The reason why I say this can be regarded as a test, Guan Mingxin thought in his heart:

"If you pass my temptation, although I can't give you trust, I can guarantee that, on the premise of not revealing your secrets, as long as you don't have bad intentions, I will provide you with the appropriate amount of money in Yuanzhu Xiaojing. resources, as a reward for temporarily helping me with chores."

That's right, after reuniting with his brother Guan Mingchen, Guan Mingxin regarded the eight people including Yan Zhiqi as temporary odd jobs.

It's still the kind that if you don't work well, you will be fired immediately.

Although she didn't know why her brother Guan Mingchen left, Guan Mingxin's intuition told her that when her brother came back, she would definitely give herself a big surprise.

As for the remuneration for the temporary employees, Guan Mingxin also thought carefully about choosing Yuanzhu Xiaojing as the compensation.

Guan Mingxin couldn't imagine what the Yuanzhu Xiaojing would be like after Wuji's adjustment and transformation, but he would definitely not lack the resources needed by low-level practitioners.

Because Guan Mingxin's current cultivation level is very low, and many resources are needed by herself.

Since your own small bead realm can produce something, there is no need to waste money buying from outside, or go out to search for resources yourself.

With that time and effort, it is better to spend it on cultivation.

And the reward that Guan Mingxin will provide is only something that Yan Zhiqi and others can use temporarily, and it will never be something precious.

Of course, in Guan Mingxin's perception, things that are not very precious are actually very valuable, but isn't his brother Guan Mingchen guarding this.

At that time, it would be good to push the matter of paying the rewards to my brother Guan Mingchen.

Guan Mingxin believes that with his brother Guan Mingchen around, his small world of pearls will never be exposed.

Let's talk about the present.

After Xuanyuan Yunyan heard that his little highness had exposed the treasure so easily, a trace of disapproval flashed in Xuanyuan Yunyan's eyes, but it was very subtle and was not discovered by others.

With uneasiness, Xuanyuan Yunyan looked at the friends around him, only to find that when they heard about the treasure, they were only slightly stunned for a while, and then calmed down, without any jealousy or greed.

But Xuanyuan Yunyan was still worried, they definitely deserved to be from big powers, and the city was deep enough.

Perhaps because he noticed Xuanyuan Yunyan's vigilance, Yan Zhiqi laughed when he came back to his senses, leaving only the part with the lowest age of less than 1000 years in the Shi Zhongyuan milk he put away, and piled up the rest to his little group leader before:
"Let's say it earlier, the little regiment leader has such a good baby, so I don't have to worry about losing these high-year Shi Zhongyuan milk.

Little regiment leader, please do me a favor, put these away for me, and I will ask you to get them when I can take them out. "

When the other people saw this, they all showed an annoyed look on the surface that I didn't expect. They all laughed and took out the high-year Shi Zhongyuan milk, clamoring for Guan Mingxin to put it away.

Seeing this, Guan Ming's heart sank suddenly, but he pretended to be moved by a flash of emotion in his eyes, and he hummed coldly pretending to be angry:

"Hmph! I knew it would make me suffer, so you guys just wait!
I said it in advance, don't think that my cultivation base is growing slowly! "

"Haha, how come?"

"No, no, the little regiment leader can safely keep it."

"Yes, we are not in a hurry."

Seeing the emotion in Guan Mingxin's eyes clearly, the other people became more and more upset, feeling that their plan had already succeeded in half.

Next, as long as you continue to brush your favor, you don't have to worry about failing to achieve their goals.

Like Guan Mingxin, Xuanyuan Yunyan was also in a heavy heart at this time, he was not at all happy for the trusting attitude of Yan Zhiqi and others.

On the contrary, he felt that these people had a lot of plans.

I just don't know what they want to get from His Royal Highness?
Perhaps, the meeting and acquaintance in Manduoya Children's College was also the result of the deliberate arrangement of these people.

From the beginning to the end, they should all come for His Highness.

I am just a springboard and tool for them to contact His Highness.

The villain in Xuanyuan Yunyan's heart twitched the corners of his mouth mockingly, didn't he already suffer from the so-called betrayal of his best friend?
How can I heal the scar, forget the pain, and act emotionally again?
Yes, before that, Xuanyuan Yunyan treated the eight people including Yan Zhiqi as friends, the kind who could entrust their backs to fight together.

It's a pity that after a field experience and accidentally entering the Ruins Continent, for some reason, these eight people suddenly stopped hiding their treacherous thoughts.

As a bystander, Xuanyuan Yunyan could see clearly, maybe even the eight people including Yan Zhiqi didn't notice their changes.

Was it something His Royal Highness did, or was it because of the ruined continent itself?
Xuanyuan Yunyan didn't want to explore the answer to this question.

All he knew was that because of his carelessness, he had brought eight people with problems to the side of His Highness.

Guan Mingxin keenly sensed Xuanyuan Yunyan's emotions, and turned sideways towards him calmly. Using the cover of his figure, he stuffed a small object into his palm, and at the same time released his mental power to wrap the thing in front of him. A pile of Qiankun bottles and storage boxes were collected into Yuanzhu Xiaojing.

And according to different years, the stone stalactite milk in these storage utensils was poured into the pool prepared by Wuji in the small territory of Yuanzhu.

These small pools of stalactites line up with the pools of viscous, almost solid emulsions.

The closer to the emulsion pool, the higher the age of the stone stalactites contained in it.

In the small pool closest to the emulsion pool, the stone stalactite milk is also almost solid and viscous, and its age is more than 500 million years, which was identified by Jiujiu.


Among them, the 10-year-old Shi Zhongyuan milk was collected by Guan Mingxin alone.

Among the Shi Zhongyuan milk collected by the other nine people, there are only about ten catties of 10-year-old milk, and the others are all less than 10-year-old.

The emulsion pool is the confluence of the ten veins of energy stone preserved by Wuji, and the bottom of the pool is the ten core essence.

With the nourishment of the mineral veins, these stone bell milk will not only not reduce the effect over time, but also slowly improve the quality.

One must know that the current Yuanzhu Realm is a fusion of space fragments from the Illusory Cloud Realm, possessing a trace of the original law of time and space, and the flow of time can be controlled by Guan Mingxin independently.

Guan Mingxin, who didn't know this yet, just thought it was the new adjustment made by Wuji, and he had already arranged the best plan, so he didn't need to change and reset the time flow rate himself. (end of this chapter)

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