"Uh... That's true, but when I get promoted, I won't be afraid!

Also, Wuji remembers to read more books and study more. It is inevitable for Master Yuan to be struck by lightning, but it has nothing to do with pretending to be aggressive or not. "

Guan Mingxin was so stunned that he staggered accidentally, if his brother hadn't rushed to stop him, he would have almost fallen to the ground.

"Hmph, your strength will improve?

Could it be that when you practice, other people stop to sleep and wait for you to catch up and overtake them?

Little master, realize now, don't fantasize about Spring and Autumn Dreams!
Even if you have cultivated to the level of the top power in the Hundred Wars Realm, is it possible that you will not ascend?
When you get to the Immortal World, you're just another rookie who can be crushed to death easily.

And oh, we were born together and studied together, if I am uneducated, then you are also terrible! "

The poisonous tongue continues to attack, and the enemy is about to be defeated. Congratulations, let's make persistent efforts.


Even if I can't spend as much money as I want to be a real dandy who is even more dandy than a dandy, then I can't just hide and count energy stones to play with? "

Guan Mingxin's chubby face turned from pale to green, from blue to white, he hesitated for a long time, and in the end he could only do his best to save face arrogantly, and stopped talking to Wuji after he finished speaking.

"All right, all right, why not? You are the master and you have the final say!"

Wuji also didn't want to make it too funny, it wouldn't be beautiful if he really became angry from embarrassment.

This ruined continent is still very dangerous. My little master is now a real four-year-old milk baby digging a baby. No matter how far his mind is far beyond his peers, he is still a child at heart. There is still a long way to go before he matures. Too much teasing made the little master lose his vigilance in a fit of anger, but it was his own fault!

Even with the reborn villain by his side, Wuji didn't feel safe.

Ever since, Wuji took the initiative to lean his small body over and rubbed Guan Mingxin's cheek to show comfort.

Feeling that the little guy gave in and apologized, Guan Mingxin twitched the corners of his mouth, and immediately pressed it down forcefully, pretending to be still angry, but the smile in his eyes couldn't be concealed.

Wuji clearly felt the psychological changes of his little master, he sighed helplessly, spread his hands, what can he do?
My master can only pamper her!
The bickering between the two little guys was so entertaining that the audience in the space-time live broadcast room were laughing like crazy, amidst the hahahaha, there were occasional geese.

At the same time, along with countless rewards, ingots representing money are flying all over the screen in the live broadcast room...

As for Guan Mingchen and Wu Yuan who were always by Guan Mingxin's side, the former also showed a rare smile, while the latter laughed like crazy in Guan Mingchen's sea of ​​consciousness.

Just like this, Guan Mingxin didn't know how long it took to make jokes and jokes along the way.

From running fast at the beginning, to trotting, to sprinting, to strolling leisurely, and finally being dragged by my brother to hobble.

Finally, they were about to reach their destination—the place where all the ore veins converged.

At this moment, Wuji suddenly sent a voice transmission to Guan Mingxin.

In order to prevent it from being overheard by the bosses in the time-space live broadcast room, she directly informed her in text form in her little master's sea of ​​consciousness:
"Master, the destination is not far ahead, you pretend to be exhausted before slowing down."

Sensing the fluctuations in the sea of ​​consciousness, Guan Mingxin calmly slowed down his steps, rejected his brother's idea of ​​carrying her away, and insisted on moving forward at a slow speed.

It's the kind that takes a step and pants three times, and then stops for a few seconds to catch its breath.

"Very well, that's it, this is the stereoscopic image of the destination ahead."

As these words appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, a three-dimensional dynamic image slowly unfolded.


A sound of children playing caught Guan Mingxin's attention. When he looked closely, he saw a ball about the size of Guan Mingxin's head running around in a spherical space with a radius of [-] meters.

Inside the transparent sphere, a little fox appeared for a while, a little tiger for a while, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a little bird flapping its wings...

The sound of laughter came from the ball.

Mysterious runes flowed on the surface of the ball, preventing the unknown little things inside the ball from escaping.

Every time the little thing jumps and clicks, it will release a mysterious and unknown energy, which will dissipate to the energy crystals of different shapes floating in the spherical space.

After receiving this unknown energy, the energy crystal released pure vitality, which diffused along the mine hole on the wall of the spherical space.

"Huh? It's actually...

Little master, have you seen those energy crystals?

That is the ore core essence, after you go in later, use the bead small realm to collect them all, and then go to collect the ore veins one by one.

The time is coming when I can show myself to the outside world.

That ball is what I need, and while there is still a distance away, I will go and put it away first.

That thing is not easy for others to find out.

Fortunately, the rules here are special, and because of the special magnetic field left by the energy mine, as long as the owner is not close, the camera in the space-time live broadcast room will not be able to capture the picture there.

After the master has collected the mine core and marrow, I will take advantage of this rare opportunity to help the master renovate the small bead environment, tidy up and plan.

When the transformation of the space is completed, I will only keep enough for the owner before Ascension to the Immortal Realm for the remaining mine core, essence and veins, and the rest will be transferred to the Cloud Fantasy Realm.

The evolution of the Cloud Illusory Realm has not been completed, and it cannot be used in the short term.

But even if the evolution is completed ahead of time and can be used, I don't recommend the owner to use it before ascending.

After dealing with the Yuanzhu Xiaojing, unless the little master ascends to the fairyland, I will not be able to reappear, the little master has to work hard!
Wuji is waiting for the little master to reunite in the fairy world!

Little master, we will see you in the fairy world! "

At the end of the day, Wuji still couldn't help setting a flag again, and secretly promised in his heart that if he would be slapped in the face again this time, he would never set a flag again in the future!
Wuji didn't understand, besides being slapped in the face for setting a flag, there is also a "true fragrance law".

With the playful and lovely familiar words, Wuji disappeared.

Guan Mingxin knew that the little guy used the space to jump into the spherical space in front, picked up the constantly flowing ball and entered the small bead realm together.

"I will, Wuji, thank you."

Although Guan Mingxin couldn't hide his disappointment, he knew that his current strength was low, and treasures like Wuji and Yunhuanjie were indeed impossible for him to keep.

There is no one else who can make me trust 100%, except for my brother Guan Mingchen.

If it were someone else, it would be difficult for Guan Mingxin to guarantee that the other party would not be greedy.

At that time, even if they are fused with the original core of one's own soul, there will still be many ways to capture the cloud fantasy world with the mighty powers trying to make their own souls fly away.

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