Only after completing the characterization of 108 basic components and successfully hooking up the formation, can the content be filled.

When filling, the creator uses the spiritual power to draw the vitality of heaven and earth to write or draw the text and picture out of thin air. After the energy constituting the whole text and picture is stable, he carefully inserts it into the formation of the basic components to ensure that it will not cause any damage. Only when the formation is stable or even broken, can the next filling be carried out.

From simple to complex, every time you add a mosaic of text and pictures, the difficulty will increase a lot.

Just like the thunder fire talisman array element that Guan Mingxin is currently making to teach the ancient demon script, if he really wants to inlay all the five thousand ancient demon script, then Guan Mingxin will probably spend at least a year.

Still under the premise of not being able to stop and not let the mental power be exhausted.

Its difficulty is not ordinary.

First of all, Guan Mingxin's body simply does not allow her to do that, because doing so will most likely seriously damage her foundation.

Therefore, Guan Mingxin is only going to make the enlightenment teaching part for the cubs of the primordial beast, and only needs to embed the most basic five hundred ancient demon characters.

What's more, with Guan Mingxin's current strength, without the help of external forces, he can only insist on embedding [-] basic ancient demon characters in one go, and then add [-] commonly used characters to reach the limit.

As for whether to add [-] commonly used wild ancient demon characters, Guan Mingxin decided to see his own state.

If the status is good, it will be added, if the status is not good, it will not be added.

It's a big deal to make a set of Thunder Fire Talisman Soul Formation Elements after a while.

By the time Guan Mingxin succeeded in hooking up the basic simplified version of the Leiyin Soul Quenching Array, the last layer of Soul Sound Skill Formation, more than half a month had passed.

As a matter of course, Guan Mingxin's state of entry has been maintained for half a month.

Naturally, those people and beasts who took chances would not waste a second, and also meditated for half a month.

Extremely exhausted, Guan Mingxin fell back into a deep sleep the moment he finished.

Wuyou, who was always by Guan Mingxin's side, hurriedly caught her when she was leaning back, avoiding the impact of the back of her head on the ground.

In order to replenish the energy and energy consumed by his master, Wuyou didn't care whether the sleeping Guan Mingxin would cooperate, and directly used his spiritual thoughts to take out a small bottle of Shi Zhongyuan milk liquid from the small territory of Vientiane, and put a drop on his master's lips .

Fortunately, Guan Mingxin subconsciously felt the energy of Shi Zhongyuan's milk essence, and she subconsciously opened her lips because of her extremely poor body, and Wuyou immediately slapped the small bottle in her hand.

With Guan Mingxin's current tolerance, he could directly take fifteen drops of the ten thousand year old Shi Zhongyuan milk liquid.

Wuyou's divine sense was always watching, and when No. 15 Didi fell into Guan Mingxin's mouth, he quickly took back the small bottle, and then returned to the tent with her in his arms.

As for those people and beasts who are just taking chances, Wuyou doesn't bother to care about them.

Wait for them to exit the cultivation state by themselves, and then go to solve their hungry stomachs by themselves.

After Wuyou carried Guan Mingxin to the bed, he also lay down beside his master and closed his eyes to rest.

For half a month, the guardian who keeps vigilance all the time, even the best puppet body will not feel the physical fatigue, but the mental fatigue cannot be ignored. The worry-free strength can resist.

Two little dolls who are only about one meter tall are lying side by side on the bed, with different faces but the same exquisiteness. With closed eyes, the long and curled eyelashes reflect a small shadow, and the two small heads are just next to each other. Together, quiet and beautiful.

Although it is a camping tent in the wild, this tent has its own sound insulation enchantment and cold insulation enchantment. The interior is also fully equipped. The living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, and balcony are all separated, and it also comes with some foldable furniture. , both environmentally friendly and convenient.

The lighting in the tent is also very good. The windows made of special materials can let in the bright sunlight without feeling glaring or hot.

At this time, Guan Mingxin and Wuyou both fell asleep, and the tent fell into a tranquility. The sunlight outside the window shone in, illuminating the warmth of the room.

Seeing this scene, the audience in the space-time live broadcast room immediately erupted into howls of ghosts and wolves, and all kinds of rewards poured in, which made Jiujiu smile and gag with the audience.

Not to mention how hungry and panicked those people and beasts who had been using Guan Mingxin's depiction of the thunder and fire talisman soul array element after quitting the cultivation state, Guan Mingxin woke up naturally after falling asleep.

After eating and drinking enough, Guan Mingxin walked to the place where the basic element of the thunder and fire talisman and soul array was depicted, and sat down. The 108 clear spirit stones that had all the runes carved and successfully connected to the formation were still on the short table. No one has touched it.

Right now, in addition to the filling of ancient demonic characters, there is still the last step in the production of the thunder fire rune soul array element, which is to forge with flames, the function is to strengthen the fire attribute spells in the element, and further enhance the strength of the element. quality.

This step can be ignored when the quality of the cornerstone used is too low, and the result is nothing more than a shortened service life of the finished Thunder Fire Talisman Soul Array Element.

However, what Guan Mingxin used was the rare clear spirit stone, so she naturally didn't want to waste this good material, one step of casting was essential.

But this casting requires high-temperature flames, and the temperature of the fire attribute spells that Guan Mingxin can cast now is far from the minimum requirement for casting.

Therefore, at this time, Guan Mingxin had to rely on external help.

For example, an earth fire room is built on the earth fire spirit vein, the earth fire drawn from the earth fire spirit vein and used to make it stable and controllable by formations, the innate beast fire of the fire element beast, and the spirit cultivated by high-level spiritual objects. Fire, natural fire and so on.

Of course, when Yuan Wushi's cultivation base is promoted to the Jindan stage, the Yuan force in the body is compressed into a spherical solid crystalline Yuandan, which will spontaneously generate a flame that belongs to the Yuanwu master, called Pill Fire.

The pill fire is usually stored in Yuan Wushi's Yuan Dan, and it can be drawn out at any time when needed, or for alchemy, medicine, casting or fighting. No matter how Yuan Wushi uses it, it is as easy as the arm command, easy and stress-free.

Therefore, Pill Fire is also the most suitable flame for Yuan Wushi.

But it's not that easy to advance to the Golden Core stage.

This forces the Yuan Wu masters who have been cultivated below the golden core stage to find ways to have more convenient flames, in addition to external methods such as contracting fire attribute beasts, refining spiritual fires, and heaven and earth different fires, but also from their own perspective.

You must know that the law of the Dao of Heaven regards the human form as the most suitable form of life for the "Tao", and calls it the "Tao Body".

It is precisely because of this that the human race has always had the reputation of "the primate of all things".

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