrassed these people are now.

Listening to the successive explosions of the combat speeding vehicles behind them, the rookies of the Traceable Mercenary Group unanimously showed happy smiles on their faces.

Let you chase us like mad dogs!

Blow up to death, blow up to death is good!
Originally, this group of rookies from the Traceable Mercenary Corps could not have imagined such a malicious curse with their upright views and pure hearts.

But who told you that there are no laws and regulations in the wilderness area, and all behaviors depend on people's heart.

During this period of time, even though they nestled in a small mountain col to pick Bizhi orchids, they seemed to avoid other people, but in fact, every night when they were resting by the small river, they could see the grievances and grievances of the nearby channel from the Yuanxun Magical Artifact Enmity. (end of this chapter)

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