Following Guan Mingxin's unconscious murmur, the mist in Guan Mingchen's eyes finally dripped down unbearably.

It dripped onto Guan Mingxin's neck.

Feeling the warm tears drop by drop, Guan Mingxin's tears suddenly flowed like a broken faucet.

Inexplicably, infinite grievances suddenly surged in my heart, as if only the person in front of me could let me confide.

From the silent weeping at the beginning, to sobbing softly, to crying loudly.

Guan Mingxin vented her grievances heartily until she passed out from crying.

During this period, Guan Mingchen kept holding her tightly, stroked her long hair with one hand, and patted her back with the other, silently comforting her.

This kind of change was also unexpected by the viewers in the space-time live broadcast room.

Guan Mingxin's heartfelt catharsis also moved many viewers, and various rewards came again and again...

By the time Guan Mingxin regained consciousness, it was already the next day.

Before opening his eyes, Guan Mingxin's hands were subconsciously groping around, looking for something.

Seeing such an instinctive reaction from his baby sister, Guan Mingchen felt sore again, and quickly put one of his hands into his sister's.

Guan Ming immediately felt relieved, opened his eyes, and stared at the young man who was hugging him.

After a while, he spit out two words softly:

"elder brother."

This sound, although the voice is very soft, but the tone is extraordinarily certain and serious.

Guan Mingxin didn't know what was wrong with him, he just believed that the person in front of him was his brother.

Even if the other party is not, she still wants the other party to become her brother!
It's just because there is a feeling of reassurance in the other party, which is a feeling that Xuanyuan Yunyan, who has the same bloodline as her, can't compare at all.


But extremely real.

Hearing Baby Sister's voice again, Guan Mingchen's worried heart was finally half settled.

As long as my sister still recognizes me, nothing else matters.

"Brother is here."

"elder brother."

"Well, my brother is here."

"elder brother."

"Well, my brother is here."


The two repeated this countless times until Guan Mingxin's stomach protested.


"Ha ha!"

The two brothers and sisters looked at each other and smiled, needless to say, they had already identified each other.

Guan Mingchen casually took out a bunch of delicate snacks from the storage compartment of his Magic Bracelet, with an obvious apology on his face:

"Fubao, pad your stomach first, and after you go out, my brother will make you something delicious."

"Well, Fu Bao is waiting for my brother to show off his skills!"

For the name "Fubao", Guan Mingxin accepted it well, and he didn't feel uncomfortable at all, so he nodded with a smile.

Seeing such a well-behaved and lovely baby sister whom he had not seen for a long time, Guan Mingchen once again felt a warm current in his heart, sweeping through his whole body and dispelling all the dark and negative emotions.

He raised his hand, gently rubbed Guan Mingxin's head, picked up a small snack with the other hand, and handed it to Guan Mingxin's mouth:

"Eat quickly, brother is waiting for Fubao to taste."

"Ah! It's delicious!"

Guan Mingxin opened his mouth very cooperatively and swallowed it in one gulp, his eyes narrowed into a crescent shape, obviously happy.

The two brothers and sisters fed each other without speaking.

After Guan Mingxin's belly swelled up, he stopped his childish behavior.

After a short rest, the two brothers and sisters looked at each other and smiled, holding hands and walking towards the small eye opening at the bottom of the lake that Guan Mingxin had discovered before.

The viewers in the space-time live broadcast room thought that the two brothers and sisters would talk to each other, and they wanted to learn more about the anchor from their conversations, but they never thought that this pair of brothers and sisters is really a bit unusual.

In the case of one party losing their memory, the first reunion, after just crying and venting, they can act together without warning, which is too weird.

Could it be that the blood relationship between close relatives is so solid?

But why do most of the things they know are close relatives turning against each other?
Among the very small group of people who live in peace and harmony, there are almost none who can get along so well with the little brother and sister in the live broadcast room.

Don't say it's because they are young and inexperienced.

What kind of powerful people are the bosses in the space-time live broadcast room? As early as the first time they discovered Guan Mingchen, they realized that his soul body was far more powerful than his body, and there were also some energy fluctuations that could be traced back in time.

Why didn't they understand that Guan Mingchen was not the half-grown boy he appeared on the surface?

Inside, it is an old monster who has lived for an unknown amount of time!
As for the anchor Guan Mingxin, she is special, and the bosses have already seen it all over the place.

Although the memory was erased, the energy fluctuations in her soul body that traveled through time and space many times were not fake.

This pair of brothers and sisters is simply a pair of darlings with good luck!
An existence that makes people envious, jealous and hateful!

Don't say bigwigs don't get jealous.

They're just better at hiding themselves.

Of course, even though the audience was almost overwhelmed with all kinds of complaints in their hearts, when they spoke in the space-time live broadcast room, they tacitly did not bypass Guan Mingchen, and only repeatedly emphasized the need to trade the jade at the bottom of the lake.

The series of requests in the space-time live broadcast room made Guan Mingxin understand that the real treasure is under the jade.

Although some bosses said that with her current cultivation base, she still can't get in touch with that big treasure, but whether she can get in touch is the second priority, and finding a way to lift this piece of jade is the top priority.

Guan Mingchen didn't take the initiative to mention helping, but instead protected Guan Mingxin to prevent hidden dangers.

Unless Guan Mingxin asks for help in person.

And would Guan Mingxin ask for help directly before he tried it?

The answer is of course no!
Guan Ming thought for a long time, and finally, with a little hesitation, he took out from the phantom star a musical instrument that was only about a foot long and a palm wide, like a white jade instrument—a fifty-string guqin, engraved with two ancient characters "Longhua".

This guqin named Longhua was the only one that Guan Mingxin could use, except for the phantom star, among all the magical instruments that Guan Mingxin could use.

With a thought, the guqin turned into a white jade rapier half a meter long, which looked very similar to the material of the piece of jade under his feet.

Holding a beautiful sword flower in his hand, taking a deep breath, Guan Mingxin mobilized the chaotic energy in his dantian, input it into the sword body, and stabbed down violently.


All of a sudden, Longhua, who had turned into a white jade rapier, only had the hilt held by Guan Mingxin's chubby hand, which was left outside the jade stone!
Finally it works!
Guan Ming suppressed the joy in his heart, and tried to slide the white jade sword slowly.

Although it is a bit laborious, the cutting is indeed no problem!
Then he took out the Longhua rapier and looked at it, the blade was intact.

Guan Mingxin was overjoyed immediately, and immediately cut out a circle with a diameter of half a meter around the small eye.

Immediately afterwards, Guan Mingxin didn't draw back the Longhua rapier, but adjusted his breath a bit, and input Yuan force again, urging Longhua to keep growing until he felt no resistance from the tip of the sword.

At this time, the Yuan force in Guan Mingxin's dantian had been exhausted. (end of this chapter)

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