"[Yaozun]: Huh? The anchor's method seems to be..."

"[Emperor Hanyuan]: It does look a bit similar, but the anchor is not very skilled in using it. I don't know when that one has such a junior..."

"[Tangtang packs a pocket]: You can't say it, you can't say it. The anchor is lucky, and there is no one else."

"[Ben Shuai]: Even I can't help being jealous, the anchor should start the "time-space transaction" quickly, I can't wait to trade!"

"[System Jiujiu]: When it's time to turn it on, it will naturally turn on."

"[Ming Ye Wu Boundless]: This deity seems to be not very good there, it is true that the world is impermanent, such an existence, there will be such embarrassing times..."

"[Yao Zun]: Who says it's not? I just hope that the anchor is all right..."


Regarding this exchange in the space-time live broadcast room, Jiujiu subconsciously felt that it was not good, and she couldn't let her master see it, so she immediately blocked Guan Mingxin, for fear that she would be seen if she was a step too late.

After deleting that exchange record, and exhorting those big bosses one by one through "secret private chat", Jiujiu secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

The wider the knowledge gained, the things that I thought were normal and not a big deal at first became miraculous in the eyes of Jiujiu now.

Just like that Nine Leaf Qingling Bilian.

Before getting the memory of the previous system elf, Jiujiu only thought that her master had a good fortune, and obtained a lot of treasures after worshiping a teacher.

But now, Jiujiu is very clear that the Nine Leaf Qingling Bilian is not an ordinary treasure, but it is an extremely rare treasure of heaven and earth in high latitude time and space!
However, there is a pond planted in the space inside the body cultivated by the master himself [At that time, Wuyou only let Jiujiu see one, and the other two lotus ponds were hidden]!
Among them, there is even a nine-leaf Qingling green lotus that has completed the ninth revolution!
Jiujiu can understand the horror and madness of the audience in the time-space live broadcast room when they feel the breath of the so-called "clear spirit stone" under the blessing of the "immersive" function.

If the "time and space trading" function is really enabled, the owner of the house will probably become rich overnight!

Jiujiu has not forgotten that the bottom of the lotus pond is covered with a layer of "clear spirit stones"!
Guan Mingxin didn't know what little tricks Jiujiu was doing secretly, she put all her attention on making the thunder and fire talisman soul array element.

While Guan Mingxin was reciting the "Wanxiang Jue" silently, the "Nine-turn Chaos Creation Jue" also spontaneously accelerated its operation speed.

After absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth and refining it into chaotic energy, most of the chaotic energy stays in the dantian, and a trace of chaotic energy that appears with the original power of chaos directly enters Guan Mingxin's soul consciousness sea, nourishing Guan Mingxin's spiritual power Hai, so that she would not have to stop portraying due to the rapid consumption of mental power.

The more precise the rune is, the closer the power it can exert is to the power of the law expressed by the rune.

After the kiss and blessing of the mysterious phantom that night, Guan Mingxin's mind has always remained as pure as a baby, and it is easier to enter the entry state when practicing, learning, and practicing the auxiliary cultivation system.

This is a kind of miraculous situation similar to half-enlightenment, which can make Guan Mingxin's cognition of Tao deepen unconsciously, and touch the threshold of Tao following nature.

It is precisely because of this that when Guan Mingxin carved the second rune, she naturally entered the state of entry, with a natural charm lingering around her body, coupled with the elegant lotus fragrance containing the spirit of the clear spirit that escaped from the clear spirit stone, forming a Created an excellent cultivation environment.

In the Vientiane Small Realm, Wuyou, who fell to the ground and fell asleep, accepted the instinctive gift from her real body in the Wuji Realm in ignorance, and her spirit body that was almost dissipated was also recovering quickly.

In addition, in the space of Vientiane Small Realm, which has begun to evolve again, strands of the original power of chaos and the innate energy derived from it have been produced. Under the blessing of time flow, Wuyou only slept for an hour in the outside world. Already woke up.

After waking up, Wuyou felt scared.

If the real body hadn't instinctively sensed the inadequacy of the conscious body, and if the original energy was transmitted through the natural connection channel between the real body and the conscious body, Wuyou felt that he might really be overturned this time.

Death, it is impossible to die, but how long it will take to recover from a deep sleep is not something she can say without worry.

You know, I am the master's personal guard, and I take the heavy responsibility of Inspector Jiujiu.

Besides, the owner of the outside world is still making thunder and fire talisman soul array elements in such a dangerous place in the ruins continent, and there are a bunch of unreliable guys around him. If something goes wrong because of her sleeping for too long, she Wuyou will definitely choose to die by himself because of extreme guilt!

As long as he thinks that he may cause an accident to his master, Wuyou will tremble all over with fright!

Never dare to be so reckless again!
Wuyou secretly made up his mind to open the restriction on the outside world in Vientiane Small Realm, and then he flashed back to Guan Mingxin's side.

As soon as he appeared, Wuyou sensed something was wrong, turned his head to look at Guan Mingxin's current state, immediately understood, and began to protect the law for his master.

The group of people who were always paying attention to Guan Mingxin also noticed this change around Guan Mingxin's body. They tentatively asked Wuyou with their eyes, and after getting a nod from the other party, they all surrounded Guan Mingxin and began to meditate.

The whole process was silent and did not affect Guan Ming's heart at all.

Seeing this, Wuyou was quite satisfied, and incidentally protected these people.

Among them, the group of cubs grabbed the best position except for the vacant seats specially reserved for Yu Ling and Yu Longhan.

The others could only sigh in their hearts about the extraordinary bloodlines of these little cubs, while quietly snatching the remaining positions.

Guan Mingxin had already closed her eyes, and she only continued to draw instinctively, while her mind was drawn into a long river of dazzling and colorful runes.

Wandering in the long river of runes, Guan Mingxin only felt that the "Fu Jue" that appeared together with the "Nine Turns of Chaos Creation Jue" suddenly turned a page in her sea of ​​consciousness, and she was forced to start learning.

After being amazed, Guan Mingxin was pleasantly surprised to find that this forced learning was like a miracle, from simple to complex, quickly mastered, to the point of being familiar with it by heart!

At the same time, even the "Medicine Jue", "Qi Jue" and "Array Jue" began to be forced to learn.

It also seems to be enlightened. Guan Mingxin has thoroughly integrated what he has learned before, laying a solid foundation for future studies...

The thunder fire talisman soul array element is based on runes, the array is used as the framework, and the content that needs to be filled in and needs to be taught is a combination of these three parts.

For example, the members of the two mercenary regiments, Suyuan and Junying, are about to learn five thousand ancient demon texts.

In addition to the ancient demon text, other content can be filled, it depends on the creator's choice.

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