With the addition of medicinal effects, although the waterway is narrow and narrow, they have already been familiar with the situation of the waterway, and they swim as fast as possible, regardless of physical injuries, and pass through the waterway as soon as possible.

In the distance, Wudao's last scream before death made them understand that the frenzy of primordial beasts is really coming...

At this moment, the only thing they can do is to cross the waterway faster and take refuge in the small col.

It was hard to get out of the waterway before the effect of the medicine disappeared. Everyone really didn't have the energy to deal with the injuries on their bodies caused by the damage of the protective clothing and the waterway.

After taking a breath, he took the lead in releasing his mental power and began to perceive the situation of the small col.

As expected, the young snakes in the small col were gone.

Even the little fish cubs in the lake were gone.

At this point, everyone feels safe.

Exhaustion, panic, and pain erupted all over the body, coupled with the aftereffects of the elixir that forcibly increased the vitality provided by Shi Shalan, the rookies of the tracing mercenary group forced themselves to change into a set of advanced protective clothing After that, he fell into a deep sleep without climbing ashore...

Fortunately, the advanced protective clothing has its own suspension function, so there is no need to worry about them sinking to the bottom of the lake.

Outside the small mountain depression is an overwhelming tide of beasts, flying in the sky, running on the ground, swimming in the water, big and small, all kinds, countless, everything that one expects to find...

However, they all avoid the small col for a radius of one kilometer, leaving a rare tranquility.

Tonight is still the night of the full moon, and the full moon, as big as a round table, slowly rises and hangs high in the night sky.

The originally bright stars avoided their sharpness one after another, leaving only faint and faint stars.

When the bright moonlight shone on the ten little rookies floating in the lake, suddenly, Guan Mingxin's clenched right hand emitted a moon-white halo, which complemented the moonlight and drew more moonlight to gather on the lake.

The pure power of the moonlight was also guided by this halo, slowly flowing through the ten sleeping people, repairing their wounds, refining the impurities in the body, widening and strengthening the meridians and dantian...

Gradually, in the center of the small lake, a small whirlpool appeared.

In the blink of an eye, the vortex expanded from the thickness of an adult's finger to about one meter, and the speed became faster and faster.

A silver-gray light flashed at the center of the vortex.

As the vortex continued to rotate, the moon gradually rose from the lake, and finally turned into a huge water polo with a soft white light emitting from it.

As the vortex continued to rotate, the silver-gray light became more and more intense, as if something was about to rise from the vortex.

At some point, a thin layer of mist appeared on the periphery of the moonlight drawn by the halo on Guan Mingxin's right hand, like a gauze, covering the entire small lake.

There are some mysterious runes faintly flashing on the mist-like tulle, as if full of vitality, slowly flowing and dancing.

The appearance of water mist seemed to suppress the vortex in the center of the lake, preventing it from expanding.

The silver-gray light in the center of the vortex, as if unwilling to be suppressed, shook violently, followed by waves of invisible energy escaping towards the surroundings.

However, the rookies of the sleeping traceability mercenary group don't know about these scenes.

The power of Yuehua is still continuously acting on them.

Among them, Guan Mingxin made the most money.

Her whole small body was covered by the strong moonlight, and she couldn't see her figure clearly.

As time passed, the power of the moonlight poured down, gathering more and more until it formed a cocoon of light, and it was no longer possible to see that there was a three-headed doll wrapped in it...

At this time, Guan Mingxin in the light cocoon involuntarily let go of his tightly clenched right hand, revealing a moon-white primordial beast egg the size of a jujube.

The Yuan Beast Egg slowly floated up and landed on Guan Mingxin's chest. It suddenly exerted force and swallowed it with the power of moonlight from the light cocoon.

A noble and majestic aura escaped from the beast eggs, making the primordial beasts outside the small mountain even more crazy...

Yuan Beast Egg absorbs the power of moonlight faster and faster, forcing the moonlight that originally shone on the vast and boundless land to start to gather towards the small depression in Bizhi Valley.

The invisible moonlight turned into light visible to the naked eye, and became thicker as it approached the Bizhi Valley, until it gathered into a small mountain depression, and finally shrank into a huge beam of light that enveloped the entire small lake.

Zhuxin is the cocoon of light that wraps Guan Mingxin.

At this time, the color of the light cocoon also began to deepen, and small cracks appeared, spreading all over the light cocoon.

If Guan Mingxin hadn't been in a coma, she would have been able to see the horrifying scene around her. The space inside the light cocoon began to distort, as if there were signs of collapse at any moment.

And the shrinking and gathering of the pillar of moonlight made the halo emitted by the beast eggs more intense and dazzling.

In the distance, the pillar of moonlight that goes straight into the sky and meets the full moon is so dazzling!
The tulle-like mist surrounding the pillar of moonlight also makes the pillar of light appear mysterious and extraordinary.

Accompanied by the frenzy of the crazy beasts, there seems to be a solemn and sacred color...

The Pillar of Moonlight appears shortly after the full moon rises, and lasts until dawn and the sun jumps out of the sky, a total of 18 hours, 49 minutes and 32 seconds!
During this period, the white pillar of moonlight can be seen anywhere in the entire Mortal Realm.

There are quite a few talented cultivators who actually realized something when they saw the inexplicable appearance of the Pillar of Moonlight, and their cultivation bases were more or less improved.

The closer you are to the Pillar of Moonlight, the more practitioners will gain enlightenment, and the higher your cultivation will be improved!
However, no matter how eagerly they wanted to investigate the place where the Pillar of Moonlight appeared, the cultivators had no choice but to give up this idea when faced with the endless tide of primordial beasts.

No matter how good the opportunity is, you have to be alive to get it, right?

Right now, it's better to save my own life before talking about other things!
Whether in the original Xinghan world or the original Baizhan world, the appearance of beast hordes is a very normal thing.

Naturally, the reorganized New Hundred Battles World is no exception.

Generally speaking, Yuan Beast frenzy appears with certain regularity.

It is rumored that the reason for the frenzy of Yuan Beasts is a decision jointly negotiated by the powers of Yuan Beasts and the controllers of various intelligent races.

The primordial beasts are dealing with overpopulated beasts, so as to prevent the cultivation resources in the wilderness area from being excessively consumed and not recovering.

The controllers of various intelligent races also have their own calculations. While making a fortune, they can also exercise the abilities of the juniors. Why not do it?
Once every 50 years, there will be a small beast swarm below Tier 500, once every [-] years, a mid-sized beast swarm below Tier [-], and a large beast swarm below Tier [-] once every millennium has basically become a law.

During the frenzy of Yuan Beasts, no matter whether the safe zone can be kept or whether all Yuan Beasts are destroyed, the high-level officials of both sides will not send out those with high cultivation bases.

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