Guan Mingxin, who has read all the chat records, said that you are all envious and jealous.

"[Anchor]: Jealousy makes you ugly, for the sake of your beauty, let's suspend this jealous face, I can't bear to look directly at () put on the gas mask!"

Guan Mingxin didn't care about the words that caused the time and space live broadcast room to blow up again.

Just look through the records when you are free. It's no point arguing with them, and you'll lose your share.

Flipping records makes me happy!
Guan Mingxin didn't even realize that since his brother came, he became more and more lively, with the happiness that he should have at his age, it has become normal for him to be agitated from time to time.

"Master, have you forgotten that there is still a mission in hand?"

Suddenly, Jiujiu's voice sounded in Guan Mingxin's mind.

"Huh? Jiujiu? You recovered?"

After Guan Mingxin was surprised, he was pleasantly surprised. Not long ago, Wuji said that he would wait until the fairy world to reunite. He never thought that when he woke up, the sleeping Jiujiu would wake up!

I have a friend again!

"Thank you, master, for your concern, but the master hasn't answered my question yet. Don't try to change the subject!"

Jiujiu sensed the emotions of her master, and even though she was moved, she still didn't forget the question she just asked.

"Uh... Jiujiu, you are such a villain!"

Guan Mingxin pursed his lips, and now he felt that the sleeping Jiujiu was cute again.

As for the missions mentioned by Jiujiu, Guan Mingxin knew that they were all kinds of missions received directly from the mission system of the Yanyi Divine Realm after being fused with the Yanyi Ring by the phantom star.

Even though most of the memory was erased, this Yanyi Divine Realm was related to cultivation, so it was still preserved.

There are two unfinished tasks on my body, one of which is the small task of praying fish, which is easy to handle, as long as I continue to live.

And the second one is the dying obsession of a child named Yangyang, and the task is called [Yangyang's long-cherished wish].

【Yangyang's long-cherished wish】What exactly is it?

As his thoughts raced, Guan Ming couldn't help but think of the incident when Ogagao Xing, who first came to the original Xinghan world, which is now under the jurisdiction of Ogagao in the Mortal Realm, was accidentally knocked unconscious by a child who appeared out of nowhere.

If the prediction is not bad, that child is "Yangyang".

What is Yangyang's obsession?

Find family members and ask why you abandoned yourself, that's all.

Yangyang himself is a child, and any complicated obsessions he can have are nothing more than unwillingness to be abandoned and tortured.

From the day Guan Mingxin entered Manduya Children's College, he used the magic star's weapon Ling Jiujiu to check a lot of news.

From these news, Guan Mingxin sorted out the information related to Yang Yang's identity. With the guess target, he just waited for time to find evidence to confirm the guess and confirm Yang Yang's specific identity.

Originally, Guan Mingxin wanted to do this after the wilderness experience was over.

Who would have thought that after coming to Bizhi Valley, one after another accident, not only himself and his friends were trapped, but even Jiujiu fell into a deep sleep.

Where does Guan Mingxin remember having a mission?
But since Jiujiu has already made an early warning, what should come will come sooner or later.

Guan Mingxin looked at the time displayed on the phantom star projection avatar on his left wrist, and it was one year and ten months before the mission was due.

There is plenty of time, and it is completely in time!
In fact, even if Jiujiu didn't remind herself, Guan Mingxin planned to solve Yangyang's obsession problem as soon as possible.

Without him, I just don't want to bear the cause and effect.

However, in order to guard against accidents, Guan Mingxin decided to wait for Xuanyuan Yunyan and the others to leave the customs, and then lead his brother and them towards the location of the target person who could solve the problem for him.

As for how to find the target person?
Isn't there still a powerful phantom star, Jiujiu is there!

Now that he has made a decision in his heart, Guan Mingxin is not a procrastination person. He touched the phantom star clone on his left wrist, and decisively gave Jiujiu an order with his thoughts:
"Jiujiu, mark all the people with the same blood as me on the map of the ruins."

"Got it, master, please wait a moment!"

"Master, all the target persons who meet the conditions have been marked, please check the master."

In just a few breaths, Jiujiu completed the task and unfolded the map in Guan Mingxin's sea of ​​consciousness.

After thanking Jiujiu, Guan Ming focused his attention on the map in the sea of ​​consciousness. There were far fewer white spots on the map, and they were scattered in the peripheral area.

A small part of them also approached the Zhongwei area, not far from the stalactite cave where their traced mercenary group was located.

Among those people, there was a white light spot marked by Jiujiu with a special symbol, and there was a golden-red light circle around it.

The color of the golden-red aperture is very pure and strong.

Its meaning is self-evident, Guan Mingxin understands that this is the carrier of the same blood that has the closest connection with his own body.

Just like a green light spot very close to Guan Mingxin, there is also a very pure and thick golden-red halo.

That is Xuanyuan Yunyan.

In addition, there is more than one white light spot with a golden-red aperture, the total number is as many as two hundred.

But the golden-red light of those circles was either light or dim, indicating that they were not close to their own blood, so Guan Mingxin naturally excluded them.

Of course, the most dazzling thing is the pure golden spot of light that clings to him.

Guan Ming knew that it represented his brother Guan Mingchen.

Now that the target person has been found and the distance is not too far away, Guan Mingxin's restless mind immediately settled down.

Slowing down a bit, Guan Mingxin, who didn't want to practice any more, took out the Qiankun bottle that specially stored a large amount of liquid after enjoying his brother's feeding, and dragged his brother towards Xuanyuan Yunyan and the others, while taking The passing Shi Zhongyuan milk was collected according to different years.

During this period, Guan Mingxin didn't know that Wuji, who had quietly done another big thing, had secretly communicated with Guan Mingchen for a while.

Afterwards, Guan Mingchen reasoned that he had to leave for a few days because he had something to do, and he asked Guan Mingxin to wait for him in this stalactite cave.

Guan Mingxin naturally agreed.

How did she know what Wuji had done.

Guan Mingxin has always been worried that Wuji and Yunhuanjie will be discovered by others, which will attract other people's covetousness.

Before obtaining those origin energy mines and the balls in the core essence, Wuji wanted to do something, but due to insufficient conditions, he could only watch his master worry day and night.

Now, finally had a chance to change, Wuji took action immediately.

She stripped the Yunfan Realm from Guan Mingxin's original soul core, and after using the treasures she just obtained to refine a primary energy market well, she directly extracted the original energy market well and the original core of the Cloud Fantasy Realm, and blended it into it. The infinite world.

The cloud fantasy world that lost its original core was split into space fragments by Wuji, and then merged with the small bead realm in Guan Mingxin's dantian.

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