Therefore, what Guan Mingxin knows so far is that, except for a special training room in the entire Yuanzhu Xiaojing, which is set to delay time, all other places are time-accelerated, and the magnification is the highest limit that Yuanzhu Xiaojing can currently bear, 100 times.

That is, one day in the outside world and 100 days in Yuanzhu Xiao.

Moreover, with the improvement of Guan Mingxin's cultivation, this multiplier will increase.

More importantly, this acceleration or delay of time will not affect the age change of Guan Mingxin, the master.

Of course, if it were someone else, it would depend on whether Guan Ming Xinle was willing to expend a lot of energy to keep his age growing in sync with the outside world.

If you don't like it, you can only follow the speed of time in Yuanzhu Xiaojing.

Only because of the special practice room, no one else could enter except Guan Mingxin.

This is also the capital that Guan Mingxin can promise in his heart to provide cultivation resources to Yan Zhiqi and other eight people who have passed the test.

Guan Mingxin was secretly proud, and threw out a bunch of storage boxes:

"Hey, Sister Lan, hurry up and collect your precious elixir."

"Okay! Follow the order of the head of the group!"

Shi Shalan jumped three feet high, skinned a bit, and dragged Zhongsun Lexing to dig for the elixir.

Seeing this, the others tacitly did not disturb the pair of guys with pink bubbles.

Le's Zhongsun Le Xing secretly looked back and gave everyone a grateful look in his busy schedule, but Shi Shalan looked up at him and slapped him on the forehead without any hassle:

"What are you looking at, why don't you hurry up and work!"

"Oh, you violent woman, be careful not to get married!"

Zhongsun Lexing muttered, but the smile in his eyes could not be concealed.

"Hmph, if you can't get married, you can't get married, and I can't marry you!
a piece of cake!
work fast! "

Shi Shalan, who was digging for the elixir with her head down, raised the bar habitually, but didn't see it. After Zhongsun Lexing heard her words, she staggered in fright and almost fell.

"Hahaha! Sister Lan is right! Don't marry, just marry back!"

Guan Mingxin, who was in a good mood, also joined in the fun.

"Whahahaha, hahahaha...

Lanlan is indeed quite like a queen, and it would be great to marry a prince! "

"Le Xing, look at you being bullied by Lan Lan every day, maybe you are destined to get married!"

Seeing the aggrieved look on Zhongsun Lexing's face, Ou Lu jokingly made a joke.

But I don't know what I said.

In the future, due to various reasons, Zhongsun Lexing will really be the one to marry, this is a later story.

Not long after, Shi Shalan and Zhongsun Lexing dug up all the elixir, sorted them into categories, picked out the most valuable and young plants, and asked Guan Mingxin to put them away and store them in her treasure. The remaining elixirs were divided equally Ten copies.

However, Guan Mingxin only took the part that she asked her to help save, and did not have the moving average part:
"Let Sister Jiajia store my share in the group treasury as the common property of the mercenary group."

When the others saw this, they only took the storage box containing the pink peach-shaped spiritual fruit, and Shi Jiajia put away the rest as group storage.

Shi Jiajia did not refuse, counted the points, made a list of the regiment, and vacated a small grid in the miracle bracelet to store these elixir.

"Wait out, sell some Bizhi orchids, and buy a high-end storage ring first, as a group treasury."

Seeing Shi Jiajia's actions, Yan Zhiqi immediately made a decision.

Group library resources cannot be allowed to occupy Shi Jiajia's personal storage space.

There was no objection to this, and it was passed unanimously.

Guan Ming thought to himself:
She didn't want those elixirs, but she felt that she had already taken the lead. As for what was to be the common property of the group, it was just an excuse she made up casually.

At that time, it is uncertain whether this mercenary group of playing tricks will still be there.

Let's see them making a fuss, just think of it as delaying time and waiting for my brother to come back.

"Ah, ok, ok, ok!
The matter of buying the group storage ring will wait until we go out!

Now let's have something delicious!

We have been in seclusion for a long time, and we are tired of taking nutritional supplements all the time. "

Shi Shalan suddenly yelled, interrupting Guan Mingxin's thoughts.

I saw Shi Shalan hurriedly took out five storage boxes, opened them and saw that they were full of ingredients and seasonings, and less than half of them were imported treasures.

Seeing this scene, Guan Mingxin was immediately happy. Isn't this just the best way to delay time when you are sleepy and give away a pillow!

Guan Mingxin immediately catered for it and took out a lot of ingredients, all of which were spirit ingredients of the third rank and above, and piled them up next to those storage boxes.

When he looked up, he had already changed into a pitiful expression, and a pair of misty cat pupils looked at his cheap elder brother without blinking.

The corner of Xuanyuan Yunyan's mouth twitched non-stop, although he didn't know what the little highness was up to, but it was all about cooperating.

Hence, Xuanyuan Yunyan acted as if he had no choice but to accept his fate, rolled up his sleeves, took out a whole set of pots and pans, and began to wash his hands to make soup.

Originally, everyone didn't think there was anything wrong with drinking nutritional supplements all the time, but seeing the scene in front of them, their stomachs growled involuntarily.

Several other people rubbed their stomachs amusedly, and stepped forward to help.

For a while, the mother leopard's lair was full of heat, and a symphony of pots and pans was played.

The aroma of food gradually spread, and floated out of the lair without formation.

"Boss, hold on for a while, we've already got rid of the pursuit, and we can rest when we find a hiding place."

The baby-faced young man lifted up the man on his back and cheered.

"I... nothing... nothing..."

Hearing this, the man struggled to lift his eyelids and spoke words of comfort.

However, his sallow and blue face, and the words he spoke were even weaker, which clearly showed that his situation was very bad, and he was at the end of his strength.

The baby-faced young man couldn't see the man's face, but the other guards around them could see clearly. He became more and more anxious, and hated the family and clan in Ogagao's jurisdiction even more to the bone.

They are ruthless in their hearts:
"Don't let us walk out of the ruins continent alive!

Otherwise, just wait for our crazy revenge!

At that time, the day when you family and clan will be exterminated is just around the corner! "

"Huh? What's so delicious?"

Suddenly, among the group of them, the youngest boy wheezed his nose, slowed down unconsciously, and his stomach was rumbling in rebellion.

It has been more than two months since being chased and intercepted by a sneak attack, to fighting and fleeing all the way.

After finally getting rid of the pursuers, the boy couldn't hold on anymore.

If it weren't for relying on the worship and respect of his boss to hold his last breath, the boy would have fallen down long ago.

But this sudden fragrance, like a needle, instantly punctured his almost empty balloon.


Just a moment later, the boy let out his last breath, completely deflated.

It's not just the teenager alone. (end of this chapter)

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