Chapter 476 A Mirage (Debt Repayment 48)

While yelling "shameless" and "scumbag" and the like, they rushed forward with weapons in hand, and plunged into the formation.

As for the fear in their hearts when they saw the fat sheep setting up formations during the day, they were completely ignored!

"Shameless bastard, dare you!"

"Stop them quickly!"

"Go to hell, bastards!"


If they hadn't known in advance that these people were malicious voyeurs in the dark, just seeing the scene in front of them, they would have mistakenly thought that they were warm-hearted and kind people, and they couldn't help but stepped forward to help when they saw the robbers dispatched!

The formation couldn't withstand so many people attacking at the same time, after all, a gap was torn open, exposing the panicked and helpless people inside to the eyes of the peepers.

"Don't come here, don't come here!"

"Hahahaha, everything is mine, everything is mine!"

"Beauty, don't resist, or you won't be beautiful if your delicate little face is disfigured!"

"Let me go! I will give you all my belongings, please let me go!"

"Put down that treasure, it's not something a shameless gangster like you can have!"

"Damn! Whoever gets it will get it! I'm a gangster, and you're not that noble!"

"Shuzi is courting death!"

"Ah! How dare you sneak attack me! I want you to die without a place to bury you!"


Soon, the entire camp was full of wailing, and all kinds of abuse and fighting could be seen everywhere.

The villains who originally only made fun of the fat sheep, but when one person accidentally destroyed a space backpack and dropped things on the ground, among them were many spiritual materials with flowing charms, they immediately attracted everyone attention.

After a short pause, the more frenzied and fierce fighting began.

This time, it wasn't just the frightened fat sheep that were targeted, but more fights and killings were aimed at other people who came with them.

Those treasures that are spread by aura and are obviously valuable, everyone wants to keep them for themselves.

There are so many in just one space backpack, and there are so many unopened space storage devices!

Thinking about it this way, the last trace of clarity in their eyes was replaced by crazy greed.

Several voyeur forces frantically fought for the treasure in front of them.

In the beginning, it was just a fight between different forces, but as more and more people fell down, bright red blood splashed everywhere, and almost all of them were stained with a strong bloody aura. The blood gurgling out of the wounds of those people on the ground directly stimulated their red eyes, and they were completely crazy.

In the end, they didn't distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, they cut everyone they saw, and killed everyone they met!

Until everyone dies!

In the burning bonfire, crackling and crackling noises reflected more and more the desolation and gloomyness of the camp that was strewn with corpses, which raised a kind of fear for no reason.

At this moment, a long panting sound suddenly came from the camp, instantly breaking the eerie atmosphere.

Immediately afterwards, various noises came one after another, mixed with the cheers and laughter of the children, and came from all directions of the camp.

But only the sound was heard, but no one was seen.

This made the eerie horror that was originally broken by the panting sound sweep across the entire camp again, and also added a weird color.

Such a horrifying and weird scene scared several groups of teams who were attracted by the sound of fighting and immediately turned around and ran away, fearing that if they were too slow, they would be swallowed by some unknown and weird existence.

Among them, a group of people panicked and ran into a group of passing wolves and beasts, and became their delicacy.

The frightened groups of people didn't even know that when they turned around and ran for their lives, thick mist filled the weird camp, covering all traces and blocking the spread of any smell.

Except for the howling of wolves coming from a distance and the miserable whine of death that seemed to be there, there was no abnormal sound by the big lake.

After a while, even the wolf howl disappeared.

The surrounding area of ​​the Great Lake was completely silent.

Shrouded in the cold moonlight, the mist and mist from the surface of the great lake curled and churned, hazy and indistinct, and gradually merged with the mist in the camp...

"[Meow Meow is the cutest]: God damn it! It's really scary! What the live broadcast cutie made this time is simply amazing! (;≧д≦)"

"[Zhige Yilun]: It's really scary, but I think it's the number 9999 that's bad, not the cutie host."

"[The long legs are kneeling]: That's right! If the "Immersive" function is not turned on, we will not lose the perspective of God, let alone be frightened by this illusion."

"[I'm serious about the calamity]: I think this experience is very good, and my mood has improved a little bit. Thank you for the anchor Xiaocute and No. 9999. I will go to close a small test first (ω`)!"

“[Xiao Hanhan from Dream Chaser]: This kind of experience is indeed rarely used by other anchors.

After all, they are afraid that if the audience has something good or bad, they will give themselves a bad impression, which will be extremely detrimental to their future development. "

"[Wang Yiyi]: Cut! Is this something they can avoid if they want to?

Even if "Immersive" is not turned on, there has never been one of them who has always been loved by the audience, and has never been disgusted, abused or even labeled as a bad label by the audience?

It's hard to say, even our anchor, cute, isn't often ridiculed and abused by some black people? "

“[Midnight bell strikes a visitor]: This kind of thing is inevitable.

The anchor Xiaocuti has done well enough.

Besides, the anchor Xiaocuti doesn't rely on the audience for profit, her attitude has always been very peaceful, okay?
After all, this is the native world of the anchor Xiaocute [○`Д○]! "

"[Yanyan is the most powerful]: It's not that there are other anchors who have returned to the original world to counterattack their own lives, but they are also very enthusiastic towards the audience."

“[Lonely Traveler in the Red Dust]: No, the anchor cutie is different.

Although there are a lot of task organizers who carry out tasks with their real bodies, none of them contracted the system with their real bodies when they first came into contact with the organization, and they were still alive.

The first condition for the organization to select a tasker is a dead person.

Even if he keeps his real body after becoming a tasker, restores it and resurrects it, and performs the task with the resurrected real body, the prerequisites have never changed.

It's not that the organization doesn't want to accept undead people as taskers, it's just that those people can still survive as taskers after they understand death, and they themselves don't want to give up their lives that haven't died yet.

There is nothing wrong with living an extra life!
Even in order to be able to counterattack their own life more freely and comprehensively in the future, they will not hesitate to endure aggrieved pain and insist on living through this life.

Over time, the first condition for choosing a dead person as a tasker has become an unwritten rule.

In addition to becoming a tasker through the accidental contract organization system of the undead real body, the first mission of the anchor Xiaocute is the original world she lives in, and she interprets her own life that really belongs to her.

In other words, the "task" of the anchor Xiaocuti this time is completely unknown, and everything is possible. "

(End of this chapter)

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