Although Guan Mingxin turned off all the notification sounds, as long as someone tipped more than a certain amount, the space-time live broadcast room system would enable special notification sound privileges for them, and the host could not turn them off by themselves.

"[Tangtang in a bag]: The system wizard of No. 9999 only has basic functions and cannot control the system. Even if we want to upgrade the live broadcast room to obtain privileges, we can't do it."

"[Yao Zun]: Without permission, the harm caused by breaking the barriers of time and space in different dimensions is also unpredictable."

"[Emperor Han Yuan]: The anchor depends on blessings and misfortunes, we can only bless her now."

"[Miaomiao is the cutest]: Thank you guys for your explanations, Miaomiao is wayward, sorry."

"[Ben Shuai]: The little girl cares too much about the cutie host, the bosses won't be angry, be good, be good!
You have to trust the host, since she is our cutie, she will be fine. "

"[Prime Minister Commoner]: The anchor can't move now, her little friends should take this opportunity to kill that man, otherwise he will be in trouble when he recovers."


Guan Mingxin didn't know that the viewers in the space-time live broadcast room were also worried about himself.

In the situation just now, once the little friends compromised, she would not be the only one who would be hurt, and the consequences would be disastrous. Guan Ming really didn't want that kind of situation to happen.

She didn't have time to think about it, and in a hurry, she forcibly mobilized all her mental power and consciousness to save herself.

The effect was obvious, but Guan Mingxin himself also suffered a strong backlash.

The sea of ​​soul and consciousness is overwhelming. Originally, only the main body of the phantom star was suspended above, and suddenly there were many sealed memory fragments, like stars all over the sky.

Immediately afterwards, these memory fragments that were originally arranged in a regular manner also began to fly wildly in the sea of ​​consciousness, further aggravating Guan Mingxin's injury.

This turn of events caused Guan Mingxin, who could barely bear it just now, to almost faint.

However, before Guan Mingxin tried every means to stabilize his injury, Xuanyuan Yunyan's frightened and whimpering voice sounded beside his ears:

"Little... small...

Wake up, don't scare me, baby, wake up! "

In order to prevent Xuanyuan Yunyan from losing control and revealing his secrets, Guan Mingxin had no choice but to cheer up and struggle to open his eyes. While comforting Xuanyuan Yunyan, he also thought of the culprit:
"Kill him...kill him..."

Xuanyuan Yunyan couldn't control the weak voice that was almost breathless, and teardrops fell one after another.

It also made Yan Zhiqi and the other eight people feel even more resentful towards the culprit.

Shi Shalan was the first to step forward and slashed at the man who was still hugging his head and howling.

Unexpectedly, the protective clothing on the man was of a very high level, and his own weapon could not break through the defense at all, and did not even leave a mark.

Seeing this, Yan Zhiqi felt bad, and quickly greeted his friends:

"Let's go together and avenge the baby!"

Although I don't know what secret method the baby used to severely injure the man, but the baby must not be able to deliver a second blow.

Once the man recovers, the consequences will be disastrous!

Everyone understood Yan Zhiqi's urgency, and they immediately acted together, taking advantage of his illness to kill him.

The eight teenagers and girls with the highest cultivation bases are only at the seventh level of the Qi training stage. Although they dare not use weapons of mass destruction wantonly, as the saying goes, "beat the master with random punches", the eight of them took out the guns they carried with them one after another. The highest-level primordial energy lightsaber slashes and stabs at the man.

Regardless of the cost, using the high-level primordial energy lightsaber finally paid off.

The defensive equipment on the man's body was broken layer by layer, and in the blood hole pierced by the eight high-level primordial energy lightsabers, he was still on the spot after all.

Ignoring the calm mood of the first murder, Yan Zhiqi quickly tore off the man's storage ring, while Ou Lu poured a bottle of potion to clear the breath of their group, and quickly hugged Guan Mingxin, who was seriously injured by the sea of ​​knowledge, and stood up. Xuanyuan Yunyan, who couldn't walk for a while, withdrew from the scene.

"It's already night, if we don't find a place to rest, everyone will die.

Now for us, the safest place is that small col! "

Shi Jiajia analyzed the current situation while running.

The roars of beasts around were getting closer and closer, and the frequency of ground tremors was also accelerating. It should be that the legendary frenzy of primordial beasts was coming!
Maybe the young snakes in the small mountain will also participate in the beast tide. Even if they don’t participate, compared to the overwhelming Yuan beast tide, we still have a chance of survival hiding in the lake! "

Zhongsun Lexing also agreed.

"It's not a glimmer of hope, it's absolute safety!

Remember my guess?

The reason why I think that is because I found that the small mountain depression seems to be refusing the entry of primal beasts other than cubs.

When I sneaked to explore the road for the first time, I witnessed with my own eyes that the primordial beasts in the growth stage would turn around and leave uncontrollably when they ran near the small mountain col, without exception.

Presumably, the mature beasts will also be blocked. "

With his final word, Ou Lu gave the panic-stricken friends a shot in the arm!

The little rookies immediately rekindled the fire of hope in their hearts. They took turns holding Guan Mingxin and supporting Xuanyuan Yunyan, and ran towards the small col with their own body skills.

Fortunately, they encountered no accidents along the way.

After five hours of long-distance raiding, the rookies of the traceability mercenary group, who had been able to detect the impending Yuan Beast frenzy from the swaying woods around Bizhi Valley, were finally only about two kilometers away from the small river at the entrance of the waterway.

Behind them, at some point, there were five people with inexplicable injuries.

But at this time, the tracing mercenary group had no time to get rid of them.

Hope is right in front of you, Shi Shalan turned his head and glanced at the five faceless people who were chasing after him a hundred meters away, and stopped hesitating:

"Open your mouth!"

Except for Guan Mingxin, the others immediately opened their mouths when they heard the words, Shi Shalan popped pills into the mouths of his friends, and took one himself.

The elixir melted in the mouth, and the vitality that was on the verge of depletion in the body suddenly filled up, and even the physical strength was full again.

Their speed soared instantly, and they disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving the five people behind them far away.

It took only 2 minutes, and the small river was right in front of us.

Shi Shalan took Guan Mingxin from Guo Xinlang's arms, stuffed her mouth with a nourishing qi pill, and while helping her open the protective cap to its full form, urged her in a low voice:
"Quick, the effect of the medicine is only one hour, we must go through the waterway before the effect of the medicine wears off!"

Hearing that everyone was speechless, Qi Qi jumped into the air and opened the protective cap to its full form, splashing a series of water splashes, and getting into the waterway.

Shao Qian, who stayed at the end of the formation, threw out a long whip, rolled up the big stone at the entrance of the waterway, and when he entered the waterway, he slammed and pulled it, and successfully moved the big stone, and it was firmly stuck waterway, thereby preventing the possibility of others discovering the waterway. (end of this chapter)

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