The cramped and narrow passage was about twenty meters long.

The more he walked sideways, the more peace of mind he felt in Guan Mingxin's heart.

After passing through the passage, Guan Mingxin was not as amazed by the natural beauty of the stalactite cave like everyone else, but turned his spiritual power into filaments and tried to test the wall of the stalactite cave.

As expected, the walls of the cave are still made of special stones that can absorb spiritual power!

There is actually light in the stalactite cave, which is still colorful.

The colorful rays of light come from nowhere, and the reflected cave is beautiful, dreamy and mysterious.

The cave is winding and rugged, and the space in the cave is large and small, sometimes open, sometimes narrow, or rising, or straight down, and all kinds of strange stalactites are within reach.

Under these stalactites are large and small pools.

In the pool, the milky white liquid is surrounded by white mist, just like a fairyland.

That white mist is clearly the vitality of atomization!
After careful observation, the colored light is actually a barrier, isolating the stalactite cave from the outside world.

It's no wonder that the vitality in the cave is so strong that it can be atomized, but there is nothing unusual outside.

As it goes deeper, the concentration of vitality is getting higher and higher, the light fog is hazy, and the thick fog covers the eyes. After a while, everyone can no longer see the road with the naked eye.

At this time, the other nine people tried to release their mental power, and they heard the exclamation in a lowered voice without any surprise.

The corners of Guan Mingxin's mouth curled up slightly, as if he was proud of a successful prank.

It suddenly occurred to me that the camera in the time-space live broadcast room seemed to be very powerful, and it should be possible to see through the atomized vitality.

With the thought of being lazy, Guan Mingxin raised his eyes and looked half a meter up from the front. With a thought, the virtual light screen of the time-space live broadcast room that was originally hidden appeared in front of him.

As a result, the facts were unexpected.

In the inland screen of the virtual light screen, there is also a white mist, and you can't see your fingers.

Looking at the text communication area at the bottom of the audience column, the audience is also discussing this issue.

"[Meow Miao is the cutest]: Oh, what's the matter? With such a thick fog, I can't even see the cutie host clearly."

"[Drunken Immortal]: No. 9999 malfunctioned again?"

"[Long-legged kneeling]: Probably not, with so many rewards, it stands to reason that number 9999 should soon regain consciousness."

"[Prime Minister Commoner]: It seems that there is some special material here, which blocks the perspective function of the camera in the time-space live broadcast room."

"[I'm serious about the calamity]: It doesn't seem to be, it must have a special material."

"[Tutu Zhenxiang]: The anchor should be careful, this place is too weird. It can actually affect the space-time live broadcast room."


Guan Ming calmly read the chat records, and felt more at ease.

For some reason, she always felt that there would be no crisis here.

On the contrary, it is extremely safe.

Since it is invisible to the naked eye, and the external release of mental power will also be inexplicably absorbed, it can only be blind and groping forward.

Being in the thick fog, the strong vitality made Guan Mingxin's breathing a little short, and the vitality entered the body through the exposed skin.

A vast and mysterious pressure followed, and gradually intensified as the pace progressed.

At this point, everyone can't care about anything else.

Although I don't understand where this mysterious pressure comes from, I only know from the impurities that are forced out from the pores in the protective clothing that this is an excellent opportunity to temper my body!

Guan Mingxin didn't know that the little friends held hands at the beginning, then walked alone, and then stopped to meditate unwillingly.

From the very beginning, Guan Mingxin was at the forefront.

In addition, Guan Mingxin's physical strength was far superior to that of his friends, so when they all had to meditate because their bodies had reached their limits, Guan Mingxin could continue to move forward without slowing down.

When scattered raindrops appeared in the fog, Guan Mingxin understood that the concentration of vitality around him was so thick that it was completely liquefied.

It was also from this time that Guan Mingxin felt the mysterious pressure.

Since it was invisible to the naked eye and his mental power could not be released, Guan Mingxin simply closed his eyes and walked forward based on intuition.

From time to time, there is an inexplicable call that affects Guan Mingxin's mind.

Ever since entering the stalactite cave, Guan Mingxin heard an extremely subtle call:
"Come on... Come on..."

At that time, Guan Mingxin observed other people calmly, and found that only he could hear the call.

But soon, the call disappeared.

Until he stepped into the area with liquefied vitality raindrops, he didn't hear this strange call again.

Guan Mingxin only thought that he had misheard at first.

Never thought about it, but now I hear it again.

That call sounded vicissitudes and emptiness, and seemed to be mixed with the charm of law...

Especially when Guan Mingxin closed his eyes, his sense of hearing was brought into full play, and the specialness of that call became clearer and clearer.

Guan Mingxin's mind was almost lost in it.

Fortunately, the mysterious pressure continued to increase, and the pressure on the body also continued to increase. The body felt tempered, which made Guan Ming regain his senses in time.

Before it was too late, Guan Mingxin focused on tempering his body.

One must know that the strength of one's body has already reached the limit of what the Mortal Realm can achieve. Originally, before entering the other eight domains, Guan Mingxin thought that his body could only be kept in this state.

But I didn't expect that I just wanted to find a hidden retreat place, and there was such an unexpected surprise.

Soon, Guan Mingxin's footsteps began to falter, and the pressure from all directions made it impossible for her to bend down even if she wanted to.

Every time he raised his legs, Guan Ming felt so heavy on his knees that he really wanted to give up.

But the calling sound stubbornly stirred Guan Mingxin's mind, not giving her a chance to give up, not even a little meditation.

After several unsuccessful attempts, Guan Ming felt helpless, but his temper was also provoked. He simply gave up the idea of ​​cultivating completely, and at the same time cheered himself up from the bottom of his heart:

"I don't want to steam the steamed buns, I want to see who is playing tricks!"

Lift your leg, lift your leg, lift your leg again.

The protective clothing couldn't withstand the mysterious pressure and broke.

The moment he faced the mysterious pressure, Guan Mingxin's knees began to crack.

Without looking inside, Guan Mingxin knew that the kneecap had cracked.

Before Guan Mingxin could activate the chaotic energy in her body to restore it, a ray of pure vitality emerged from the surrounding liquid energy, repairing her cracked and finely lined kneecap.

Guan Mingxin didn't know it without internal vision, and there was an extremely faint green light flashing in the fine lines on his kneecap that had just been repaired.

The appearance of cracks in the kneecap is a signal.

When Guan Mingxin struggled to lift his other leg, the familiar clicking sound came again, unsurprisingly.

Immediately afterwards, the vitality force restored the fractured bone at an extremely fast speed. (end of this chapter)

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