Two days later, the overwhelming frenzy of primordial beasts crushed all the other safe areas except the ten protection areas, and swept towards the ten protection areas without stopping.

As long as they encountered beast hordes along the way, they would almost all be killed on the spot, and their corpses would be dismantled and eaten by the primordial beasts.

Even though they already knew that this sudden surge of primordial beasts was unusual, the warriors waiting for the battle did not expect the speed of the beast tide to attack so fast!
From the moment a black line appeared in the distant sky, the ground began to vibrate slightly, until the first batch of primordial beasts entered the shooting range of long-range guns, and the eardrums were almost shattered by the violent beast roar and the vibration of the ground, only a quarter of an hour passed !


Intensive bombs of primordial energy fell into the beast tide, bursting out a huge mushroom cloud, finally slowing down the speed of the beast tide...

At the time of the final battle in the Ogagao jurisdiction, in the Bizhi Valley of the Yihuo Mountains, the ten rookies of the traceability mercenary regiment floating on the surface of the small lake in the small mountain depression are still sleeping, unaware of everything outside.

Since the appearance of the Pillar of Moonlight, the center of the lake has changed.

At first, a black spot suddenly broke through the mud at the bottom of the lake, and water splashes slowly emerged from the black spot.

The black dot seemed to be continuously enlarged by the impact of the water splash, until it was the same size as the light cocoon that wrapped Guan Mingxin on the lake surface.
Immediately afterwards, the water column emerging from the black hole surged straight up, and after hitting the light cocoon, the surging water spray at the top of the water column began to rotate counterclockwise, slowly driving the water below, spiraling downward, forming another vortex.

At the same time as this vortex formed, the previous vortex suddenly disappeared.

The speed of the inner vortex of the newly-appeared vortex continues to accelerate as the spiral falls, and a suction force grabs the light cocoon and rotates downward together...

When the light cocoon disappeared into the black hole, the vortex water column also began to descend, and the black hole shrank accordingly until it disappeared, and the bottom of the lake returned to its previous calm, as if nothing had happened.

The vortex carried the cocoon of light and continued to dive and move along the underground river, until it came to a vast underground dark lake, no, it should be said to be an overturned seabed.

After passing through a layer of enchantment, it landed in the center of a black and white boulder.

The boulder is half black and half white.

At the center of it is a pattern of a Yin-Yang Tai Chi fish.

And the cocoon of light that wrapped Guan Mingxin just landed on the yin-yang Taiji fish.

The power of the moonlight on the light cocoon began to melt when it touched the Yin-Yang Tai Chi Fish.

At the same time, the two fish eyes of the Yin-Yang Tai Chi fish simultaneously release two mysterious energies, one black and one white, intertwined with the power of the melting moonlight.

The boulder suddenly seemed to be alive, exuding a strong vitality all over its body, and there were mysterious runes circulating on the surface, exuding an ancient and sacred aura.

From time to time, runes leaped up, drilled into the light cocoon inlaid with countless tiny Yin-Yang Tai Chi fish, passed through Guan Mingxin's body, entered the sea of ​​consciousness and soul, and merged into the origin of her soul...

The boulder came alive, and the barrier surrounding the boulder began to extend upwards, completely hiding the small mountain depression.

And the nine sleeping beauties floating on the surface of the small lake in the small mountain col finally woke up after sleeping for two days and three nights.

But they didn't seem to notice Guan Mingxin's disappearance, and they were happy with the improvement of their cultivation level.

After going ashore, they had a sumptuous meal to celebrate their improvement.

After eating and drinking enough, I started to shuttle in the sea of ​​Bizhi orchids again, playing around while not forgetting to pick the blooming Bizhi orchids.

If you look closely at their eyes, you will find that there is a vortex constantly spinning in their pupils, which confuses their minds and makes them mistakenly think that Guan Mingxin is always by his side...

Guan Mingxin has been in a coma for more than a year.

During this period, the other nine members of the Traceable Mercenary Group picked Bizhi orchids for two rounds, and they harvested countless. They were so happy that they saw the sky giggling.

And the sudden Yuan Beast frenzy that erupted in Ogagao's jurisdiction has almost come to an end.

The top powers of all parties in the Mortal Realm who came to support, after talking with those Yuan Beast powers beyond the ninth rank who surrounded the Ogagao Jurisdiction outside the jurisdiction, learned that the sudden outbreak of the Ogagao Jurisdiction The reason for the Yuan Beast frenzy.

After hearing the reason, the powerful people from all sides who were originally aggressive were furious, but they had to solve the problem in Ogagao's jurisdiction.

In the end, after compensating a lot of good things to the powerful Yuan Beasts, they dispelled the other party's idea of ​​launching a war between the two sides.

Although they knew very well that the powerful Yuan Beasts were taking advantage of the opportunity to make trouble.

Don't be afraid of [-], just in case.

Before alarming the primordial beasts in the upper-level Chiyuan Domain or even the higher-level Great Domain, the matter should be dealt with as quickly as possible.

Otherwise, when the Yuan beasts from other great domains arrive, it will be a disaster for the entire Mortal Yuan domain.

It was only then that the powerful Yuan Beasts who had returned with a full load, and the top-level powers of all parties who were extremely aggrieved, made a global announcement of the crime of the culprit, and immediately issued a capital punishment to himself and his family!
Knowing that the sudden frenzy of primal beasts in Ogagao's jurisdiction was actually a beast master who robbed a primal beast cub of the emperor's blood, and after forcing it to recognize the master to no avail, he brutally killed the cub in a frenzied way , After extracting blood essence and blending phantom beast eggs, the people of the entire Mortal Realm were outraged!

Especially those who have lost loved ones in the Ogagao precinct.

Fighting each other between cultivators and primordial beasts is recognized by the laws of heaven.

Usually, it is normal for both sides to fight to death in the wilderness area.

But based on the favor for the cubs, as long as the cubs don't die, both the cultivator and the beast tacitly abide by the unspoken rules of not harming each other's cubs.

Even if caught, it will be released.

At most, it can be teased for a while, and it is still the kind that eats and drinks well.

Especially the cubs with inherited bloodlines are existences that both sides will protect.

Primordial beast cubs with the blood of emperors, probably not many can be found in the entire mortal realm!
It would be strange if the beast master dared to treat the primordial beast cub of the emperor's blood in a frenzied manner, if it didn't make the primordial beast go crazy!

But those who are interested will still mutter, everyone knows the preciousness of the primordial beast cubs of the emperor's blood to the primordial beast group, and the normal way to open it is not to die!
However, the great powers of the Yuan Beast actually retreated after extorting a lot of treasures. How strange it is to think about this.

Perhaps, the ethereal phantom beast egg prepared by the blood essence of the primordial cub of the emperor's bloodline was taken away by the primordial beast powers, and there is still a possibility of resurrection.

It's not that there are no top powers who have tried the Yuan beast powers.

As expected, the other party did not answer.

Just showing a meaningful smile made the top powers of all parties dispel the idea of ​​continuing to investigate the reason...

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