Shi Jiajia even took out a 5000-fold diluted [-]-year-old Shi Zhongyuan emulsion, paired with a high-quality spiritual tea obtained not long ago, and presented a cup of valuable clear tea to the high-level executives of both parties.

The fragrance of the tea is clear and sweet, and the tiredness of many days dissipates immediately, and even the tense mind is greatly relieved.

When the tea entered the stomach, a stream of pure vitality immediately dissipated and was instinctively absorbed and refined by the body.

It took only two or three breaths of time before and after, but it could replace the effect of at least half a month of meditation, which made the beautiful young man secretly startled, and his attitude on the surface became more and more relaxed.

And that beautiful young man couldn't restrain his excitement. Although he still maintained his demeanor, the excitement in his eyes was almost overflowing.

This tea, besides containing pure vitality, is also miraculously mixed with a trace of vitality!
Although this vitality is very little, the beautiful young man believes that his perception is not wrong, it is indeed vitality!
This made the attitude of the beautiful boy take a 180° turn!
Originally, he only intended to give the three children a chance to relax and play, but the adults did not want to have too much contact with these beautiful young people. When he spoke again, the alienation in his tone was much less at the same time. Adding a bit of sincerity and being straightforward:

"You are able to take care of so many children so well, you must have extraordinary strength.

But here is the relic continent full of dangers, and just when the troubled times are approaching, the hearts of the people are unpredictable and the sea is difficult to measure. For children, it is still too dangerous.

If you don't mind, can we cooperate for the sake of the children? "

"Oh? Cooperation? What kind of cooperation method?"

Suddenly, a magnetic male voice came from not far away, and everyone followed the prestige at the same time, only to find that it was Yu Ling who had successfully broken through and was walking slowly with the reluctant Guan Mingxin in his arms.

The one who followed Yuling was staring angrily, Wuyou exuded an astonishing chill all over his body, Zhuge Junyun and the others were so frightened by the aura exposed in that small body, their little hearts were on the verge of dying. It jumped up to my throat!

"Boss, you are dancing on the tip of a knife, do you know that?"

"You turned a blind eye to the little devil's anger?"

"Are you so excited that your perception has failed?"

"Let go of your highness, ahhh! The little devil is going to explode!!!!"

The members of the Junying mercenary group really felt that something was wrong, and hinted at Yuling with their eyes, but Yuling just pretended not to understand!
It's not that he can't feel the oppression from the line of sight behind him, but Yuling, who is already holding his baby in his arms, directly ignores Wuyou and doesn't bother to talk to you because of the backing of his baby!
After finally getting close to my baby, everything else has to stand aside!

Yuling now expresses the attitude of "everything is enough to have a child" to the fullest.

And his "heroic gesture" of "daring to resist the little devil" even attracted the audience in the space-time live broadcast room to laugh non-stop, and at the same time, there was another wave of rewards.

"This is Captain Yu, right?
Congratulations to Tuanzhang Yu for his advanced cultivation and hopeful ascension! "

Seeing Yuling coming, talking about cooperation now is not something that the beautiful boy can make decisions about.

No, a man and a woman who had been silent beside the beautiful boy stood up, complimented, and looked at Yu Ling calmly.

"Thank you, if you don't dislike the rudimentary nature of our camp, please come to the camp and discuss in detail, otherwise it would not be wonderful to be disturbed by blind bugs."

Yuling grinned generously, not paying attention to the scrutiny of others, and glanced in several directions, as if extremely disdainful, did not take a seat, but directly invited the other party to the inner circle of his camp.

"Then respect is worse than obedience, please!"

"this way please!"

A man and a woman who got up didn't expect Yu Ling to be a straight-forward and forthright person. They were quite surprised, but also had some expectations for the cooperation that their children rashly proposed.

As for the little bugs mentioned by Yu Ling, the two of them also didn't pay attention to them.

If their team had thought of snatching opportunities when they sensed the abnormal fluctuations in the vitality of the world, but after seeing the fourteen children and the five little leopards with obvious bloodlines, this kind of thinking was gone. Has been reduced by half.

What's more, my own child actually made a request for cooperation, and the other party didn't refuse immediately, so the remaining half of my thoughts disappeared.

On this side, the high-level teams of the two sides are about to enter into friendly talks. On the other side, after exiting Guan Mingxin's live broadcast room, the "Original Twelve Elders" immediately summoned their confidantes and solemnly issued an order:
"This deity just accidentally entered a live broadcast room in a low-latitude space-time. The name of the live-streaming room is 'The Pastoral Life of a Little Cultivator'. Go and check the situation in that low-latitude space-time.

Remember to do it secretly, and it must not be noticed by others.

The deity sensed the aura of 'Zero' there, and if there is no accident, 'Zero' fled to that low-latitude time and space to hide after it left the source on its own.

If you find the exact news of 'Zero', don't act rashly and report it directly to the deity.

In addition, arrange Xinxin's next task world in that low-latitude time and space, and go to the small world where the anchor of the "Little Planter's Pastoral Life" live broadcast room is located. If it is convenient, try to arrange for that little anchor around.

The little anchor also performed the task in real body.

Presumably, if Xinxin learned about this, she would be happy to have such a fellow.

The deity sees the temperament of the little anchor, and it will definitely arouse Xinxin's liking.

Remember to be careful when checking that low-latitude space-time. "

"Follow the elder's orders!"


After his confidant left, Yuanzhi Taishang Twelve Elders let out a long sigh, looked at Wen Xinxin's surveillance screen, and muttered to himself:
"Xinxin, that's all my father can do for you.

It's also because my father loved you too much before and attracted the attention of others, otherwise you wouldn't have that catastrophe.

Father knows that you definitely want to take revenge yourself...

My father found you a good friend, I only hope that you can grow up smoothly this time..."

Guan Mingxin and his contracted friends didn't know that what they feared most had happened.

Even the secret that Jiujiu opened the live broadcast room for the first time was a game system-led secret under another similar organization called the Temple, which was discovered by this "Original Twelve Elders".

As the top power of the same type of forces at a higher latitude than the dimension of time and space where the temple is located, the "Original Twelve Elders" naturally know the temple very well.

Including the secret that the former Supreme Ninth Elder of the temple secretly left the temple with his beloved daughter and confidants. (end of this chapter)

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