Chapter 454 Abducted a Group of Cubs (Debt Repayment 36)

All the little radishheads nodded their heads one after another, without any reluctance, it was almost like weeping with joy!
However, if you think that they agreed to sign the contract so easily, you think that they have no resistance at all, then you really underestimate these little cubs.

It's just that their innate keen intuition told them that these people in front of them didn't have any malice towards them, and they had nowhere to go at the moment, so they agreed to come down.

After all, being able to walk all the way from the periphery of the most relic continent to this point is enough to show how powerful they are.

This is not something that can be justified by luck alone.

What's more, they also said before that they were hunted all the way here.

Doesn't that explain the problem?

Soon, Zhuge Junyun, Weisheng Cangya and Shi Jiajia brought fifteen freshly released contracts, one to Yun Shuo for him to pass on to his sister, and the other fourteen were placed in the In front of the fourteen little cubs, it was clear that they would not be given a chance to repent.

Seeing this, the little cubs had no choice but to pick up the contract and look at it seriously with a feeling of uneasiness.

To their great surprise, the contract did not have any ambiguity or deception, and the conditions were very humane, and even the treatment was quite good.

The little cubs had already agreed to stay, but when they saw the contract, the last trace of uncertainty and hesitation in their hearts dissipated immediately, and they picked up the pen next to the contract and signed their names.

Weisheng Cangya and Shi Jiajia stayed behind to distribute personal basic equipment to the cubs, while Yuling, Zhuge Junyun, and Yan Zhiqi frowned as they stared at the signatures of the fourteen contracts.

Unknowingly, they walked to Guan Mingxin's side. The three of them were social experts, but now they were in a dilemma of not knowing how to speak.

Guan Mingxin didn't care what they were struggling with, he still played with the dragon-shaped rattan whip in his hand.

At this time, Guan Mingxin's mind was attracted by the space-time live broadcast room.

"[Ducks also have spring]: Anchor anchor, can you trade the Mo Fei Jiao Lei Teng?"

"[Tutu Zhenxiang]: That's right, anchor, I also want to ask this. Now that the number 9999 has been recovered, let's quickly activate the trading function.

I don't know if the evolved number 9999 has changed the conditions for opening the trading function. "

"[Long-legged kneeling]: Call number 9999, call number 9999!"

“[System Jiujiu]: Again, please call this system Jiujiu.

The conditions for enabling the trading function have not changed. No matter how I evolve, I cannot violate the initial settings of the system. "

"[Lonely Traveler in the Red Dust]: Since the opening conditions have not changed, then you and the anchor are trading across latitudes in low-latitude time and space, and there are no additional requirements?"

"[System Jiujiu]: Smart! The additional requirements are also very simple, and both parties to the transaction can pay the handling fee by themselves."

"[A cup of clear tea]: I'm afraid the handling fee is not low, right?"

"[Xueluo's voice]: It's obvious, but I still want to make a deal, what should I do?"

"[System Jiujiu]: Everyone is welcome to use the space-time trading function, as long as my anchor is willing to trade, you can trade."

"[Anchor]: (╰╯) I just watched silently and didn't speak."


Guan Mingxin has already learned from Jiujiu that if the trading function of the Time-Space Live Room system is to be activated, it must be when the level of their Time-Space Live Room has reached level 5, and the total amount of rewards from the audience exceeds 100000 Shenyuan Crystals.

Right now, the total amount of rewards is enough, but the level of the time-space live broadcast room is not enough.

The improvement of this level is not determined solely by the number of resident viewers and the total amount of rewards, but a greater part depends on the host doing tasks to accumulate points.

But Guan Mingxin has not received any tasks from the time-space live room system so far!

After all, Guan Mingxin, the anchor, is in her own world, using her own body, instead of traveling through time and space to other worlds and entering other people's bodies.

The old viewers in the space-time live broadcast room naturally know this, so they are looking forward to the moment when the miracle will appear. Even if they want to trade the good treasure in the anchor's hand, they can only "look for the plum to quench their thirst".

Guan Mingxin can actually feel from the audience's words that they desperately want the task system to be activated.

This made Guan Mingxin very depressed.

At this time, the three people who had been struggling with Guan Mingxin for a long time also made a decision.

In the end, it was Yan Zhiqi who, taking advantage of his young age, confessed frankly with embarrassment:

"Your Highness, this is the contract signed by those fourteen little cubs, but we don't know the name they wrote."


Originally, Guan Mingxin had no interest in any contract or non-contract, but after hearing Yan Zhiqi's report, he suddenly became curious and turned his head to look at the contract.

The three immediately lowered the contract, revealing the weird characters on the contract signature.

Just glanced at it, and Guan Mingxin's curiosity disappeared just now. He continued to play with the Mofei Jiao Leiteng that she named "Yu Mo", and said casually:
"It's a kind of writing with a relatively long history, it seems to be called Desolate Ancient Demon Writing or Ancient Desolation Writing.

This kind of text itself carries a breath of law, and it can be used directly as a rune spell, which is quite fun. "

"Your Highness, this is the ancient demon text. We can teach you to master the ancient demon text. It is very useful to learn it!"

The little cubs who had already received their personal equipment came over quietly, just in time to hear Guan Mingxin's words. Immediately, a five or six-year-old chubby girl blinked her watery peach blossom eyes, raised her little paw and said, , a look that he will teach seriously, but there is a kind of cute and cute feeling.

Guan Mingxin looked up at the other members of the Suyuan and Junying mercenary groups, and asked:
"Are you willing to learn?"

"Your Highness, is this ancient demon text useful? Is it easy to learn?"

Seeing that everyone was silent, Yu Longhan had no choice but to stand up and ask the two most crucial questions.

"Hmm~ The ancient demon text, this little fat girl is right, it's really fun, Brother Kong, haven't you got this part of the inheritance?"

Guan Mingxin looked at his elder brother in surprise, and asked questions instead of answering.

Yu Longhan felt rather embarrassed by Guan Mingxin's eyes, pursed his lips shyly, and lowered his voice:
"No hey."

"Brother Kong is really weak."

Guan Mingxin's merciless complaint made Yu Longhan's cheeks flush instantly in embarrassment, and the heat on his face almost gave him the illusion that he was about to explode.

(End of this chapter)

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