Chapter 453 Mo Feijiao Thunder Vine [35] (Debt Repayment [-])

However, at the moment when this vine had just opened its spiritual intelligence, it was taken away by the soul body of Mo Jiao who had been forbearing.

After such a long time, after Mo Jiao's soul body was successfully seized, only instinct and a strong obsession to turn into a real dragon remained.

That's why it was named Mo Feijiao Leiteng.

Leaving aside the veracity of the legend, there is no doubt that Mo Feijiao Leiteng is a very strange creature.

What's more, Mo Feijiao Lei Teng has opened up his spiritual wisdom.

Except for the spells and supernatural powers of the two elements of time and space, the Mo Fei Jiao Lei Teng is not afraid of any other form of attack.

Although it is extremely lazy and does not like to move, it grows just like ordinary vines, but that is without being stimulated.

Anything that can ciji Mo Feijiao Leiteng is anything related to dragons, whether it is dead or living.

Once Mo Feijiao Leiteng is cijied, he will frantically chase everything that carries dragon-related things. No matter how strong the opponent is, if he doesn't take back the dragon-related things, he will never stop!

When encountering the Mo Feijiao Leiteng in this state, when there is no spell or supernatural power of the two elements of time and space, it is possible to use its crazy obsession to become a real dragon. Let it be quiet. "

"Wow! It's so weird! I've learned a lot."

"Your Highness, the one in your hand is a black jade dragon thunder vine, or many roots?"

"It's one, or a young one."

"But there were so many vines with long roots before, what's the matter?"

"Air roots."

"What? What is air root?"

"Oh, idiot, have you forgotten the habits of vines?"

"Um, I forgot. Hehehehe...Your Highness, is this Black Jade Flood Dragon Thunder Vine still alive?"

"Well, alive."

"Then why didn't you move? Is it because you were tired from jumping before?"

"No, it is undergoing bloodline evolution."

"Wow! Your Highness knows so much! You are indeed a master of learning! So amazing!"

"When did I say I was a top student?"


Yan Zhiqi and Yu Ling, who had listened to Guan Mingxin's words verbatim, looked at each other, looked at the fourteen unlucky guys who couldn't hold on anymore and sat slumped on the ground, and showed a meaningful smile:

"Several, you should have heard the science popularization from our little Highness.

So now, can you tell me the specific situation, how did you ciji the Mo Fei Jiao Thunder Vine, which is still in its infancy. "

The head of the fourteen unlucky ones, no, to be precise, should be a boy. After washing and washing, his face was full of childish baby fat. He smiled wryly and said:

"It's not that we don't want to explain it. It's just that we have encountered too many times before when we knew the identities of the fourteen of us, and then violently attacked people."

The boy intentionally slowed down his tone, but when he saw that the two men, one big and one small, were noncommittal and waiting for what would happen next, he turned his head to look at Guan Mingxin who was surrounded by others, gritted his teeth, and said bluntly Let me tell you:

"The fourteen of us are cubs who followed the elders to gain knowledge. We accidentally absorbed an unknown liquid. Our bloodlines were actually purified, and we turned into human forms in advance without going through the thunder calamity. .

But in the short term, we still can't control the soaring blood aura. As long as we meet Yuan Wushi, we will face the trouble of being hunted down.

We didn't want to be captured, so we had to flee all the way, but we didn't expect that among the last wave of pursuers we met, some had space talismans.

Seeing that we were about to flee, that person recklessly activated the space talisman, forming a space crack, and we were all sucked in by the space crack.

The elders who guarded us were seriously injured by space cracks in order to protect us, and have fallen into a coma.

I didn't expect that after passing through the space crack, there would be a vine. For some reason, the vine started to attack us crazily as soon as we met each other.

It was the beautiful sister who inspired a teleportation device and led the fourteen of us to escape from the vine.

But right now, it seems that we have not escaped, and we must thank you for your help. "

"So, you are primordial beasts with inherited blood and spiritual wisdom?"

Yan Zhiqi's smile was so gentle and gentle, but the fourteen little carrot heads who were at most ten years old after the leading boy told them bluntly, were terrified by his laughter.

"Yes, it is."

The boy who answered was already trembling a little at the moment.

"But you haven't said why you provoked that Mofei Flood Dragon Thunder Vine. Even if you don't know it, you should have a guess based on your innate and keen intuition with the bloodline primordial beast."

Yuling was also unwilling to let these little guys go, secretly thinking in his heart that his little one was obviously interested in them, so he had better keep them as toys for the little ones.

Yuling's appearance of being a little girl who has everything in mind and considers everything for her children is simply too much!

"Uh... this... I have a little guess... it should be... it should be that the blood from the elder's injury has contaminated us..."

"Oh~~~~ I'm afraid it's not just breath?"

Yan Zhiqi responded, but the sound of this sound was long and long, coupled with his questioning in a playful and clear tone, the fourteen little cubs were so frightened that they trembled all over again.

"Really... it's really just breath..."

At this time, the boy's eye sockets were already filled with water vapor, but he was reluctant to cry.

Seeing this, Yu Ling suddenly couldn't bear it, and interrupted Yan Zhiqi who was still trying to tease him:
"Since this is the case, you must have tried everything you can think of, but to no avail.

If it weren't for the kindness of our little highness, I am afraid that you will only be trapped in the cocoon of vines for a lifetime, otherwise, you will commit suicide.

Tell yourself, how should you thank our little Highness for such a life-saving grace? "

"We have nothing now...

Or, how about we work for His Royal Highness? "

The boy turned his head to look at the friends around him, and finally said helplessly.

At this moment, he also understands that they are the fish on the chopping board right now, since they can't escape, let's take a gamble.

Maybe win the bet?
Yuling pretended to hesitate for a long time, and looked back at Guan Mingxin, as if asking for instructions.

Just before the boy's teardrops were about to fall, Yuling said in a very reluctant tone:
"Working part-time, you need to sign an employment contract.

In the beginning, you should be working for free. If you perform well, your Highness may be rewarded.

Of course, there is no need to worry about safety at all. Now that the contract is signed, it is your own beast, and your highness will not abuse your own people and beasts. "

"Sign! We sign!"

(End of this chapter)

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