"Even if the news is passed, the powerful people will rush to the Ogagao jurisdiction as soon as possible, and it will take seven days at the fastest to arrive.

In the seven days or longer before this, we can only rely on ourselves to resist the immediate crisis.

To be honest, I really have no confidence. "

The young district chief sighed helplessly at the end of his speech.

"If you don't have confidence, you have to resist, and you must not sit still!

Special actions are taken during special times. If we want to protect the safe zone to the greatest extent, we can only issue mandatory orders.

I believe that those so-called aristocratic families and other forces will actively cooperate after knowing the real situation.

If you don't cooperate, get out! "

At this moment, another ten people with very young faces came in. There were men and women. One of them was a man with a domineering look and frivolous eyes. With a charming and sexy face, he said His words carried a strong killing intent.

"Yes, yes, yes, in this situation, if you continue to babble, you are impatient!
Why should we be polite? "

"To be honest, while those guys marked the Ogagao jurisdiction as a garbage village on the Yuanneng Magic Domain, they secretly created a branch in the Ogagao jurisdiction and searched for the spiritual materials in the Ogagao jurisdiction. The face is really disgusting!
I've been wanting to clean them up for a long time! "

"Let's not talk about you, even with my meek temper, I almost vomited blood several times because of the shameless faces of those guys!

If possible, I'd like to throw them to those Yuan Beast powers, and see if they can use their three-inch tongues to say that Yuan Beast powers will let them live. "

"Then drive them over! No one will be left behind!"

"We should have acted so tough long ago, otherwise my nephew wouldn't have..."

"Yun Shuo!"

"Yun Shuo!"

Several cold shouts interrupted the man's unfinished words.

Only then did the man named Yun Shuo realize that he had made a slip of the tongue, and immediately looked at the district chief embarrassingly. After he didn't notice any anger on his boss's face, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't dare to speak again.

The others didn't dare to speak easily at this time, for fear of touching the pain of their own boss, and the air was a little depressed for a while.

Seeing this scene, the District Chief closed his eyes and adjusted his emotions, as if he didn't hear Yun Shuo's slip of the tongue:

"Just order it!
If there is any resistance, there is no need to expel it, just let it fend for itself. "


"Emergency Notice:

Due to the sudden frenzy of Yuan Beasts, the scale has reached a medium size and is still expanding, and Ogagao's jurisdiction has also been surrounded by a steady stream of Yuan Beasts.

Although we have requested support from our superiors, the fastest support will take seven days.

Before that, we have to brace ourselves until help arrives.

Resources are limited. In order to resist the beast tide to the greatest extent, from now on, the Ogagao jurisdiction will implement militarized management, and all people who stay in the Ogagao jurisdiction must obey the arrangement unconditionally.

Anyone who violates the order will be deemed to have automatically waived official protection.

For details, please refer to Yuanxun Dharma Instrument. "

The next day, at 3:00 a.m. local time in the Ogagao jurisdiction, an emergency announcement was broadcast simultaneously in all safety areas.

At the same time, all the creatures in Ogagao's jurisdiction who possessed the Yuanxun Magical Artifact also received a message from the official office of the Ogagao District Governor, and forced a light screen to pop up, which could not be closed until the reading was completed.

In the news, there was a high-definition video of the detection of the sky above the Ogagao jurisdiction. Watching the frenzy of Yuan beasts that broke out from the Yihu Mountains spread to the entire jurisdiction at an extremely fast speed, and the overwhelming Yuan beasts rushed towards the safe zone.

The supply points in the wilderness area passed by along the way did not let the beasts stop at all, and they were destroyed like that...

At the same time, on the outskirts of the jurisdiction, huge animal shadows appeared from the monitoring screen and gradually approached.

The hideous appearance of the giant beast and its breathtaking and powerful aura seem to be able to penetrate the light screen and directly attack the minds of the viewers!
Soon, the giant beast waved its claws randomly and destroyed it, the screen disappeared, and it was obvious that the monitoring magic weapon had been destroyed!

But the creatures in the safe zone can't forget the horrible scenes in the video.

The anger when I heard the broadcast before also dissipated, leaving only panic and bewilderment.

When the first being who registered with the District Governor's Office with all his resources according to the mandatory order appeared, more and more souls compromised.

However, there are always some people who maintain their noble status and self-cultivation are extraordinary, unwilling to obey the mandatory management of the District Governor's Mansion, and attempt to leave Ogagao's jurisdiction alone.

No, soon five warships of not low level were launched into the sky, rushing towards the sky at high speed.

But before the others could show their expressions of envy, jealousy and hatred, the five warships that rushed out flew back at twice the speed of the previous rush out!

Some people with good cultivation found that the surface of the five battleships has a deep mark of animal claws!

Obviously, they were taken directly by the primordial beast, without any power to strike!
This scene completely chilled the other creatures who were still thinking about it!
No matter how many thoughts there are, there is no possibility of using them in the face of such a terrifying primordial beast.

It's more important to save your life!

If you can't live, everything is in vain and fantasy!

"That's right! Let these aristocratic moths with their nostrils turned upside down run rampant every day, and learn a lesson!"

In the district mayor's mansion, when Yun Shuo saw this scene, he couldn't help laughing at the five aristocratic families who tried to escape alone by relying on high-level warships, but the emotion in his eyes revealed his true thoughts, and after the ridicule, more disappointment.

If the five high-level warships can successfully break through the siege, no matter how angry the high-level officials in Ogagao's jurisdiction are, they still feel that there is still a chance of survival.

If they can't fight and resist, they can break through and escape.

But the reality slapped them hard!

"There is no way out..."

This is the common aspiration of all the creatures who saw this scene.

With no way out, they were forced to fight with their backs. After realizing that they could only stick to the safe zone, most of the creatures sank down, their momentum soared, and the fighting spirit rose from the bottom of their hearts!
In fact, for a high-risk world such as the New Hundred Wars World, where people may lose their lives every moment when they leave the safe zone, it is inevitable for all people to be armed, and it is commonplace to be ready for battle at all times.

It's just that this time the situation was too sudden and too difficult.

It is a common practice in the cultivation world to put them to death and survive.

So everyone quickly adjusted their mentality and accepted this cruel reality.

With everyone's tacit and orderly cooperation, the Ogagao jurisdiction established ten protection zones according to their directions in just one day.

Each protection zone is a super-large city that can accommodate a billion people.

All kinds of long-range guns are scattered all over the city wall as high as [-] meters.

Inside the city walls, there are rows and rows of temporary formed troops, neatly arranged in formation, waiting for the battle to start at any time.

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