Chapter 464

"[Nianhua Yixiao Baishixiao]: So, this competition was specially set up by the boss at the headquarters for Wen Xinxin?"

"[Sound of falling snow]: Ahem...the rumors say so."

"[Feng Chi Tian Xia]: I'm curious what happened to the man who lied to Wen Xinxin."

"[Lonely Traveler in the Red Dust]: Same curiosity."

"[I'm serious about the calamity]: I'm also curious."


In an instant, the space-time live broadcast room was flooded with a series of "same curiosity".

"[Xueluo's voice]: Cough cough...that man, of course he will not end well.

Before others could make a move, just after Wen Xinxin committed suicide and left that mission world, the people in that world mistakenly thought that Wen Xinxin was completely dead, and couldn't help feeling disdainful towards the man.

Especially the man's Bai Yueguang, who is also a fierce woman, she is also a scumbag who just learned that her beloved is so unimaginable, and she feels sick because she used the resources cheated by the man. Without further ado, he blew himself up on the spot, wanting to pay homage to Wen Xinxin with their deaths.

It's a pity that the woman's cultivation base is limited, she didn't take the man away on the spot, but she didn't make it easier for him.

No, that man would never have thought that his beloved wanted to drag him to make amends to Wen Xinxin, but he was suddenly blew himself up seriously and was on the verge of death.

But the family of the woman who blew himself up, and the family of the mission target that Wen Xinxin possessed all launched an attack together. They didn't want him to die easily. state. "

"[Master of the Ming Family]: Well done! This kind of scumbag is really taking advantage of him by letting him die."

"[Yufeng Flying Fish Cub]: Who said it wasn't? It's just a pity for that woman."

"[Yuanzhi Taishang Twelve Elders]: The female baby is a good person. She has already led her soul body into the source and has become a tasker."


When the audience in the space-time live broadcast room were chatting enthusiastically, they were suddenly frightened by the sudden appearance of the "Twelve Elders of Yuan Zhi Taishang", and they all dared not speak anymore like quails, and the live broadcast room was instantly silent one slice.

"[Yuanzhi Taishang Twelve Elders]: Why don't you talk anymore? Didn't you chat happily just now? Are you not welcoming this deity?"

Unexpectedly, this "Yuanzhi Taishang Twelve Elders" was still a person who was unwilling to be lonely, so he asked three more questions, one more scary than the other.

"[Tang Tang pretends to be a bag]: Why do you always do this? They know that they are in awe of your majesty."

"[Yao Zun]: When did you leave customs? I haven't thanked you for your previous help."

"[Yuanzhi Taishang Twelve Elders]: When did you leave the customs? Didn't you already guess it? Humph(#`盗)<悲悦悦悦您您!!!"

"[Yao Zun]: Don't be angry, don't be angry, it's my fault, otherwise the ancestors will find out, and you will definitely be beaten. You always have pity on me!
I kneel down for you ○| ̄|_!At this moment, my heart is broken (●°u°●)! "

"[Yuanzhi Taishang Twelve Elders]: Hmph! Let's see how you behave! ()"


The audience, who were originally intimidated by the sudden appearance of the super bosses, gradually calmed down in the rather down-to-earth interaction between the bosses.

Although he still didn't speak, the complaints in his heart had long been filled.

It turns out that the bosses still have such a side!

The bosses can also use kaomoji to show off their cuteness! ! !

While the audience in the space-time live broadcast room were shocked, Guan Mingxin, Wuyou and Jiujiu felt like they were on the verge of a formidable enemy.

He stared intently at the audience seats in the space-time live broadcast room, but he didn't see the vest of the "Twelve Elders of Yuan Zhi Tai Shang" from the beginning to the end.

If it wasn't for that person who was still speaking and chatting, they would have thought that he had already left.

Fortunately, the boss didn't seem to notice anything unusual, and after chatting for a while, he disappeared.

I don't know if he really left, or if he hid it with privileges.

Anyway, Guan Mingxin and the others did not dare to relax at all.

For peace of mind, the three of them set up a time-still area in Guan Mingxin's Sea of ​​Soul Consciousness. Since the time-space live broadcast room was opened, all the live broadcast records up to now have been checked repeatedly.

After confirming that no problems were found, I still felt uneasy.

Worry-free gritted his teeth, communicated with Jiujiu in private, and then used the communication channel between himself and his real body to forcibly pull out a small piece of source energy ore with a diameter of about half a centimeter stored in the Wuji Realm. Let Jiujiu absorb it in the Vientiane Small Realm, and make her evolve again, so as to completely erase all future troubles.

As a medium, the Vientiane Small Realm was also forced to absorb the escaped part of the source energy ore during the period when Jiujiu absorbed the small piece of source energy ore, and it seemed that it was about to evolve again. Don't worry about anything else, just use your own consciousness to carry this part of energy.

Today's Wuyou can fully bear the energy of this origin energy mine, but it has not leaked a single bit, which makes the Vientiane Small Realm change, but the consumption of spiritual consciousness is approaching the limit...

Fortunately, everything was successfully managed under Wuyou's desperate control, which did not arouse Guan Mingxin's suspicion.

Naturally, it will not attract the attention of the audience in the space-time live broadcast room.

And in order to ensure no accidents, Wuyou and Jiujiu's private actions also took advantage of the convenience of a small area in Guan Mingxin's sea of ​​mind and soul that was set as a time-stationary area, and temporarily recruited the Vientiane Xiaojing here ongoing.

As for Guan Mingxin's divine sense, before he started to act, he was coaxed away from the sea of ​​consciousness by Wuyou and Jiujiu.

At the same time, Guan Mingxin was blocked from his dantian perception.

Guan Mingxin, who was focused on the time-space live broadcast room at the top right of his field of vision, knew that Wuyou and Jiujiu hadn't left the time-still small area in the Sea of ​​Soul and Consciousness, so he naturally wouldn't notice anything wrong.

Therefore, after everything was successfully completed, the time outside was still at the moment when the "Twelve Elders of Yuanzhi Taishang" chatted with several bigwigs in the VIP seats.

With no further worries, Jiujiu simply let go, and when "Yuanzhi Taishang Twelve Elders" asked about Guan Mingxin, a newcomer anchor, he gave a brief introduction without any nervousness.

Knowing that Guan Mingxin also used the real body contract system, "Yuanzhi Taishang Twelve Elders" even specially encouraged Guan Mingxin.

Guan Mingxin was naturally "happy" to thank him, and promised that he would work hard...

And these people and beasts around Guan Mingxin don't know the existence of the time-space live broadcast room, let alone understand how big a crisis they avoided just now.

At this moment, Suyuan and a group of Junying mercenary group, Zhenghe caused the explosion of the time and space live broadcast room, and then "provoked" the team of the beautiful young man who appeared in the "Twelve Elders of Yuan Zhi Tai Shang", because of the The children were the bridge, and Yuling's breakthrough was coming to an end. After a few chats, the high-level executives of the two sides naturally sat down together.

(End of this chapter)

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