Guan Mingxin is very clear, don't look at the viewers in the space-time live broadcast room who are very kind to him, but once they know Wuji's true identity, there will definitely be people who will come back from the high-latitude space-time to take away the cloud fantasy world and Wuji Almighty!
Still too weak!
The biggest achievement today is that Wuji was mistaken for a contract beast with space talent.

Absolutely, absolutely, keep Wuji's identity a secret!
From now on, Wuji is his own contracted beast with space talent!
Guan Mingxin repeated these words over and over again, as if he wanted to engrave them in his soul before giving up.

From the view of the viewers in the space-time live broadcast room, it was Wuji, the contracted beast, who was unable to support himself and returned to Guan Mingxin's contracted space because he had collected some source energy mines and consumed too much.

For this reason, they were amazed again and again, thinking that Wuji's talent is really too monstrous. With such a contract beast, the anchor is really lucky. God's own daughter is also at this level, right?

Yes, that's right, they already knew that Guan Mingxin was a little girl.

After tempering the body last time, although it is covered by long hair, it is not difficult for the bosses in the space-time live broadcast room to find the problem.

Regarding this point, Guan Mingxin felt that it didn't matter, as long as they knew that they were female dolls, they would know, anyway, they hadn't found out that their appearance was disguised for the time being.

After a long while, Guan Mingxin pretended to be comforted by his brother, managed to regain his energy, looked forward and continued to move forward with "difficulty".

Finally, she came to the source of the three-dimensional image projected by Wuji, where all the ore veins converge.

Looking up, everything else is the same as in the stereoscopic image, except for the missing transparent ball running around.

"[Long legs kneeling]: The anchor is really lucky, with so much heart and soul, I got rich, envy, jealousy and hatred are not enough to describe my distorted face at the moment, I was hit!!_| ̄|○"

“[Ducks also have spring]: Isn’t it?
Didn't it mean that the host is in a low-level small world in low-latitude space-time?

Then what happened to so many ore core essence? "

"[Ask how much you can worry about]: That's right, even we rarely have so many high-quality ore core essence here."

"[Prime Minister Commoner]: The two upstairs are newcomers who just entered the live broadcast room, right?

The anchor has entered a relic space. According to the speculation of the big guys, this relic space should be a high-latitude space-time, drifting in the void, perhaps encountered a space-time wormhole, and established a relationship with the small world where the anchor lives. Temporary space channel. "

“[Lonely Walker in the Red Dust]: My mother asked me why I watched the live broadcast on my knees, and I just wanted to say that jealousy twisted me!
The host can save some for me, I am not greedy, all I need is a mine core and essence. "

"[Midnight bell rings a visitor]: +1 for the same request!"

"[Tutu Zhenxiang]: Seek +2 together!"


Guan Mingxin didn't want to respond to these audiences, and was still complaining in his heart:
This baby is unlucky, isn't he in trouble?

Besides, Wuji confessed to put away all these mine hearts and essences, even my own brother didn't give them to me, so how could I give them to you guys who just laughed at my baby? !
This baby also has a temper, or the kind that can't be coaxed well!

In fact, Guan Mingchen did not follow him into this place where all the ore veins converge.

Guan Mingchen knew very well that there were definitely rare treasures in there, so it was fine if he didn't see them.

If you see it, you become greedy, and make your baby sister unhappy, then it will go against your original intention.

His current strength is far from being able to completely control his emotions and desires.

Therefore, after he was sure that Guan Mingxin could continue on his own, he stopped.

Although Wu Yuan was a little unwilling, but due to the determination of the master and the deterrence of Wuji, the king of spirit bodies, he could only hold his flag.

As more and more ore cores and marrows are collected by Guan Mingxin into the Yuanzhu Small Territory, the Yuanzhu Small Territory is also rapidly evolving...

While slandering, Guan Mingxin collected the mine core essence neatly, and his movements were not affected by the audience in the space-time live broadcast room at all.

At this time, Wuji, who was in the small bead realm, used these core essences to evolve the space of the small bead realm again.

After the mine core and marrow are collected, the next is the mine vein.

At this time, Yuanzhu Xiaojing had evolved to the point where it could instantly collect an entire vein of ore at one time, which saved Guan Mingxin from the trouble of digging the mine himself.

"[Yao Zun]: The anchor's mustard space level is not low, has it evolved?"

"[Emperor Hanyuan]: It should be the natal space cultivated by myself, otherwise it won't be as easy to control as the host."

"[Master of the Ming family]: My lady has a wonderful plan, and the host's space evolution has a lot of natural resources and treasures, and the future can be expected."

“[Tang Tang Packs a Bag]: The anchor works hard to manage this space, and the help to you is unpredictable.”

As soon as the bosses in the VIP seats opened their mouths, the rest of the audience remained silent in tacit agreement. The aura of the bosses was really too strong.

"[Anchor]: The space is indeed cultivated by myself, thank you for reminding me, I will work hard."

Guan Mingxin was no stranger to the fact that the VIP seats in the time-space live broadcast room could see the specialness of Yuanzhu Xiaojing.

Anyway, as long as the Promise and Yunhuanjie are not exposed.

Continue to collect ore veins.

One, two, three...

Guan Mingxin had already forgotten how many ore veins he had collected, and even the audience in the space-time live broadcast room were teasing at the beginning, and became really envious and jealous.

Several of them spoke too aggressively, and were ridiculed by other viewers, and they were so angry that they quit the live broadcast room by themselves.

Guan Mingxin, who was numb and mechanically repeating the collection work, didn't know what happened in the space-time live broadcast room.

After finally closing the last vein, Guan Mingxin, who was in a daze, started to turn back under Wuji's reminder.

Guan Mingchen silently followed Guan Mingxin's footsteps, watching her move slowly like a dead old man.

It wasn't that Guan Mingchen didn't want to help, but that Guan Mingxin refused.

At this moment, Guan Mingxin completely rejects everything from the outside world.

When passing through the emulsion, Guan Mingxin subconsciously collected all the emulsion.

It wasn't until she slowly climbed to the bottom of the lake, and finally put away the jade pipe pillar, that Guan Mingxin immediately fell asleep after being notified by Wuji that she had collected everything.

Fortunately, Guan Mingchen was always by his side, which saved her from the embarrassment of lying on the ground.

Guan Mingxin, who was held in his brother's arms and slept beautifully, felt that he had come back to life.

"It turns out that nouveau riche are not easy to do!"

The exclamation of Versailles immediately made Guan Mingchen laugh unceasingly, and at the same time, the audience in the time-space live broadcast room complained wildly.

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