After being dressed as the villain's sister, I just want to farm

Chapter 474 I'm Still Soft-hearted After All

Chapter 474 I'm Still Soft-hearted After All (Debt Repayment 46)

The fact is just as Guan Mingxin guessed, that he has set up an isolation formation, which cuts off the energy circulation inside and outside the formation, and also isolates the spiritual power and higher-level spiritual consciousness from inquiring and sensing. In the green cloud and smog, it was extremely difficult to see clearly and distinguish what Guan Mingxin was doing.

Coupled with the blessing of Wuyou's obscure illusion, it blurred the senses even more, and it was no worse than Yiye Blindsight.

Even those viewers with special eyesight, supernatural powers or secret techniques in the space-time live broadcast room cannot see everything through the screen of the live broadcast room alone.

Of course everything is fine.

Especially Guan Mingxin's last sentence, which implied the phantom sound method in the soul sound attack, was blessed to the extreme by Wuyou's illusion.

Not to mention everyone in the camp, and those guys watching from a little distance away, even most of the audience in the time-space live broadcast room were affected.

In their hearts, they had a judgment similar to Gu Chenxi's:

Fu Bao/His Royal Highness/That Little Doll/Anchor Cutie is just a magnanimous child who provides resources.

As for the unaffected viewers in the time-space live broadcast room, with their abilities and identities, they would not pay attention to what Guan Mingxin revealed that they could see clearly.

Their focus is all on how to ignite the secret method itself, as well as the specific effects and growth potential of the ignited heart fire, etc.

For better discussions, they even asked Jiujiu to open an exclusive communication group for them, called "VIP Communication Group".

Its meaning is self-evident.

If you want to enter this exchange group, at least you have to be a big boss in the VIP seat.

So far, Guan Mingxin's time-space live broadcast room of "Little Planter's Pastoral Life" with a small and fresh name already has eleven VIP seats.

Their nicknames are: Tangtang, Yao Zun, Mingye Wujiang, Master of the Ming Family, Marshal Benshuai, Emperor Hanyuan, Tantai Longqin, Scorching Sun Langtianya, Hongyuyan, Yulan God Venerable , Doll, Yongyuan Rihaiji.

Except for the first six, the other seven are all recently added VIP seats.

Audiences who can reward 1 Shenyuanjing at one time, whether they are Shenhao with mines at home or their own extraordinary strength, cannot be easily offended.

As for the content that the bosses in the VIP seats talked about, it was not suitable for a rookie like Guan Mingxin to know, and it was out of the scope of the bosses' consideration.

In the eyes of the bosses, even if the anchor is too young and ignorant, the number 9999 is an old fritter in the well-known system in the organization. With it taking care of him, there will be no problems.

However, what the bosses don't know is that the original No. 9999 space-time live broadcast room system has long been swallowed and fused by Guan Mingxin's contract device spirit.

Under such circumstances, Jiujiu has no right to block the content in the "VIP Exchange Group".

Fortunately, Guan Mingxin also knew the severity, and she recorded those contents in the sea of ​​consciousness and soul and sealed them personally, and she would not unseal them unless there were special circumstances.

Seeing Guan Mingxin being taken away, the twins of the Gu family finally couldn't hold back the excitement in their hearts, ran up to Gu Chenxi and asked:
"Brother, brother, did you ignite that heart fire?"

"Brother, what kind of heart fire is it?"

"Brother, brother, I want to see the heart fire, can you?"

Gu Chenxi pampered the heads of the two little ones, concentrated on sensing her physical condition, and did not ignore the curiosity hidden in the eyes of her parents, so she smiled:
"You can watch it, but the time can't be too long. My current physical condition can't last too long."

The slight pause when the eldest son sensed his physical condition was immediately caught by the parents, and Concubine Gu Yi immediately stopped her worriedly:
"Xixi, if bringing out your anger will harm your body, then don't do it."

"Don't worry mom, it's fine.

I have recovered, completely recovered.

It's just that my heart has just been ignited, and I'm still a little rusty in controlling it, so I can't support it for a long time.

Nothing else, mother, don't worry about me anymore. "

As Gu Chenxi said, he spread his right hand, and with a thought, a light green small flame the size of a bean suddenly appeared, suspended in the palm of Gu Chenxi's spread right hand, and was jumping lively. Attract the attention of everyone around you.

Gu Chenxi's heart fire looks quite different from Guan Mingxin's. Just looking at it like this, one can clearly feel that the little flame contains a pure vitality, and there is a kind of very comfortable feeling. the warmth.

If Guan Mingxin had been present, he would have understood that this was Gu Chenxi's lack of control, not a modest excuse.

In fact, no matter who is on fire, they should not feel any energy or temperature.

"It's so beautiful."

Gu Huanhuan was amazed, his eyes were full of obsession, and he stretched out his hand unknowingly, wanting to touch the small light green flame.


Gu Chenxi was so frightened that his mind was unsteady, and the little flame immediately returned to his heart automatically, and continued to receive the nourishment of the natural wood spirit body. After a while, the little flame evolved from an unstable state to a stable spirit fire with the lowest wood attribute , you can leave the heart and enter the dantian.

At that time, the accumulation of the wood spirit body can be brought into full play.

As for whether this period of time is long or short, it depends on how much flesh and blood essence is in Gu Chenxi's body.

Regarding this point, Guan Mingxin was well aware of it.

If you do it yourself, you only need a drop of 10-year-old Shi Zhongyuan Emulsion, and Gu Chenxi's heart fire can automatically enter the dantian for nourishment.

However, as the saying goes, Sheng Mi is kind against Mi Qiu.

Guan Mingxin was able to take the initiative to rescue Gu Chenxi before, because he really didn't want to see such a talented genius cut off his cultivation path, and it was just a moment of soft-heartedness.

The second is to win people's hearts as soon as possible.

No, after Gu Chenxi brought out the fire in his body, the uncertainty in the hearts of the members of the original Feichen mercenary group was completely erased. From now on, they will stay in the Junying mercenary group to shine with peace of mind.

Even Bu Weixuan's personal guards calmed down a lot after witnessing Gu Chenxi's little flame.

Three, I just want to take this opportunity to set up a battle openly, and use the little financial resources I have shown to seduce the greed of all the peepers who have been attracted by the abnormal fluctuations in the vitality of the world caused by Yuling's previous breakthrough. It's better to catch them all in one go, and take this opportunity to let the Junying mercenary group, whose number has increased rapidly, run in and practice their skills.

As for the fourth, it can be regarded as seeing the gloom and loneliness in the eyes of the three young students, and I can't bear it.

In fact, Guan Ming knew that no matter how many excuses he made, he would only deceive others. In fact, the main reason was that he had softened his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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