"Right now, it's best for the master to take other people into the middle area to retreat for a while.

The vitality concentration of the ruins just opened is the highest, and there are many spiritual energy particles in it. At this time, the effect of retreat is the best, comparable to epiphany.

It won't be too late to go treasure hunting after your cultivation base has improved a bit, and you are familiar with the concentration of vitality in the ruins, so that you won't make unnecessary mistakes in battle. "

The map that Guan Mingxin saw was three-dimensional, and the area was indeed not small, but the large area was a black and white misty area, which could not be seen clearly, and it was obviously not open.

Only one corner is clearly visible, colorful, green mountains and green waters, birds and beasts, miniature palaces...

The open area of ​​the relic continent marked on the map is already as large as the combined surface area of ​​one hundred Ogagao jurisdictions!

But this open area, placed on the entire map, is actually less than one-thirtieth of it!
No wonder it took a whole night for No. 9999 to scan the entire Ruins Continent!
If it weren't for the backing of the Cloud Fantasy Realm to continuously provide energy for the magic stars, Guan Mingxin's existing energy-containing things can only support the magic stars to scan their locations within a radius of [-] kilometers. It's almost sold out.

But the fact that number 9999 can extract the energy from the Cloud Fantasy Realm doesn't mean that Guan Mingxin can.

Guan Mingxin tried again to touch the carrier of the Illusory Cloud Realm, but was rejected as expected.

With a secret sigh, Guan Ming thought about it.

I can only rejoice that Yuanzhu Xiaojing will not reject him, if Yuanzhu Xiaojing coldly rejects himself one day, it will be troublesome.

At this time, Guan Mingxin hadn't realized that number 9999, who should have had only basic instincts, actually made a rare suggestion to himself!
This means that Jiujiu has improved.

Maybe it won't be long before Jiujiu will fully wake up!

Guan Mingxin, who hadn't realized this yet, blinked, calmed down Tumbling, and used his thoughts to control the map to only show open areas.

As the scale of the map was enlarged, Guan Mingxin discovered that what the phantom star presented was actually a real-time dynamic holographic projection!

Periphery, middle circle, inner circle, core, four distinct levels.

The golden light spot representing oneself, and beside it there are nine golden green light spots in the outer ring, are moving slowly in the open area approaching the middle area.

And on the outermost periphery, there are countless white light spots wandering around, and white light spots disappear from time to time.

Guan Mingxin understood that the disappearance of the light spot meant death.

Fights broke out as soon as they came in, and Guan Mingxin more and more recognized Jiujiu's suggestion, then withdrew his mind and looked towards the Zhongwei area, thinking about finding a safe retreat.

No. 9999 sensed the master's intentions, and immediately marked a route with a thick golden line on the map, and Guan Mingxin's eyes were instantly attracted.

The end point of the route is not far from here, just over two kilometers. When I zoomed in on the map, it turned out to be a stalactite cave.

Guan Mingxin took another look at the place where there were so many silver-gray clouds that marked the concentration of vitality, and his heart was immediately moved.

“[Nianhua Yixiao Baishixiao]: What is the origin of this lotus bracelet that the anchor wears?
The function is so powerful, I am envious of it. "

"[Lonely Traveler in the Red Dust]: Such things should not be produced by the small world where the anchor lives. The anchor must have had an adventure."

"[Anchor]: Master Master left it to me, I don't know where it came from (ω`)."

Adhering to the principle of saying more, saying less, saying less is good, although Guan Mingxin is not so afraid of the viewers in the space-time live broadcast room now, he will not take the initiative to explain more, just point it out.

Anyway, in the eyes of the viewers in the space-time live broadcast room, he is just a little cub, it's normal to be innocent and ignorant.

Lied casually, and dealt with the audience in the time-space live broadcast room, Guan Mingxin focused his attention on the map again.

The stalactite cave has 100% heaven and earth spirit milk!

This is really a big baby!

"Thank you Jiujiu!"

Guan Mingxin was so happy that he was so excited that he completely forgot that his little weapon, Ling Jiujiu, hadn't woken up yet, so he sent a voice transmission to him.

Guan Mingxin who didn't get a response didn't care, stopped, looked at Xuanyuan Yunyan and others who were puzzled, and said:

"I feel that there is something good in that direction, how about we go there and have a look?"

"You can go wherever the baby says, you are our little group leader, you don't need to ask for our opinions, and you must obey the orders of the group leader!"

Shi Shalan said half-jokingly and half-seriously with a smile, and the others nodded in agreement hastily.

Seeing this, Guan Ming angrily rolled his eyes in public, turned around and left without bothering to explain.

The others didn't take it seriously, looked at each other with a smile, shrugged and followed.

It has long been an indisputable fact that the head of the small regiment has a deep fortune.

If you follow your own little regiment leader, you will have meat to eat, so who can worry about it?

Is it bad to hitch a ride and eat meat without brains?
Or turn bad luck into good luck?

They are not fools, no matter when and where, as long as they follow the pace of their little group leader, even if the god of luck will not favor them, he will never harbor malice.

No. 9999 thoughtfully projected the map directly onto Guan Mingxin's Sea of ​​Soul and Consciousness, so it won't affect the normal field of vision if you use it with one mind and two minds.

Navigating along the map, after a quarter of an hour, they arrived at their destination.

The stalactite cave is very hidden, located deep in a beast lair, separated by a water curtain.

The rookies of the Tracing Source Mercenary Group cautiously groped out of the Yuan Beast's lair, and luckily found that the lair owner was not there.

But judging from the aura remaining in the lair, the owner of this lair is at worst a fifth-order primordial beast, or even higher!
After confirming again and again that there were no other abnormalities in the lair, the rookies of the traceability mercenary group slapped the hidden talisman on their bodies, and sprinkled the medicine to eliminate the breath, and then walked into the lair.

The inside of the lair is large, but it is unexpectedly clean and tidy. There is also a small spiritual field that is planted with more than a hundred kinds of primordial plants, which are the lowest grade and third grade.

In particular, there is a spiritual fruit tree in the center of Lingtian that is only over one meter high, bearing a peach-shaped spiritual fruit the size of an adult's thumb. It is attractive pink and densely packed, and the branches almost hang down to the ground.

Everyone was very greedy, but they didn't dare to act rashly. Seeing that their little regiment leader continued to walk without looking back, they had to force themselves to look away with difficulty and continue to move forward.

The entrance behind the water curtain is very narrow, and even their small bodies need to move in sideways with their stomachs and buttocks in as much as possible.

Guan Mingxin, who inadvertently released a trace of spiritual power, discovered that the stone walls on both sides of the passage actually have the effect of absorbing spiritual power!

In this way, Guan Ming felt more at ease about his safety after the retreat. (end of this chapter)

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