You must know that all the people and beasts entering the Ruins Continent are heading towards the palace complex.

It would be a pity in life if their small group had the opportunity to touch the place, but missed the opportunity because they didn't know the plaque.

Don't let other people learn it by themselves, is it possible that when they really have the opportunity to go to the palace group, they have to help them translate?

Think more!

The thunder and fire talisman soul array element is formed by a set of 108 basic elements.

In principle, any material that can carry the ancient demon text and can be preserved for a long time without breaking can be used as a basic component.

After thinking about it, Guan Ming gave up the plan of using ordinary materials. He lightly tapped his finger on the projection of the phantom star on his left wrist, and communicated with the Vientiane Small Realm with his mind. He took 108 stones from the bottom of a lotus pond with his mental power.

These 108 stones are all about the size of Go Reversi. Even if there are differences, they are very subtle and cannot be easily seen.

The stones are as round as jade, with a soft luster, and exude an extremely elegant lotus fragrance, which makes everyone who hears it feel relaxed and ethereal.

The lotus pond was collected from the spiritual pond in Minglan Village in the Miracle Trial Space, where the nine-leaf Qingling green lotus was planted. Under the infestation of the nine-leaf Qingling green lotus hair, the stones at the bottom of the pond have long been transformed into a kind of mortal. The treasure-level Lingzhen, which is beneficial to the soul, was named Qingling Stone by Guan Mingxin.

Being able to take out such a treasure-level spirit treasure as the cornerstone is enough to show that Guan Mingxin is a baby with a hard mouth and a soft heart.

Unsurprisingly, the moment Guan Mingxin took out the Qingling Stone, the audience in the time-space live broadcast room exploded again, and many people even sent a message to reserve the Qingling Stone. The conditions of the "trading" function, as long as the "time-space trading" function is turned on, they will trade.

For this reason, Jiujiu also drew up a list of scheduled transactions under the suggestion of a VIP seat boss "Tangtang pretends to be a bag", and included those audiences who really wanted to trade time and space one by one. The item to be traded and the reward to be paid.

Of course, these are all learned in private with those audiences under the "Secret Private Chat" function.

Wuyou, who is in harmony with Guan Mingxin, can naturally see the space-time live broadcast room. When she saw the rewards proposed by the audience in the private chats, her eyes flashed, and a thought popped up in her heart, and then she and Jiujiu avoided it. After communicating with Guan Mingxin, the master, through sound transmission, he slipped into the Vientiane Small Realm under the pretext of wanting to rest.

At this moment, Wuyou, who had an idea in his heart, ran to the milk champion liquid pool in the small territory of Vientiane, controlled and ingested a small bottle of milk champion liquid with his spiritual thoughts, and then flashed to the lotus planted with Nine Leaf Qingling Bilian. next to the pool.

Wuyou felt it carefully, and chose the place with the most concentrated energy at the bottom of the lotus pond, divided half of the emulsion liquid in the small bottle and buried it there, and divided the remaining half into dozens of parts on average. , respectively buried in other places where energy gathers.

Soon, the energy began to surge continuously, and the small lotus ponds that had been divided into three in Minglan Village began to automatically merge into one under Wuyou's eyes, and expanded at least ten times in size.

After the accident was over, Wuyou nodded in satisfaction, and found a pile of spiritual materials with peaceful energy and a large number of ordinary mortal stones, covering the entire bottom of the pool, with different sizes and shapes.

Guan Mingxin also felt it when the lotus pond changed. Out of curiosity, she explored her divine sense into the small realm of Vientiane.

Just seeing the scene where Wuyou put stones into the enlarged lotus pond, Guan Mingxin couldn't help laughing:
"Worriless, do you want to make more clear spirit stones? Why did you put imported spirit materials?"

Wuyou, who was secretly doing bad things, did not expect to be caught by his master, and his body froze. Although it was only for a moment, Guan Mingxin was keenly aware of it.

"Since you can control it, then open up more lotus ponds, and then create more things that are infested with the medicine and energy of the Nine Leaf Qingling Bilian, and you don't have to stick to stones.

Wuyou can think of something that can be put in the water for a long time without breaking. As long as it doesn't affect Jiuye Qingling Bilian, you can do whatever you want. "

After Guan Mingxin finished making suggestions, she withdrew her spiritual thoughts. She was afraid that Wuyou would go crazy if she became angry.

It's better not to provoke Xiao Niuniu yourself.

Sensing that his master's divine sense had been withdrawn, Wuyou let go of his heart, muttering something in his mouth, and after walking around the lotus pond twice, a smile appeared on his face, there it is!

Immediately, Wuyou had a thought, and temporarily closed the Vientiane Small Realm, so as not to cause any trouble in the space to alarm his master later.

Immediately afterwards, Wuyou's spiritual body broke away from the body, suspended in mid-air, closed his eyes and sensed it, and then his fingers flew up and used the backhand left before he used the secret technique to communicate.

Not long after, a source energy ore the size of a mung bean was separated from Wuyou's spiritual body.

With the appearance of this source energy ore, the entire Vientiane Small Realm began to tremble slightly.

Wuyou's face was serious, her finger movements became faster and faster, so fast that even afterimages could not be seen clearly, her spiritual body also weakened at a speed visible to the naked eye...

Finally, after the last magical power was cast, Wuyou let out a long sigh of relief, and it was finally completed. At this time, her spirit body had changed from a state that was comparable to a physical body at the beginning, to a illusory state that could hardly maintain a human form. In such a tragic situation, when the spirit body was about to dissipate, Wuyou returned to the puppet body and fell into a deep sleep.

And the Vientiane Small Realm has been directly expanded by more than ten times on the original basis!

However, the enlarged part of the space was covered by a thick layer of silver-gray fog, making it impossible to see the specific situation inside.

The flow of time in the space naturally also accelerated a lot, just like the stones that Wuyou put in the bottom of the lotus pond before, have been infected with the medicinal properties of the Nine Leaf Qingling Bilian.

The lotus pond has also expanded again, but most of the enlarged part is in the space covered by the silver-gray thick fog...

Guan Mingxin didn't know that he made a random proposal, and almost let Wuyou finish playing with him.

Guan Mingxin didn't notice the slightest change in the small territory of Vientiane because of Wuyou's restraint.

At this time, she was making the thunder and fire talisman soul array element.

In order not to waste the clear spirit stone as much as possible, Guan Mingxin decided not to use professional tools such as carving knives, rune pens, etc., but to directly use spiritual power to condense and describe it. What he used was the special technique of the Wanxiang sect's Qiaowei lineage.

"There is no limit beyond the limit, and there is no limit within the limit.

Infinity after infinity, infinity in infinity.

Chaos produces everything, everything turns into chaos, and Tai Chi is born. Knowing its infinity and infinity, but not knowing that its existence has its limit and its end..."

Silently reciting the formula of "Wanxiang Jue", Guan Mingxin's mind quickly sank, and using the technique of imperial object, he captured a clear spirit stone suspended in front of him, and his spiritual power turned into an invisible carving knife, which accurately carved runes one after another...

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