You know, the personal guards of the main mansion in the Ogagao area, except for the few people who came forward to take charge of diplomatic affairs, have always been the people who only exist in various rumors.

So much so that in the minds of the little fellows of the Traceable Mercenary Group, they should be invincible existences.

But now that they look like this, almost no part of their body is intact without scars, which makes the little guys feel sour and uncomfortable.

There was even a nameless anger in Guan Mingxin's heart, and he didn't know who to vent to.

Some small plans that were originally intended to be implemented on the "task objectives" were also unconsciously forgotten.

She knew that this was the result of letting go of her "Yangyang" obsession.

Although it was uncomfortable, it was within the controllable range, and it happened to be convenient for me to improve my acting skills.

The changes in the breath of the little guys couldn't be hidden from the sergeants, which made the latter feel relieved. It seemed that these little guys didn't have any malicious intentions towards them.

However, after they tentatively took a step forward, they were immediately stopped by Guan Mingxin who spoke softly and cutely:
"Hey, wait, you are not allowed to come over!"

The sergeants heard that their bodies were tense, and when they were at a loss, they heard the little doll speak again in a soft and cute voice, but the disgust in that tone could not be concealed no matter what:

"It stinks! It stinks!

Brother Kong, quickly take them outside to wash up.

Otherwise, this big table of fragrant food will be stinky and tasteless! "

Hearing this, the tense bodies of the sergeants became more and more stiff. They looked at each other, and without sniffing too hard, the indescribable smell of blood, sweat, medicine, etc. mixed together immediately hit their faces.

It's fine when you're not reminded.

After being reminded, they immediately couldn't hold on any longer and just wanted to vomit, but unfortunately their stomachs were empty and there was nothing to vomit!

Otherwise, what kind of scene will be staged now is simply unimaginable!
There was no need for Guan Mingxin to urge him again, the soldiers immediately turned around and walked out, their hasty steps seemed to be beyond their patience.

Three girls, Shi Shalan, Shi Jiajia, and Guo Xinlang, accompanied their little regiment leader, while Xuanyuan Yunyan and other six boys could only reluctantly stand up, put down their chopsticks, and walk out of the lair as well. go.

A quarter of an hour later, the two parties walked in together.

This time, the sergeants, both men and women, were wearing ordinary protective clothing. Apart from the smell of healing potions and the water vapor after just bathing, there was no other miscellaneous smell on their bodies.

Seeing such soldiers, Guan Mingxin's chubby face finally stretched out from the cloudy weather.

A young man with a baby face among the sergeants pretended to be nervous and asked Guan Mingxin:

"My lord, the leader, can we come in now?"

Adults are adults, why add the word 'small'!

snort!What a savage without manners! "

When Guan Mingxin heard this, he rolled his eyes directly, without concealing it at all, while scolding angrily, he jumped off his seat and walked to the baby-faced young man to stand three meters away, examining him.

"Uh... ok ok, it's my fault!

Sir, please forgive me! "

The baby-faced young man was not annoyed at being scolded by a three-headed little guy, instead he played an old-fashioned tune in a hurry.

"Well, that's all you can do.

Hey, uneducated, it's terrible! "

Guan Mingxin was not even stage frightened, she raised her small chin, thinking that she was reserved and reserved.

But it never occurred to her at all that with her current appearance, the movements she made could be as cute as possible.

Not only these people at the scene couldn't stand it, but even the audience in the space-time live broadcast room called out, "The anchor is so cute, it's a foul!"

"Thank you for the reputation of the leader, I have an unfeeling request, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

Although the baby-faced youth was about to burst into laughter from the bottom of his heart, he still had a serious expression on his face, and bowed directly to the end.

He was more respectful on the surface, but in fact it was to cover up the corners of his mouth that could not be controlled.

Guan Ming wanted to say, "Since I don't know if I should say it or not, then don't say it", but she had already expected what the baby-faced young man was going to say, and for some inexplicable reason, in the end, she just said it domineeringly and smugly. A word protruded between the pursed lips:


"My lord, we knew people who were not good at earlier, we were attacked and killed, and we chased and fled all the way to here.

Right now it is the end of the battle, if you allow me to take advantage of the opportunity to rest for a while, I will be very grateful! "

Although the baby-faced youth had the intention of teasing the little baby, everyone present could clearly hear the sincerity in his tone.

Even the sergeants, who were so teased by Guan Mingxin that they couldn't help laughing, subconsciously held their breath and waited for Guan Mingxin's answer.


Who wants your big thanks?
This little boy still doesn't like it!
Seeing that you are so miserable, I allow you to rest here.

Brother Kong, bring them some food, I don't want someone's stomach to be noisy when they eat later! "

Guan Mingxin turned his head arrogantly, with a look of contempt for the heavy thanks in the words of the baby-faced young man, which made everyone couldn't help it anymore, and burst out laughing.

"[Long-legged kneeling]: Hahahaha, I'm dying of laughter! Hey, the anchor doesn't allow others to call her the head of the team, but she keeps calling her 'my little son'. What a double standard!"

"[Tutu Zhenxiang]: Not to mention, the anchor's current appearance is like a noble young man who came out of a noble family. The anchor's self-awareness is quite clear."

"[Nianhua Yixiao Baishixiao]: When will the anchor call himself 'my girl', 'my aunt', 'my lady', 'my little fairy', etc.?"

“[Meow is the cutest]: Wow, I’m so looking forward to it!”

"[Butterfly Fly]: Isn't the anchor a little boy? What's going on here?"

"[Prime Minister Commoner]: It turned out to be a newcomer. The anchor is a cute little girl. The current appearance is after a disguise."


Guan Mingxin had no time to pay attention to the liveliness of the time-space live broadcast room, and she focused all her attention on the shielded one among the group of soldiers on the opposite side.

No one knows her thoughts for the time being.

The scene was full of hahaha, even Xuanyuan Yunyan, who saw a familiar face by accident, and who was a little out of his mind, suppressed the complexity in his heart, and said jokingly:
"Follow your Highness's orders!"

Yan Zhiqi was even more playful, he dug out a small pile of silk threads from the Miracle Bracelet, gathered them together and made a half-meter-long bundle of threads, used it as a dust whisk, stepped forward to beat a thousand children, bowed his head and flattered him He stretched out his arms towards Guan Mingxin:
"Your Highness, leave the matter here to Xiao Kongzi. The main hall has already prepared meals, please move your Highness to eat." (End of this chapter)

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