Looking at the little thing that suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, relying on his brother's side and not feeling the little thing's malice, Guan Mingxin tentatively stretched out his hand curiously, wanting to hold it in his hand for a look.

Who would have thought that before she could do it herself, the little thing would fall directly into Guan Mingxin's palm.

Guan Mingxin looked at the small thing in his palm that was not much bigger than his own. It looked like a spinning cone as a whole, with complicated and mysterious runes on it, with a faint luster flashing from time to time, and it looked full of spirituality.

After sensing the spirit aura belonging to Guan Mingchen on the little thing, Guan Mingxin immediately understood its identity, raised his head and showed a proud smile at Guan Mingchen:

"Brother, is this little guy your talisman? It looks very powerful."

"That's right, it's called Wuyuan."

Guan Mingchen glanced at Wu Yuan who was being played by his baby sister, and thought to himself:

For the sake of amusing Fu Bao, let him be spared this time, and punish him twice when he commits another crime in the future.

Sensing that the danger is away from him, Wuyuan heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time he became more and more convinced that as long as he followed the little master, it was absolutely right.

"Wu Yuan, this name is quite similar to Wu Ji."

Guan Mingxin didn't know about the lawsuit between the master and the magic weapon, and just hearing the name made her favor towards Wu Yuan a little bit more.

Just when the siblings were interacting, they had come to Wuji, which was nearly [-] meters away from their little master. Looking at the gray and featureless ore in front of them, they felt very lucky.

If it weren't for the obvious difference between these ores and the surrounding rock layers, Wuji would not have recognized that this was the source energy mine that those bigwigs were talking about.

After feeling it for a while, Wuji knew it in his heart.

It's really a misfortune and a blessing, and a blessing and a misfortune!

In the past, I encountered systems from high-latitude time and space several times, which not only planted a lot of hidden dangers for my little master, but also allowed myself to evolve in advance and comprehend the laws of time and space.

My own evolution has greatly strengthened my ability to foresee future crises, so that I can wake up in time to prevent my little master from committing a heinous crime.

Having already comprehended the laws of time and space, collecting source energy mines is not as difficult as guessed by the bigwigs in the space-time live broadcast room.

In the end, for those systems, I still have to thank them sincerely?

While slandering, Wuji opened the Illusory Cloud Realm and took all the source energy mines in.

In order to avoid missing a single point, Wuji also took away the surrounding rock layer to a thickness of nearly 50 meters.

In an instant, a huge hole formed underground.

As a result, both Guan Mingxin and Guan Mingchen felt their feet trembling slightly.

Before the brothers and sisters could react, Wuji had already returned, and sat on Guan Mingxin's shoulders again, dangling his little feet, feeling quite bored with nothing to do.

If it weren't for her pale and bloodless face, Guan Mingxin would have thought that Wuji was fine.

"Wuji, why do you look so pale? Are you all right?"

"It's okay, it's just that I'm out of strength, just let me take it easy."

Seeing his little master's nervous and worried expression, Wuji secretly said "I'm sorry" in his heart, pretending to be weaker and weaker on the surface.

"Then you have a good rest, this vein is not worth mentioning."

Guan Mingxin was still worried, and was about to give up the opportunity he was about to get.

"No, it's really just exhaustion.

Besides, if I collect the ore veins here, I can absorb and refine them, so I can recover faster, right? "

Seeing that his little master had already turned around and was about to walk towards the jade pipe pillar, Wuji hurriedly stopped him.

Wuji's words are wrong. Could it be that Wuji is pretending like this?

So what is she hiding?
Guan Ming was already suspicious, so naturally he would not insist on leaving.

Turning his head to look at Wuji who was staring at his shoulder, Wuji who was looking straight at him felt a little hairy before he looked away, and changed the subject on his own initiative:

"Which mine here has a higher quality, we will collect it first."

Hearing the words, Wuji breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time quickly put forward his own suggestion through sound transmission:

"Little master, just in case, I left the celestial crystal veins we encountered on the top of the origin energy mine layer.

With the suppression of the veins of the Xianyuan spar, all the veins here can be taken away.

These veins are all similar, just choose one to enter.

They are all gathered in one place, we go there first, collect the ore core and marrow, and then collect the ore veins.

Anyway, no one can come in here. "

"Okay, just listen to Wuji."

Guan Mingchen didn't take Guan Mingxin and Wuji's voice transmission communication seriously.

Even Wuji's pretended weakness was taken seriously by him.

From Guan Mingchen's point of view, her baby sister's cultivation has regressed for some reason, and she is currently only at the first level of the Qi refining stage, so affected by the contract, no matter how outstanding Wuji's own strength is, what she can display now is extremely limited.

Weakness is just inevitable.

Wuyuan also thinks so.

Realizing that his brother didn't suspect anything, Guan Mingxin was naturally happy and didn't have to rack his brains to think of reasons to prevaricate.

As for what exactly his brother thinks of, that's not what Guan Mingxin cares about now.

At this moment, she cared more about what Wuji was hiding.

Yes, Guan Mingxin, who looked calm on the surface, has already confirmed that Wuji has indeed concealed the matter.

When did they encounter the Xianyuan crystal vein?
Why is she, the host, not clear?
Besides, the energy market wells in the cloud fantasy world continuously absorb energy from the endless void. When did Wuji lose energy?

Do you still need to absorb Yuan Energy Stone veins to replenish consumption?

But since Wuji doesn't want to say it, then it's better to pretend that he doesn't know.

As for Wuji's familiarity with the distribution of mineral veins, Guan Mingxin has no doubts.

From Guan Mingxin's point of view, it is not surprising that Wuji evacuated the Naluoshiziyuan Energy Mine!

Inadvertently sensing the boundlessness of his little master's mind, he lowered his head pretending to be weak, holding back a smile.

Guan Mingxin didn't know about Wuji's little tricks, she chose a direction at random, grabbed her brother's hands and feet, and quickly ran over.

After entering the mine, the walls of the mine that can be seen are densely inlaid with raw energy stones of different shapes, large and small, and the lowest quality is also a low-grade spiritual grade. The number is still very small, only within five meters of the entrance of the cave. , and after that, there are middle-grade, top-grade, extreme-grade, and fairy-grade...

After the fairy rank, there are still a large number of higher-grade primordial energy stones, but Guan Mingxin can't recognize them for the time being.

Facing the massive amount of wealth, Guan Ming smacked his lips and said with emotion:

"There are so many Yuan Energy Stone raw mines, are they really ours?

Why didn't I feel the surprise of becoming an upstart? "

"Then it's only yours if you keep them in your bag.

Little master, I would like to advise you, don't pretend to be forceful, you will be struck by lightning!

Besides, even if you put them all away, do you dare to use them unscrupulously? "

Wuji could see that he couldn't bear such a rampant face of his little master, curled his lips and poured cold water on him.

Poison Tongue is online now!

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