The others laughed so hard that they nearly fell down, but Guan Ming was not at all afraid, the little fat claws stretched out naturally, resting on Yan Zhiqi's forearm, he nodded slightly in a resemblance, with a look of extreme satisfaction. appearance:

"It's still Xiao Qizi who has a little sharp eyesight, His Highness is happy, hey, this rewards you!"

Guan Mingxin changed her name naturally, and threw a spiritual fruit the size of her head into Yan Zhiqi's arms.

Acting has to be a complete set, Guan Mingxin said that he can handle it.

Yan Zhiqi quickly caught it with the other hand, and glanced away, hey, what kind of spiritual fruit is this, I don't know it!
However, Yan Zhiqi could hold his breath in front of outsiders, nodded to Shao Qian who was the closest, and threw the spiritual fruit to him.

Just looking at the dissipated vitality of the spirit fruit, its rank is at least above the third rank.

The sergeants who watched the performance on the side were amused by Yan Zhiqi's dog legs and Guan Mingxin's arrogance, and they were also feeling emotionally:

"I really don't know where these are a group of aristocrats and noble ladies, just from their words and deeds, it can be seen that they have extraordinary backgrounds and strong backgrounds.

The headed one, the newly weaned doll, casually threw out a small trinket as a reward, which turned out to be a kind of unknown spirit fruit with a high grade, which is really enviable and hateful! "

With the eyesight of soldiers who have experienced life and death, it is natural to find that except for the little doll, the other nine and a half children do not know the spirit fruit.

Although the nine and a half children tried their best to restrain themselves, the surprise that flashed in their eyes was still captured by the sergeants.

With Guan Mingxin's gag, Xuanyuan Yunyan's mood finally calmed down.

When Xuanyuan Yunyan walked in front of the sergeants again, with a friendly and alienated smile on his face, he took out a whole box of top-level nutrients from the miracle bracelet, as well as the leftover ingredients and seasonings they used earlier:

"Your Highness gave this to you, first drink a nutrient to soothe the internal organs, and then eat other food.

You can use the kitchen utensils over there as you like. Also, do you need our help? "

"No! No! Go and eat quickly. I'm really sorry to bother you."

The sergeants took the things, gratefully at a loss as to what to do, and spoke incoherently.

"Well, if you need anything else, please come to me directly."

After leaving these words, Xuanyuan Yunyan kept a smile on his face, turned and left.

And the baby-faced young man once again bowed to Guan Mingxin who was sitting in front of the big round table again, bending down to the end without any hesitation.

Immediately after getting up, another soldier's standard military salute came.

Seeing this, Guan Mingxin, who was still a little impatient at first, straightened his face in an instant, raised his paw, and made a nondescript reply:
"Since you are soldiers, you are allowed to follow His Highness temporarily. His Highness is short of guards!"

The baby-faced youth was overjoyed when he heard the words, and saluted again without the slightest hesitation:

"Thank you for your gift, Your Highness, we will not disappoint Your Highness!"

The other sergeants showed joy one after another, and even the seriously injured man who was about to faint licked his lips.

Guan Mingxin didn't miss out that his cheap elder brother subconsciously relaxed when he saw the slightly raised lips of the seriously injured man.

The seriously injured man thought that it would be great luck to meet a group of children who had a good impression of them.

As long as they recover, this ruined continent is full of opportunities, and recovery will be a matter of time.

It's just a little more dangerous.

Never thought that that tsundere little doll would allow them to follow!
Although Xiaowa's tone was very bad, she was expressing her concern awkwardly in a charity tone.

But with these remnants and defeated generals, how could they really be able to perform their guard duties!

At that time, it would be nice not to let the children take care of them, the adults!
Where else can I take care of?
The little doll is so unique in caring about people, she is really an awkward and arrogant little cutie!
It would be great if this was my home!
Guan Mingxin glared with chubby face: Who is awkward, who is arrogant, who cares about you?
If Brother Kong was not reconciled, His Highness would not bother to talk to you!

This seriously injured man was the target of the mission that Jiujiu helped to scan out, and that Guan Mingxin, who was carrying the petitioner Yu Xiaoxiao's identity, had an extraordinary relationship with the carrier of the same bloodline.

After finally meeting them, how could they let them go so easily?

However, while Guan Mingxin didn't want to let them go easily, he also didn't want to treat them well.

Who made the task [Yangyang's long-cherished wish] describe so miserable!

However, the situation is always planned and cannot keep up with the changes.

No, the plan is good, even how to bully people and dig holes, Guan Mingxin has already imagined the specific steps.

Unexpectedly, Yu Xiaoxiao's eldest brother who originally belonged to the petitioner, that is, his current cheap elder brother Xuanyuan Yunyan, after meeting the seriously injured man, his mood fluctuated extremely violently, both aggrieved and longing, sometimes Rumu has admiration, but also a little bit of complaint...

In short, it is full of surprises and uneasy fear of disappointment.

Recalling the tragic experience of my cheap elder brother, the identity of the seriously injured man is already obvious!

However, Guan Mingxin didn't want to accept the identity of the seriously injured man too easily, not only because of the mission [Yangyang's long-cherished wish].

What's more, it came from Guan Mingxin's own heart, carrying the small grievances from the praying fish.

Yes, that's right, it's a grievance.

Although intellectually, Guan Mingxin thinks that even if the petitioner Yu Xiaoxiao has merged with him, in a sense, he is the petitioner Yu Xiaoxiao.

But emotionally, Guan Mingxin always subconsciously treats them differently.

Just like at this moment, Guan Mingxin didn't think that the grievances welling up in her heart were her own emotions.

At the same time, the viewers in the space-time live broadcast room also felt Guan Mingxin's incomparably wronged mood at this moment after the system 9999 silently popped up a message.

For a moment, the entire space-time live broadcast room was silent, and no one spoke.

Guan Mingxin didn't know that Jiujiu had turned on the "audience and anchor empathy function" on his own initiative at this time.

In addition to the inner thoughts, all the emotions of the anchor will be empathized with the audience by this function, allowing the audience to experience the true emotions of the anchor.

Since Guan Mingxin usually hides the virtual light screen that appears in the time-space live broadcast room to the outside world, he only keeps the one in the sea of ​​consciousness.

And even for the virtual light screen in the sea of ​​consciousness, Guan Mingxin shrunk it down to the smallest mode, and usually would not pay special attention to it.

Naturally, at this moment, Guan Mingxin didn't notice any abnormality in the time-space live broadcast room at all, and fell into his suddenly complicated emotions, unable to extricate himself.

Guan Mingxin knew why he suddenly felt "wronged", and thought he would be disgusted and disgusted.

I never thought that, in fact, I didn't hate such a sudden change, but I was a little at a loss, a little awkward and unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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