Gu Feng didn't have time to block that blow, so he had no choice but to protect the frightened young son under his body, and forcibly endured the angry blow from the Nascent Soul stage master!
That blow not only broke Gu Feng's admiration and admiration for his father, but also broke his patience of not wanting to see family discord in order to maintain the appearance.

With the support of his father-in-law, Gu Feng took his wife, children and confidant servants and left the Gu family completely when the Gu family was unprepared.

If it weren't for the fact that Yue's family also happened to be named Gu, Gu Feng would have abandoned this surname!
Gu Feng's wife's family is also a high-end family, but the grade is not high, and the population is relatively simple.

In order to avoid revenge from the Gu family, Gu Feng's father-in-law and his family left Huang Yuanyu overnight, and after several twists and turns, they came to Sasuo District, a remote area in the lowest level of Mortal Yuanyu.

Gu Feng accidentally rescued an aristocratic son with the surname "Bu". In the subsequent relationship, because of the similar personalities, the two unexpectedly fell in love with each other. It only took three days from acquaintance to mutual recognition to mutual friend. time!

With the help of Mr. "Bu", Gu Feng and the others quickly gained a firm foothold in the Sasso area, formed a family-style mercenary group——Feichen Mercenary Group, and developed at an extremely fast speed Get up and have a lot of prestige.

During this period, Gu Chenxi's natural wood spirit body showed off frequently, which provided a lot of help for the Feichen mercenary group.

In particular, most of the beasts favored Gu Chenxi, so that the Feichen mercenary group was almost invincible when doing tasks.

Over time, Gu Chenxi also became familiar with the aura of the primordial beast, and was able to discover the aura of the primordial beast that had been deliberately hidden.

It was precisely because of Gu Chenxi's natural ability that he was keenly aware of the extraordinaryness in the tea, so he had the impulsiveness to propose cooperation before.

And the man and woman beside Gu Chenxi are his parents, Gu Feng and Concubine Gu Yi.

The reason why the couple took their children into the Continent of Relics was to find treasures that could heal Gu Chenxi.

I never expected to meet Yuling's group of people. After facing Yuling who had just broken through and hadn't mastered the aura around him, the remaining thoughts of fighting for opportunities completely disappeared.

As for the waves of people hidden in the dark in perception, the Gu couple also didn't take it seriously.

Now that the high-level leaders of the two sides have the intention to cooperate, as subordinates, they will naturally no longer be on guard against each other. They will go to the lakeside and start rearranging the camp, setting up an offensive and defensive formation, ready to meet the attack of the dark preparation.

A group of playful little guys, seeing this situation, immediately understood that there was a high possibility that someone would sneak up on them, and immediately put aside the game at hand, clamoring to join in.

And Wuyou, who has never been able to get a response from his little master, puffed up his little bun face, and didn't bother to look at the stupid man Yuling, after hearing the cries of the little guys, he simply got involved .

On the premise of not affecting the operation of the outer formation, all kinds of evil tricks from children's whimsical ideas emerged one after another.

As long as someone tries to break the formation from the outside, the consequences, hehehehehe!
Seeing this, the adults helping the little ones felt a chill in their hearts, and at the same time lit a row of candles for those unlucky ghosts who were about to suffer. Brother, go all the way, don't provoke children in the next life!
They had discussed earlier that in front of outsiders, the ten little guys from the Traceable Mercenary Group plus Wuyou pretended to be children who followed the adults to increase their knowledge, and hung up with the little cubs of Yuan Beast. The name of the trainee members of the Shadow Mercenary Corps.

Therefore, Gu Feng and Gu Yifei's husband and wife mistakenly thought that Yuling was the leader of this small group, and subconsciously ignored many details. As soon as they sat down on the sofa at the tea party by the lake, the couple impatiently explained :

"Captain Yu, I'm really sorry, you must have seen it too, the child Chen Xi suffered a disaster when he was young, although he didn't hurt his cultivation foundation, but he was also left with the problem of being weak and sick and unable to withstand body tempering.

The reason why we took the children into the Ruins Continent this time is that we hope to find an opportunity to alleviate the dawn problem.

We were fortunate enough to have a doctor and pharmacist Da Neng to make a diagnosis for Chen Xi. Da Neng affirmed that Chen Xi's situation, unless he was supplemented with a strong and pure energy of vitality, he forcibly ignited his heart fire and made his heart go all out. The fire evolves into a special spiritual fire that complements the physique, and only then can the problem of dawn be fundamentally solved.

Other than that, other methods are treating the symptoms but not the root cause.

Just now Chen Xi noticed that there was pure vitality in the tea, so she lost her composure for a while, I hope you will forgive me.

If it is possible, can we get some of that kind of spiritual tea? We are willing to exchange all our wealth, even if it requires the lives of our husband and wife, we will not hesitate! "

"The power of life? What power of life?"

Yu Ling looked at Gu Chenxi, the beautiful young man next to the Gu couple, and was a little puzzled.

Guan Mingxin knew that it must be Shi Jiajia and Yan Zhiqi's deliberate action, and he didn't want to see Yuling act stupid in front of outsiders, so he explained lightly:
"Tea leaves do not have the power of vitality, what has the power of vitality is the psychic liquid that makes the tea."

"Can that..."

Concubine Gu Yi didn't care that Guan Mingxin was just a child who seemed to be four or five years old at most, whether she had the right to make decisions, so she hurriedly asked.

"Auntie, I can guarantee that I will supply all the vitality that my elder brother needs to ignite the heart fire until it evolves into a wood spirit fire. I don't need all the wealth of my uncle and aunt, as long as my elder brother joins the Junying mercenary group, what do you think?"

The soft and glutinous milk voice directly interrupted Gu Yifei's unfinished words, which made everyone present feel indifferent and domineering.

When Concubine Gu Yi heard this, she anxiously wanted to refuse, but Gu Feng patted his wife's hand comfortingly, stopped his wife's words, and looked at Yuling:

"Captain Yu, is your son's intention also your wish?"

"Teacher Gu, to be honest, I just accidentally untied my heart and broke through the bottleneck, and I don't know what happened before your young master said the cooperation, so I really don't know about the spiritual tea and liquid.

If my predictions are correct, then the tea that attracted your young master's attention should be brought by several children, right? "

Yuling looked fondly at the very "obedient" Guan Mingxin in his arms, and looked up at the Gu couple with a trace of apology in his eyes.


Gu Chenxi was no longer silent, and took the initiative to take the conversation, avoiding the embarrassment of her parents.

"The boy is very nice!"

When Yuling saw this, he praised him without hesitation, but then he looked at Guan Mingxin in his arms, with the meaning of "Although you are good, you are still not as good as my baby".

This scene surprised the tense Gu couple and Gu Chenxi, and relaxed a lot. (end of this chapter)

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