Chapter 462 The Peerless Best Son (Debt Repayment 40)

"Someone is here!"

The little primal beast cubs suddenly looked in one direction, the eagerness in their eyes was so obvious that it was hard for others to ignore it.

Seeing the performance of the Yuan Beast cubs, other people also understood that their perception is far inferior to the Yuan Beast cubs. Although they were ready at the first reminder, they still waited nearly It took 10 minutes for members of the Junying mercenary group who were good at exploring the road to issue a warning.

A quarter of an hour later, a team of more than 300 people appeared in the field of vision of Guan Mingxin and his group without any concealment.

But even so, that team still didn't slow down and came straight towards Guan Mingxin and the others.

Seeing this scene, Zhuge Junyun and Weisheng Cangya just stopped the fourteen little primordial beast cubs who jumped forward excitedly after seeing the other party appearing, and waited for the other party's approach in a leisurely manner.

It's just because the difference in the number of people between the two sides is really too big.

If possible, Zhuge Junyun doesn't intend to do anything, it's best to have a chat to delay the time, as long as he persists until his boss's accidental promotion is successfully completed.

Fortunately, the other party didn't seem to have too much malice. When they were about 100 meters away from Guan Mingxin and his party, they stopped, and they didn't show the slightest intention to do something.

This made Yan Zhiqi and the little fellows of the traceability mercenary group heaved a sigh of relief.

As a result, because they were too nervous, the little guys forgot to cover up their emotions. Coupled with the quiet and comfortable voice, many people in the opponent's team immediately laughed out loud, breaking the embarrassment of silence between the two sides.

Especially the fourteen little beast cubs, who looked like human children, had already sensed that the other party was basically harmless, and had long since lost interest and turned to playing with each other.

You hit him on the head, and he pulled the other ear, but unexpectedly, his nose was severely scratched by the little friend next to him, and his tears burst into tears, so pitiful...

Although they knew that the scene was wrong and the atmosphere was wrong, the little beast cubs tacitly suppressed and did not make a sound from their mouths, and their small movements were not big, but when their own team and the opponent's team of more than 300 people confronted each other, they still No matter how you look at it, it is so coke, and it is even more attractive to the three children in the opponent's team who are about the same age as the little beast cubs after their transformation.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the restless children at his house, and Zhuge Junyun's face showed just the right amount of embarrassment and self-mockery:

"The children were young and ignorant, and made friends laugh.

My boss just accidentally untied his heart knot and is in the process of breaking through. If you have something to do, can you wait for a while? "

In two or three simple sentences, first of all, I attached a young and ignorant rhetoric for the impoliteness of the little beast cubs, and then casually mentioned the reason for the abnormal fluctuation of the vitality of the world, expressing their inconvenience in a polite and distant manner, Coupled with that gentle smiling face, it's hard to be disgusted.

At least, the opponent's team that doesn't have much malice at all is very useful. A beautiful young man not much older than Yu Longhan, with a slightly sickly aura, is like a peerless young man who has strayed into the mortal world. Looking at a pair of identical twins, she took a small step forward, pursed her lips and smiled shyly:
"It's okay, Your Excellency.

We also came here after seeing a little change here.

My younger siblings were a little frightened earlier, and they wanted to find friends of the same age, saying that the generation gap between us and them was too deep and too much, and they didn't understand them at all.


Speaking of this, the beautiful young man seemed quite embarrassed, but out of love for his younger siblings, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and tell his request.

The apology in the boy's tone was so obvious, without any concealment:

"I saw your children from afar just now, and they were fussing about making new friends...

Cough...cough cough...

That... Your Excellency..., if it is convenient, let the children play together?
Um...if it's inconvenient..."

At such a young age, his scheming is really deep!
Listening to the beautiful young man's words, Zhuge Junyun and Weisheng Cangya glanced at each other, they could see from the other's eyes that this young man was difficult to deal with, and they already had some calculations in their hearts.

They looked back at His Excellency the Little Demon King Wuyou, and after seeing no dissatisfaction on that innocent and lovely delicate smiling face, they nodded towards the beautiful young man, and it was still Zhuge Junyun who spoke on behalf of him:

"Children like to play around, and when they enter this dangerous relic continent, we can't let them indulge in their innocence, so that it's really not good to let their nature be suppressed for too long.

It's just that the children in my family are too many and very naughty. If they play like crazy, if they don't know what is important, please bear with me a little bit. "

The beautiful young man heard the implied warning, but his brows and eyes were still stretched so as not to be angry. He raised his hand and rubbed the twin's head, then turned back and whispered:
"Wei Xuan, take them there to play.

I've been in the Ruins Continent for so long, and I haven't had a chance to relax. It's really difficult for you three little guys.

It happens to be a good day today. Whether you can make new friends or not depends on your own ability.

Solve the matters between you children by yourself, don't cry if you are not convinced! "

"Brother Chenxi, don't worry, I will take good care of Pengpeng and Huanhuan."

A little boy who seemed to be in his early ten years came out from the crowd, took the twin's hand, raised his head and made a serious promise to the beautiful boy.

"I believe in Weixuan, then you guys go and have fun."

The beautiful boy smiled at the three children, and expressed his sincere thanks to Zhuge Junyun:

"Then please take care of the three children, Your Excellency."

"You're welcome."

Zhuge Junyun nodded to the little beast cubs:

"Little troublemakers, don't bully the children, otherwise you will know the consequences."

After getting permission, the little cubs of the Yuan Beast rushed towards the three children, and soon played together, even the five little leopards jumped left and right to join in, having a great time Almost.

Although Zhuge Junyun said that the cubs of the Yuan Beast were bear children and little troublemakers, in fact, he was the same as Ming Jing in his heart. Without the consent of his little Highness and His Excellency the Little Devil King Wuyou, the cubs of the Yuan Beast would not be at all. If they dare to make mistakes, they will only show that they are slightly stronger than the children of the same age, but they will not make outsiders think that they are not human.

The aura of primordial beasts on them had long been covered up by his own little majesty with a special secret technique, even in front of the primordial beasts, the primordial beasts would not see the slightest abnormality.

As for the audience in the space-time live broadcast room, when the team of more than 300 people who belonged to the beautiful boy appeared within the camera monitoring range of the live broadcast room, someone had already discovered the young man's alluring appearance and exclaimed endlessly.

As they got closer and closer, the audience who hadn't noticed it was also amazed by the boy's face, especially when the boy smiled, the entire space-time live broadcast room was going to be blown up by the crazy audience!

(End of this chapter)

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