And the former Supreme Ninth Elder of the Holy Temple named Gong Xiyiyan finally went to the dimension time and space where the anchor of the "Little Planter's Pastoral Life" live broadcast room was located.

The intuition of "The Twelve Elders of Yuanzhi Taishang" told him that Gongxi is very likely to be in the same universe, or even the same small world as that little anchor!

From this, it is not difficult to deduce that there should be something special about the universe in that low-latitude space-time, which would allow Gongxi to reap great benefits for them.

That being the case, how could the "Twelve Elders of Yuanzhi Taishang" let go of such a good place that could bring opportunities to his beloved daughter as a loving father?
He said that what Gongxi Yiyan can do for his beloved daughter, Xi'an, he can naturally do for his precious daughter Xinxin, and he will do even better!
If necessary, it is not impossible for him to go there himself.

Out of selfishness, this "Original Supreme Twelve Elders" will not expose his discoveries to others.

For Guan Mingxin, this can be regarded as a blessing in misfortune.

As for the fact that in the near future, there will be a friend who is deliberately arranged to come over, and there may even be a super boss, Guan Mingxin will not know.

Right now, they are observing the beautiful boy curiously.

Without him, the young man's face is really outstanding, standing out from the crowd, once seeing the young man, he will subconsciously never see other people again.

Gu Chenxi was the name of that sickly and beautiful young man.

The natural wood spirit body and the immortal cultivation talent made Gu Chenxi the envy and hatred of everyone from the day his talent was detected.

The elders guarded against foreign enemies, but ignored the jealousy of their own family members.

When Gu Chenxi was five years old, a cousin of the same family secretly plotted against him, causing little Gu Chenxi to mistakenly drink fruit juice mixed with the poison of destroying the sky.

Although the elders noticed in time that he didn't drink the whole glass of juice, little Gu Chenxi drank half of it.

If it weren't for the natural resistance of the wood spirit body to toxins, the five-year-old little Gu Chenxi would not be able to survive the powerful shot that could save him.

But even with Da Neng's timely treatment, the cultivation talent was preserved and did not decrease due to the poison of Mietian, but little Gu Chenxi's body was seriously damaged, his internal organs were injured, and he was dilapidated.

It is precisely because of this that Gu Chenxi can no longer practice the body tempering technique normally. Even the first set of the simplest "Nine Sets of Mass Body Tempering Technique Basics" for children under five years old is very difficult for him to practice.

Fortunately, the natural wood spirit body can allow Gu Chenxi to communicate directly with the wood-attributed vitality in the heaven and earth vitality without barriers, easily absorb it into the body, skip the body quenching period and directly refine the yuan force to the Qi training period, becoming a yuan The martial artist won the praise of everyone, and even the patriarch publicly expressed that he would increase Gu Chenxi's share of resource allocation.

But Gu Chenxi's achievements made the cousin who had done it before even more jealous.

The cousin found a few clansmen with the same evil intentions and planned a new plan.

When the cousin made another move, it was directly aimed at taking Gu Chenxi's life.

Since the elders will stop you if you do something in the family, what about the dangerous wilderness area?

See who can save you!

Just like that, Gu Chenxi, a rookie on the first floor who was frail and sick during the Qi training period, was stunned and brought to a wilderness area where the level of danger reached the third level, and was thrown by a freshwater lake where primordial beasts often appeared.

Gu Chenxi's natural resistance to toxins made him wake up halfway through, and he, who was precocious, immediately realized what had happened.

There was no one close to him, and the drugs made him exhausted, little Gu Chenxi could only press the distress signal hidden close to his body, and continued to pretend to be unconscious and wait for rescue.

Little Gu Chenxi naturally knew who did it!
He secretly swears in his heart: If he is lucky enough to survive this time, from now on, he, Gu Chenxi, will no longer be a peerless genius of the Gu family's immortal talent, but an ordinary casual cultivator Gu Chenxi!
Little Gu Chenxi actually had the bold idea of ​​leaving the family!

Especially when little Gu Chenxi realized what kind of place he had been thrown to, the despair in his heart made him suddenly feel a strong hatred!

He hated the grandfather of the patriarch of the Gu family who suppressed internal struggles and disregarded the family rules in an attempt to whitewash the peace, and even complained about his father who prevented him from taking revenge...

Little Gu Chenxi, who couldn't get up no matter how hard she struggled, really thought she was going to die like this!
Just when little Gu Chenxi lost all his faith and reached the limit of despair, his natural wood spirit body once again showed its might and saved him!
As a wood spirit that is close to nature, it will naturally emit a breath that makes all creatures feel relaxed and comfortable.

A wounded little primal beast cub was attracted by this breath, stumbled and ran to little Gu Chenxi's side, licked little Gu Chenxi's cheek with its immature and pink tongue, and let out a groan. The whining whine seemed to be begging him for help.

Maybe it was because of sympathy, maybe it was moved by the wet eyes of the little primordial beast cub, or maybe it was because of the broken pot, little Gu Chenxi forcibly circulated the wood attribute energy in his body, trying to heal the little primordial beast cub in front of him. Wound.

Little Gu Chenxi's actions made a couple of Yuan beasts who followed the breath of Yuan beast's cubs all the way develop a good impression of him.

Especially when they saw that little Gu Chenxi did not show any emotions of panic, disgust and fear because of their sudden appearance, the yuan beast couple became more and more satisfied with this little human cub.

Therefore, while waiting for her parents to come to rescue her, little Gu Chenxi was naturally taken care of by the Yuan Beast couple and was not attacked by other Yuan Beasts.

After the parents came to be rescued, little Gu Chenxi ignored the danger of damaging his foundation when he was parting, and forcibly operated the natural supernatural power endowed by the natural wood spirit body-Wanwusheng, which made up for the natural deficiency of the little Yuan beast cub. At the place, the little guy was given a future that he could look forward to.

The Yuan Beast couple was immediately moved, and willingly stamped Gu Chenxi with two high-ranking Yuan Beast protection marks.

These two marks can ensure that the Yuan beasts will not attack Gu Chenxi if he does not actively attack him, and even gain the favor of some Yuan beasts who have turned on Linghui.

After being rescued, little Gu Chenxi disregarded his father's embarrassment, and publicly stated that the patriarch's grandfather was partial to injustice and unwilling to punish the villains who violated the clan rules. Gu Chenxi's failure to die this time does not mean that he will always be lucky enough to escape. He couldn't stand this kind of injustice any longer, and wanted to leave the family at all costs!
Gu Chenxi's father, Gu Feng, was originally dissatisfied with his son's disobedience, but he was the patriarch of the Gu family. When his own biological father, Gu Chenxi's pro-grandfather, became angry with embarrassment, he disregarded the difference in cultivation level and felt sorry for the little Gu Chenxi. When the killer was killed, he was also completely chilled. (end of this chapter)

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