However, the operation of the "Nine Revolutions Chaos Creation Art" has not stopped, and it is still running at full speed.

Before Guan Mingxin recovered, the same situation as before appeared.

The newly refined chaotic energy still had no time to circulate in the dantian, and was compressed by the pressure outside the body...

The second is the reappearance of the small pool...

Finally, another Yuanli crystal was compressed and condensed.

It's just that the difference from before is that this time Guan Mingxin's cultivation has remained at the first level of Qi training period from beginning to end.

Not surprisingly, this Yuanli crystal was also crushed and absorbed by Yuanzhu Xiaojing.

Afterwards, Guan Mingxin's dantian kept repeating the process of "clouds and mists, drizzle in spring, heavy rain in summer, the crystallization of Yuanli manifested in the body, was crushed, and was swept away"...

One day, two days...

One month, two months...

After 23 months, Guan Mingxin actually sucked up the entire lake of liquid vitality!

During this period, Guan Mingxin's cultivation level remained the same, and he did not move at the first level during the Qi training period.

Fortunately, the chaotic energy in the dantian condensed into a silver-gray crystal of energy not much bigger than the tip of a needle.

At the moment when the last drop of liquid vitality was absorbed by the lake of liquid vitality, Guan Mingxin unknowingly withdrew from the cultivation state.

Guan Ming looked at the emptiness around him in bewilderment, his eyes were full of confusion:

"Why did this great lake disappear?"

Already familiar with the cultivation environment of the high-concentration liquid vitality Great Lake, even though the concentration of vitality in the stalactite cave is still far higher than outside, Guan Mingxin still felt a little uncomfortable, so he simply stopped practicing, got up quickly, put away the meditation futon, and started Explore the bottom of the lake.

The silt at the bottom of the lake has long been pressed by the strong pressure of liquid vitality into a jade-like existence, crystal clear.

Without the phantom star detection, Guan Mingxin knew that the energy contained in the large piece of jade in front of him was at least two or three times higher than the top-grade primordial energy stone of the spiritual rank!

At first glance, there is nothing unusual about the bottom of the lake, except for this attractive jade, there is nothing else.

But Guan Mingxin still explored inch by inch, not letting go of any subtleties.

Finally, in the middle of the lake, Guan Mingxin found a small eye that was only as thick as her little finger, slowly spitting out liquid vitality.

When I saw Xiaoyan, a drop just happened to appear at the mouth of Xiaoyan.

Guan Mingxin was pleasantly surprised to find that it was actually a thick emulsion!

But when the drop of milky essence liquid left the ommatidium, it immediately turned into a transparent liquid vitality.

"Wow! Could it be that there is a large vein of top-grade energy stone below here?"

With a small exclamation, Guan Mingxin immediately forgot about finding the reason for the disappearance of the great lake of liquid vitality, took out various weapons from the purple lotus bracelet, and tried to cut the jade around the small eyes.

Tried and tried, the most powerful Yuanneng lightsaber can only be inserted to a depth of an inch, and then it can't go any further. Forcing it will only destroy the Yuanneng lightsaber.

Seeing this situation, Guan Mingxin could only put away all his weapons, and sat down panting.

After taking a top-level nutrient supplement and putting a compressed crystal bead in his mouth to replenish his strength, Guan Mingxin was ready to continue thinking about how to cut the jade when his breath was adjusted.

"[Dashuai Benshuai]: Anchor, the jade in front of you is as hard as a top-level refining material. If you don't have high-end refining products, don't try it."

"[Yufeng Flying Fish Cub]: The anchor just put all his energy into breastfeeding, right? Look at that little face is blushing, and it hasn't faded yet."

"[Lonely Traveler in the Red Dust]: The anchor's luck really makes me salivate. Jade of this quality is priceless on our side."

"[Master of the Ming family]: Miss Ben has a great plan, the anchor's chance is still in the future, what is the stone in front of me, it's drizzle!"

"[A cup of clear tea]: Jealousy makes me ugly, anchor, please let Baoyang () get away with it!"

"[Ming Ye Wu Boundless]: If I am not mistaken, this stone contains source energy, and there should be source energy mines underneath."

"[Tangtang puts a bag around]: Yuanneng is not accessible to the anchor for the time being. If the anchor finds a way to pry open the stone, he must be careful."

"[Master of the Ming family]: Host, when the source energy mine is dug out, can I order a batch? Not much, ten thousand catties is enough."

"[Meow is the cutest]: Sister Hua, you are so greedy, you know how to bully the anchor. Little cutie doesn't understand the preciousness of energy mines, so I will return ten thousand catties. I will reserve a hundred catties for you and go for fun. Humph (メ)ノ Super fierce!"

"[Prime Minister Commoner]: Let me tell you something weakly, I also want the origin energy mine. What do I want? I don't want much, a hundred catties, not ten catties is fine! (People) please!"

"[The long legs are kneeling]: Same request +1゜. (person) please!"

"[Midnight bell rings a guest]: Please ask for +2 (people)!"


In this pile of "same request", there is also a message, which was sent by the boss "Yao Zun":
"[Yao Zun]: Broadcaster, there is another person behind you on the right, please confirm whether it is an enemy."

Guan Mingxin caught this news at a glance, his heart tightened suddenly, he turned around abruptly, and looked in the direction reminded by "Yao Zun".

He never wanted to meet the eyes of Guan Mingchen who had just finished training.

Seeing those eyes, Guan Mingxin's originally tense heart instantly calmed down inexplicably.

A voice in my heart said repeatedly:

"He is the only person in this world who won't hurt himself except Wuji, so don't be afraid..."

For some reason, Guan Mingxin didn't doubt the voice in his heart at all.

Even, an inexplicable sense of security swept over her whole body.

Before he knew it, Guan Ming's heart had completely relaxed.

Seeing the change in Baby Sister's expression, Guan Mingchen's heart sank.

Fu Bao's memory has gone wrong!
But immediately, Guan Mingchen was overjoyed again.

Even if he doesn't remember himself, Fu Bao can still relax in front of him, trusting himself instinctively!

This discovery made Guan Mingchen's heart sore and swollen, and even his eye sockets became moist.

Guan Mingchen raised his foot and took two tentative steps towards Guan Mingxin.

When he saw that Guan Mingxin was not on guard at all, he couldn't bear it any longer, he jumped in front of Guan Mingxin, squatted down and locked her tightly in his arms.

Being hugged by a stranger suddenly, Guan Mingxin thought he would struggle, but unexpectedly, his body moved closer than his mind.

When Guan Mingxin came back to his senses, he found that his own pair of small arms were also wrapped around the opponent's neck at some point.

The position of the finger happened to be a dead spot.

As long as Guan Ming is willing, she can immediately injure the other party.

But the strange thing is that Guan Mingxin couldn't bring up any hostility at all.

"Brother..." (end of this chapter)

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