Chapter 475 Roll up! (Debt Repayment 47)

However, plans are always out of date.

When Guan Mingxin woke up, he met the eager eyes of Guan Bo and the others.

During Guan Mingxin's rest period, it was enough for them to learn the news of "heart fire" from Yuling and others.

Moreover, it is not a secret that Guan Mingxin has been ignited.

Especially when with the help of Guan Mingxin, Gu Chenxi, who was originally weak, managed to ignite his heart, how could the Guan family and blood servants not care?

Based on what they knew about Guan Mingxin, she would definitely not refuse to help her family.

In fact, after hearing Guan Bo's request on behalf of everyone to help them ignite their fire, Guan Mingxin agreed without saying a word.

With the foundation of his own success, coupled with the experience gained from Gu Chenxi, an "experimental tool man", Guan Mingxin felt that he was completely fine.

Ever since, people who ignited their hearts appeared one after another in the camp.

The first one is Guan Mingxin's brother Guan Mingchen!

Out of an inexplicable trust, when Guan Mingxin helped Guan Mingchen, he used his own methods without any scruples, so that Guan Mingchen took a very short time to ignite his heart, only about two hours!
And after Guan Mingchen got used to the fire in his heart, Guan Mingxin unreservedly passed on to Guan Mingchen his experience of helping others ignite their fire.

Guan Mingchen, who was already extremely talented, mastered the trick with a little practice.

As for the fact that Guan Mingchen doesn't have the primordial power of chaos in his body, there is the secret method of "Five Elements Turning the Wheel", and it is not difficult to artificially transform a low-profile version of the primordial power of chaos by using the concept of five elements intergenerational and five elements returning to one.

With Guan Mingchen as a successful example, the rest of the Guan family also tried to learn how to help others ignite their hearts after successfully lighting their hearts with the help of Guan Mingxin.

As more and more Guan family members learn this method, the number of blood servants who have successfully ignited their hearts is also increasing rapidly.

Fortunately, Guan Mingxin, Guan's family members, and blood servants did this while avoiding other people in the camp.

They used an excuse that others could not pursue, that is, Guan Mingxin had been away for too long, and they needed to report to the clan and wait for further arrangements from the elders of the clan.

It only took three days, nearly a thousand members of the Guan family and blood servants, all of them completed the cultivation secret technique of igniting the heart fire.

Even Guan Mingxin was amazed.

Isn't it a small planter family?

Why are their talents so evil?
Not only that, but on the point of cultivating to improve their own strength, each of them is crazily introverted.

Looking back at his limited memory, Guan Mingxin suddenly felt that he was too slack?

It's fine if you don't meet your relatives. After all, you have awakened the special blood in your body to become the longevity species. As long as you don't die, she has plenty of time, so it doesn't matter if you work too hard.

Step by step, it is not impossible to achieve the ultimate goal.

But now, Guan Mingxin was forced to have a sense of urgency.

It feels as if if you don't join the "Jianjuan army", you will be eliminated.

In fact, Guan Mingxin had worked hard enough before.

It's just that the memory has been erased and she doesn't remember it.

During these three days, those people who were peeping in the dark actually endured and did not do anything.

It wasn't until Guan Mingxin's small body reappeared in the camp that those people finally couldn't hold back anymore.

Guan Mingxin, who had already heard the news from Jiujiu, found that other people in the camp seemed to have also learned about it in advance. The seemingly loose atmosphere was actually already secretly arranging countermeasures against the sneak attack.

Time passed by bit by bit, and the shining sun, which illuminates all things, gradually subsided from the scorching heat, and slanted down to the west, giving up the vast sky to the bright moon and the stars.

The night quickly swept across the entire ruined continent as the sun set.

A bonfire was lit early in the camp by the big lake, and the entire camp was flickering, and there was a sense of drowsiness for no reason.

The surroundings were quiet, and even the chirping of insects and frogs disappeared.

The left-behind personnel finally couldn't stand the continuous attack of sleepiness, and gradually closed their eyelids.

A dazzling light flashed, and the sound of violent explosions suddenly came one after another over the camp.

The sudden light and the sound of the explosion were blocked by the protective array, and did not cause any damage to the camp.

But this movement woke up the resting people in the camp, and the noisy and frightened voices came one after another, which made the voyeurs who had been secretly preparing for a long time stunned, and then they were pleasantly surprised!

After seeing the sudden increase in the number of this group of fat sheep, and the existence of a Nascent Soul stage master who just broke through, these peepers struggled for several days, and finally the idea of ​​not giving up Guan Mingxin, the golden baby, prevailed. .


This group of people was originally attracted by the abnormal fluctuations of the heaven and earth energy when Yuling advanced to the rank, but after "witnessing" the scene where Guan Mingxin helped Gu Chenxi, they turned their attention to Guan Mingxin.

That little one must have heavenly materials and earthly treasures!
I'm afraid there are more than one!
At the very least, it is inevitable to have a special mystical power!
As time went on, these ideas became more and more ingrained.

Three days later, when Guan Mingxin showed up at the camp again, the greed in their hearts finally reached its peak!
In order to ensure that all these people were wiped out, several parties had no choice but to compromise and cooperate for a while.

After all, no matter how attractive money is, you have to have your life to get it, right?

But the current situation clearly shows that the group of fat sheep are just silver pewter gun heads!
The night watchman fell asleep so easily. When encountering a surprise attack, the person who was awakened did not have the decisiveness and calmness that a Yuanwu master should have. Know how to make effective protection in time, let alone counterattack!

Such a result made the voyeurs from several parties happy but also resentful.

The happy thing is that my side must have a big harvest tonight.

It is precisely this point that is resentful and unwilling. There is a big harvest in the arms, but because the previous cooperation agreement cannot be monopolized, he is forced to distribute it with other parties. How much benefit will he lose if he can get it in his own hands? ?

Still the same sentence, money touches people's hearts!
In the face of huge benefits, everyone knows whether the previous cooperation agreement will be effective.

Although the other parties who originally cooperated were also thinking about monopolizing, due to the cooperation agreement and other reasons, before they could figure out a proper solution, they were angered by this group of desperadoes' preemptive move.

Immediately, any cooperation agreement, any scruples, and any schemes were all thrown out of the blue!
(End of this chapter)

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