Yan Zhiqi pulled out the special chair for children, and when Guan Mingxin came over, he picked her up and put her on the chair, and put a scarf around her, and stuffed the spoon in the chubby claws.

Seeing this, Wuyou nodded seriously, with a satisfied look: "That's right, what about my share?"

"Here, please... er... sit down."

Yan Zhiqi alertly took out another armchair that was exactly the same, and placed it on Guan Mingxin's left side.

"Just call me worry-free."

"Uh... this is not appropriate... You see, how about calling you 'His Royal Highness'?"

"You call the young master your highness, I am the personal guard of the young master, how can I be at the same level as the young master?"

"Then...Your Excellency? Your Excellency Wuyou?"

"Well, that's it."

"Okay, Your Excellency Wuyou, please use it slowly."



Guan Mingxin did not stop Wuyou from embarrassing everyone.

In terms of closeness, Wuyou is closer to himself.

Besides, Wuyou is not completely unreasonable. Before these people touch her bottom line, she is still easy to speak.

Everyone was silent: Your Highness, do you have any misunderstandings about the word "easy to talk"?
After the meal was over, although everyone was still very apprehensive and carefree in their hearts, at least they could communicate normally.

They all secretly warned themselves from the bottom of their hearts: Another little ancestor who cannot be offended, has a hot temper and hates being touched by others, remember to remember!

Due to the heavy injuries caused by the sergeants' previous running and fleeing, it took two days to fully recover even with the ten thousand-year stone stalactite milk given by Shi Jiajia.

As for Yuling, Mingxin's "eccentricity", even if it hurt the foundation, he recovered with his companions.

Now that it has recovered, continuing to hunt for treasure is on the agenda.

"Since you have agreed to be His Royal Highness's guards, then join another mercenary group I formed - Jun Ying. It's not time to reveal the source of traces to others yet."

Guan Mingxin put on the white lotus mask, touched his chin and thought about it before making a decision.

As for when the Junying Mercenary Group was formed, Guan Mingxin did not explain, and everyone tacitly refused to ask.

In just two days, these people have already been brainwashed by the destructive little devil Wuyou, and almost collapsed.

Everyone keeps a code of conduct in mind at all times, and even subconsciously abides by it:

"Your Highness is omnipotent!

Your Highness is right! "

Therefore, when they heard what Guan Mingxin said, Yuling's nineteen newly appointed guard members nodded in agreement without any hesitation.

Your Highness is what you say!
Look, how obedient we are!
Seeing this, Wuyou nodded slightly in satisfaction, and a smile appeared on his exquisite little face, brilliant and pure.

Immediately, with a wave of Wuyou's little hand, one after another, silver-white ring-shaped objects landed on everyone's left wrists accurately:
"Your Yuanxun artifacts are too low-level. This is the Magic Sky Bracelet. It uses essence and blood to identify its owner. It can swallow Yuanxun artifacts to replace its function. You can check the specific functions yourself."

Guan Mingxin glanced at the ring on his left wrist that was merging with the projection of Jiujiu's phantom star, and the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

Knowing that this was the outbreak of Wuyou's desire for monopoly, Guan Mingxin let it go.

In fact, it is not the case, in fact, Wuyou did this because he didn't want his master to be too special.

After all, with the power of the phantom star, how can the basic version of the phantom sky bracelet that Wuyou deliberately made can compare to it?

Don't you see, just a projection didn't let anyone at the scene notice something was wrong?

The others didn't dare to disobey His Excellency Wuyou's will at all, and immediately forced blood to recognize the ring on the left wrist.

Watching the circle devouring his Yuanxun Magical Artifact, and receiving the message automatically delivered by the Magic Bracelet, everyone showed joy and surprise on their faces, and looked at Wuyou's eyes even more There was gratitude for the first time.

Wuyou didn't appreciate it at all, and turned his head to express his disdain clearly.

But everyone also smiled and didn't care.

Worry-free refers to the basic version of the Magic Sky Bracelet made by the Vientiane Sect. It has been slightly modified and storage space has been added.

Time is completely still inside the storage space.

Even though it is the basic version of the fantasy bracelet, it can not only change into any shape, but can also be stored in the dantian.

Even the storage space will continue to expand with the owner's accumulation, and even if you are lucky enough to find a rare treasure containing the origin of the five elements, there is a possibility of evolving into a living space.

Of course, this process will be extremely slow and extremely difficult.

After the Magic Sky Bracelet is put into the owner's dantian, there will also be phantom projections left on the left wrist, which can maintain the basic functions of the Yuanxun Magical Artifact, and will not affect the use of the storage space.

Except for Guan Mingxin, everyone else tacitly chose the shape of their previous Yuanxun Magical Artifact, and stored the Magic Sky Bracelet in their dantian.

As for the Magic Sky Bracelet for Guan Mingxin, although it looked exactly like the others, it was actually an external key that Wuyou specially made to connect to the Vientiane Realm, just to cover up the protective color of the Vientiane Realm.

Of course, Jiujiu still acts as the spirit of this key.

However, for the sake of team harmony, Guan Mingxin still explained:
"Wuyou is a little friend left to me by someone close to me, her real body is not here, her current body is a puppet, I don't know how high her grade is.

Wuyou is proficient in everything about the auxiliary cultivation system, and these magic bracelets are made by Wuyou himself. "

"Wow! Your Excellency Wuyou is amazing!"


"Okay, you guys of the Junying Mercenary Group, your mercenary status has been activated, and you can use it normally after you leave the Ruins Continent, and at the same time help you accept the mercenary certification task in team mode.

Hurry up and elect the head, deputy head and other positions to activate the badge of the mercenary group, and when you get out, go to the Yuanwu Daomeng Mercenary Guild with us to submit the mission. "

Guan Mingxin interrupted everyone's compliments and reminded them.


"It really is!"

"It's amazing, Your Highness is amazing!"

"Your Highness, wait a moment, we will be fine soon."

Amidst the exclamation, Yuling nodded towards Guan Mingxin, and just exchanged a glance with his companions, he quickly set up each position and activated the badge of the mercenary regiment.

On the left chest of the 19 people, a pattern projection imprint appeared at the same time, and a pair of crossed swords supported the emblem of the Traceable Mercenary Corps, implying that Junying was the guardian of Traceability.

Seeing this, Wuyou took away the white lotus mask from Guan Mingxin's face, dropped the words "wait a moment" and disappeared out of nowhere.

The people who were about to leave had no choice but to wait patiently for His Excellency Wuyou to reappear.

After waiting for half a quarter of an hour, Wuyou reappeared, holding a stack of masks engraved with the emblems of Suyuan and Junying Mercenaries, and handed them forward:
"Since it is the master's mercenary group and guards, it must have a style, hey, quickly take it to recognize the master with blood."

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