The butterfly wings on Xiao Niu Niu's back are fluttering and fluttering with her movements. Coupled with her delicate little face, it is as cute as it can be. Everyone's eyes are so cute that they almost pounce on them, hug them and hold them high up.

Fortunately, the appearance of Guan Mingxin stopped their eagerness to move.

Otherwise, with Wuyou's violent temper, it would be strange not to smoke them!
As for the audience in the time-space live broadcast room, as early as when Wuyou first appeared, they howled like wolves, rewarding them like rain, and Jiu Jiule's mouth was twisted.

For the viewers in the time-space live broadcast room, the worry-free attitude is quite good.

He also took the initiative to say hello to them.

But for the others around Guan Mingxin, it was hard to say.

As an existence with the ability of self-evolution, Wuyou is comparable to the real natural life body, and the nobility and arrogance of Wuji, who regards everything as an ant from the king of Wuji spirit body, will not change.

Others will soon understand that this cute little girl refuses to be touched by anyone except Guan Mingxin.

No, when a sergeant saw Wuyou jumping in front of him, and curiously looked at the stir-fried meat in the pot, he couldn't help reaching out and wanting to touch the little cute girl's head, but he didn't realize that it was on the palm of his hand just now. When touching the little cute girl's hair, killing intent flashed in Wuyou's beautiful and cute cat pupils.

Guan Ming quickly used the body technique "Lingyun Treading the Void" and held the little cute girl in his arms just before she made a move. He jumped away from the frightened sergeant who had been targeted by the murderous intent, and diverted Wuyou's attention. :
"Worriless, can you teach me how to be a puppet?"

It took a long time for the sergeant to breathe, his back was wet with sticky cold sweat, and with the help of his companions, he went back to the tent to wash and rest.

It wasn't just the sergeant who was frightened by Wuyou's killing intent at that moment!
At that moment, everyone on the scene seemed to be facing the God of Desolation and Demon God. He was so humble and powerless that he couldn't even generate the slightest resistance!
Looking at the little cute girl who was coaxed away by Guan Mingxin, the amazement in everyone's eyes completely disappeared, and there was only deep fear in everyone's eyes.

"[Ask how much you can worry about]: The personal guard of the anchor is so powerful, I was shocked just now! ヾ(▽`;)ゝ"

"[Tutu Zhenxiang]: The anchor is getting more and more mysterious, even the descendants with the blood of ancient gods and demons are willing to serve as the anchor's bodyguard.

Tsk tsk, envy, jealousy and hatred can no longer express my mood at the moment. "

"[Prime Minister Commoner]: Although it passed away in a flash, it is indeed the breath of ancient gods and demons.

The ancient gods and demons are still powerful, they can go wherever they want, there is no place they dare not go in the entire endless void. "

"[Jiaojiao is the cutest]: Woohoo, Jiaojiao was frightened, so scary, scary little girl! I cry_"

"[Yao Zun]: The new function after the evolution and upgrade of No. 9999 is good. Logically speaking, No. 9999 should be able to condense a spirit body. Why doesn't it show up?"

"[Tangtang in a bag]: Number 9999 must be shy. After all, the initial system image of number 9999 was a fluffy corgi (︶)y."

"[System Jiujiu]: Tangtang, you are still so uncute! I have evolved! Evolved!! Evolved!!! ψ(`)ψ"

"[Emperor Hanyuan]: Then you should show up and explain it, otherwise you will still be a cute corgi with a peach butt. (*>︶<*)"

"[System Jiujiu]: Ahhh! I'm so mad! If you want to see it, I won't show it to you! Hmph! {{|└(>o<)┘|}}"


The issue of Wuyou's identity that was just mentioned in the space-time live broadcast room was distracted by the bigwigs and Jiujiu in the VIP seats.

Regardless of whether Wuyou has the blood of ancient gods and demons, it is not something they can say now.

Even if they are in high latitude time and space.

The ancient gods and demons are so powerful that there is almost no way to fight against them, and they will live forever unless they give up their lives.

Although Jiujiu "knows" that Wuyou was sent by that mysterious power, but he dare not reveal the slightest bit, who knows if that power is always paying attention to his master, if he is found out, because of the exposure of Wuyou's If the source touches the dissatisfaction of the mysterious power, then he is really doomed.

The anonymous Wuyou put his hips on his hips and laughed:

"Guess, guess! Guess as much as you want! If I can guess the truth, I will lose!"

Of course, the viewers in the space-time live broadcast room are not fools. Those bigwigs who usually keep silent in the VIP seats take the initiative to change the topic, which is very telling. They also quickly reacted and stopped mentioning it. .

As for those people in the lair, although they didn't know that the fleeting killing intent emanating from Wuyou contained a trace of the blood of ancient gods and demons, they, who had danced on the edge of life and death, also realized that Wuyou It's not easy to mess with.

The little fellows of the Tracing Source Mercenary Corps were fine, they went back to their own minds and went to work on their own. Wouldn't it be better if Wuyou was stronger, wouldn't it be easier to protect his little Highness?

There is nothing to worry about.

The sergeants made eye contact with each other and began to ask Yu Ling.

"Boss, is that... is that the hole card that the family gave to His Royal Highness?"

"No accident, it should be. This is also the first time I know of the existence of this person."

"It's horrible! Just now I felt that I was so humble that I was not even a scum!"

"That's right! My calf is still spinning, ouch, it hurts to death!"


On the other side, Guan Mingxin was even more shocked by Wuyou, his little head drooped, and his whole body was filled with sullen emotions.

But Wuyou was amused and laughed out loud, and the crisp little milk voice echoed in the lair.

The sergeant in the tent, who was changing and washing clothes, trembled with fright when he heard the laughter, staggered, fell to the ground with a slap, and couldn't get up for a long time.

After Wuyou laughed for a while, Guan Mingxin was sure that the little girl had calmed down, and Guan Mingxin secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She raised her head, pretending to be stupid, and pitifully touched her belly, looking at Wuyou:

"Wuyou, you are amazing, I can't do without you by my side.

I was wrong, so don't be angry, okay?
Look at your anger, I was so worried that I forgot to eat, I have been hungry for a long time..."

"What a stupid master, can you forget when you're hungry?"

Wuyou immediately pretended to be angry when he heard the words, turned his head to look at the other people who were cooking, blinked his round blue cat pupils like the most dazzling emeralds, and asked with a soft and soft voice:

"Brothers and sisters, isn't the meal ready yet? The owner of Wuyou has been hungry for a long time."

The other people called "brothers and sisters" shuddered subconsciously, and responded repeatedly, for fear that they would be punished by the little devil if they were a second late:
"Alright, alright, come and sit down, Your Highness!"

"Xiaohan, come and give me a hand."

Yu Ling hurriedly asked the eldest son Yu Longhan [for convenience, Wen Xuanyuan Yunyan will temporarily use the pseudonym Yu Longhan later] to help arrange the dishes.

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