Chapter 463 The Best Anchor Competition (Debt Repayment 41)

All kinds of compliments came one after another, and countless rewards followed, which made Jiu Jiu very happy and even secretly gave the boy several close-up shots.

"[Xiao Hanhan from the Dream Chaser]: Oh my god! Where did this fairy face come from! Compared with our big stars with special bloodlines here, it's not too much!"

"[Fengxing Yaoyang]: This is really a fairy boy born in a small world of low-latitude time and space? Why do I not believe it so much?"

"[Miao Orange Xianwei]: It would be great if this young man with a fairy face can be an anchor, I will definitely watch the live broadcast every day ( ̄ii ̄;) suck ( ̄" ̄;)"

"[Wang Yiyi]: The upstairs is full of newcomers, right? That's because you haven't seen the beauty of the anchor cutie. The anchor cutie is just too young to grow up.

In fact, that background is very good, at least it is no problem to catch up with this boy, oh no, it should be said to surpass. "

"[Ducks also have spring]: In the matter of Bimei, we should not let our anchor Xiaocute participate, she is still young and needs to be taken care of slowly_(:з」∠)_Serious nonsense! "

"[Zhi Ge Yi Lun]: Speaking of the topic of beauty comparison, I suddenly remembered something. It is rumored that the headquarters will launch a 'Best Anchor Competition' competition, is this true?"

"[System Jiujiu]: It's true, my master has already signed up. Everyone is welcome to cheer for the master at that time!"

"[Long-legged kneeling]: I'm afraid she was forced? With the temperament of our anchor Xiao Keai, it doesn't seem like he is willing to take the initiative to participate in some competitions (_)?"

"[System Jiujiu]: (︶.︶) If we don't tell the truth, we are still good friends."

"[Chenchen is the most well-behaved]: I will definitely support the anchor cutie!!!"


Originally, Guan Mingxin's attention was always on Yuling, and he didn't care about the approaching team of more than 300 people, but he never thought that a mechanical electronic sound suddenly sounded in the soul consciousness sea:
"Dear anchor number 9999, in order to encourage healthy competition among anchors, the headquarters specially held a "best anchor competition" event. After the system test, you meet the entry requirements and have signed up for you. The competition will be held It will officially open in an hour.

Before the event starts, if you do not want to participate, you can apply for cancellation of registration.

Friendly reminder: If there are no special circumstances, try not to refuse to participate. "

Although it was a mechatronic voice, the tone was gentle and soft, and it didn't sound that uncomfortable, but it still made Guan Ming's heart skip a beat.

Before Jiujiu turned off all the sounds in the space-time live broadcast room, Guan Mingxin knew it all.

Now that a notification popped up out of nowhere, it was a bit abrupt.

When he realized the content of the notification, Guan Mingxin couldn't help but frowned, and asked Jiujiu through sound transmission:

"If I refuse, will something bad happen?"

"Yes, although I have been able to make the time-space live broadcast room out of the control of the headquarters on the original core, my strength is still unable to compete with the headquarters. In order to prevent the headquarters from discovering my special situation, I did not block the signal of the time-space live broadcast room fluctuation.

Therefore, the headquarters can easily capture our space-time live broadcast room and send competition information.

Since our space-time live broadcast room is still at the initial level 0, without the privileges of high-level anchors, once we refuse to participate, it will inevitably attract the attention of the high-level headquarters.

At that time, this low-latitude time and space will fall into the field of vision of the high-level headquarters, and they will soon find out that this place is special. Just the appearance of the source energy mine is very likely to lead to a dimension reduction invasion war.

This low-latitude time and space is absolutely irresistible, and it is only normal for the world to collapse when the world is devastated.

However, most of the karma of such a great sin will be attributed to the master by the laws of the universe..."

Jiujiu didn't finish what she said, but Guan Mingxin and Wuyou, who was listening, understood the unfinished words.

"Then go ahead, I am who I am anyway, don't blame me for the unsatisfactory results in the competition."

Frowning lightly, Guan Mingxin just thought for a while, then nodded in response.

The seemingly simple notice concealed such a deadly crisis, which made Guan Ming's heart tremble, as he was still too weak.

Regarding Guan Mingxin's decision, Wuyou can't change it.

Besides, in fact, the matter is obvious, so the Laoshizi headquarters did not give the owner the right to refuse at all.

Perhaps those low-level anchors who stayed in the high-latitude space-time refused to participate in the competition, but it didn't mean that their masters could also be willful.

Although participating in the competition will also have the risk of exposing the low-latitude time and space they are in, the probability is much smaller after all.

Besides, not long ago, Jiujiu learned from the system notification sent by the main system that the headquarters also specially sent a batch of newly created systems into time and space of different latitudes, some of which are higher than the time and space latitude of the headquarters. , but more of it is low-latitude space-time.

Mixed in so many small worlds of different dimensions and time and space, the specialness of the New Hundred Wars World is not conspicuous.

Although he comforted himself so much in his heart, Wuyou was still unhappy.

Subconsciously, he focused on the time-space live broadcast room where Jiujiu had reopened his voice, trying to find some clues between the lines of the audience chatting.

"[The sound of snow falling]: It is said that the cause of this event is still very bloody."

"[Tutu Zhenxiang]: What's the blood? Let's hear it."

“[Voice of Snow Falling]: It is rumored that Wen Xinxin, the top traffic star of Brilliant Media, suddenly quit the entertainment industry for some reason, and joined the headquarters in her real body as a tasker.

Wen Xinxin started as a small and transparent newcomer, and meticulously performed every task, including many difficult tasks that threatened her life, but she survived all of them, and the score of each task was perfect.

Just like that, Wen Xinxin entered the field of vision of a high-level executive at the headquarters, and was pampered by that boss like a daughter.

The boss began to intentionally or unintentionally hand over the tasks with the best rewards to Wen Xinxin, which soon made her stand out from countless taskers, and she got more and more resources.

Unexpectedly, in the previous mission, Wen Xinxin didn't know whether her brain was flooded or what, she fell in love with a man in the mission world, and was coaxed by that man into giving him an unknown amount of cultivation resources, which directly made that man become A character who is more powerful than the darling of heaven.

Just when Wen Xinxin was planning to stay in that mission world and grow up with that man, he accidentally learned that that man actually had Bai Yueguang's favorite, and half of the resources he gave him went into that woman's. fanny pack.

This made the arrogant Wen Xinxin unbearable, and when she ran to confront the man, she was slapped in the face in public, and the man even said, "I never liked you, everything is yours."

Wen Xinxin's pride did not allow her to do anything out of line, she just gave that person a cold look, then committed suicide and left the mission world, and the first time she went back, she told her backer what happened, Nothing is hidden.

Afterwards, Wen Xinxin performed the highest etiquette for a junior to meet an elder, and she went out of her mind and destroyed her body immediately, and punished herself to go to the most difficult department to perform tasks, starting from scratch. "

(End of this chapter)

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