After being dressed as the villain's sister, I just want to farm

Chapter 484 The Fragment of the Divine Continent

The sickly little milk cat looked at the vast and vast relic continent in horror, shrinking rapidly, and turned into a grain of sand in the blink of an eye, and disappeared with a burst of space fluctuations.

The powerful power of the little milk cat's soul clearly felt that it was not the time for the relic continent to be self-enclosed, but someone forcibly collected it to cause all this!
Can this still be done by humans?
What kind of strength should that person be against the sky? ! ! !

You must know that the relic continent is not an ordinary dimensional space, but a fragment of the central continent of the gods and wilds from the gods and wilds!
Still a fragment that never suffered energy drain!

This point was also guessed by the audience in the space-time live broadcast room through the "immersive" function.

At that time, when Wuyou left, for some reason, the concentration of heaven and earth vitality in the ruined continent suddenly began to increase, and some viewers in the time-space live broadcast room with keen senses noticed something was wrong.

"[Ming Ye Wu Boundless]: Huh? This breath? Why does it look so much like the Divine Land in the Desolation Period?"

"[Long-legged kneeling]: My lord, shouldn't all the energies between the heavens and the earth that wandered in the Divine Land during the Divine Desolation Period be all divine energy? Shouldn't the animals, plants and minerals on the ground also be divine beasts and divine plants? God mine?"

"[I'm serious about the calamity]: Indeed, I said that the Shenlu in the Shenhuang period that I've heard is exactly what the long-legged brother described."

"[Tangtang packs a pocket]: From everyone's point of view, Shenlu Shenlu was still in the Shenhuang period, so it must be full of gods, beasts, gods, and gods. It is only natural that every breath is filled with a lot of divine energy. , in line with the background of the famine period.

This is why your imagination goes wrong.

In reality, even the Central Continent, which had the most energy in the Divine Continent during the Desolation Period, was not so full of mythical beasts and god-planting mines.

Otherwise, those weak people who were not of the god rank during the gods and famine period should cease to exist.

However, in the historical records handed down from which dimension, time and space, there is no saying that the God-Wandering Period was full of god-level creatures.

There are many creatures below the god level, and there are still a lot of them. "

"[Yulan God Venerable]: That's true. If this relic continent is as expected, it should be a fragment of the Divine Land from the Desolation Period.

I just don't know which dimension, time and space this fragment of the Divine Land came from, how big is the area, and whether there is too much energy loss. "

"[Ben Shuai]: Even if it is the lowest dimension of time and space, no matter how large the area is, and how little energy loss is, it is not what I can imagine at the moment."

"[Emperor Hanyuan]: The commander-in-chief is still so upright, be careful of being beaten."

"[Ben Shuai]: Hahahaha, Dashuai just likes to tell the truth, what's the matter?
If you really miss it, then help our anchor Xiaocute to collect more pieces of this piece of Godland, and when the "Time and Space Trading" function is turned on, won't it still be in your hands? "

"[Baby]: There is nothing wrong with what the commander said, anyway, the deity is moved."

"[System Jiujiu]: Doll rewards 10 Shenyuan Crystals!"

"[Emperor Hanyuan]: This deity is also moved."


Soon, a series of rewards completely stunned Guan Mingxin.

It took a long while before the stalemate realized what the bigwigs in the VIP seats had said.

Guan Mingxin was immediately ecstatic. Although he didn't show it on the face, but in the speech in the space-time live broadcast room, the soft and waxy voice was full of gratitude and surprise:
"[Anchor]: Thank you, all the bosses! When the "Time and Space Trading" function is activated, I will definitely trade what the bosses need as soon as possible."

"[Yao Zun]: A hundred meters ahead of you on the left, there is a small ore of divine gold underground. It is about ten thousand kilograms."

"[Hong Yuyan]: At the bottom of the big lake behind you, there are a large number of water attribute god crystals, and there is also a water-type god plant seedling..."


After a while, other viewers in the space-time live broadcast room watched those noble and arrogant bosses, and began to turn into "warm-hearted good guys", constantly pointing out where there are treasures...

Although they didn't dare to speak because of the prestige of the bosses, the longing in their hearts and the envy of the anchor cutie couldn't be stopped.

So, when other living beings were beaten to death because of hypocrisy, Guan Mingxin and his group happily picked up all kinds of good things.

Of course, it's not that the false Daoguo didn't feel that Guan Mingxin and his group had exceptionally talented people, but this group of people was protected by a very powerful coercion, and the false Daoguo didn't dare to get close at all.

Moreover, it was precisely because of this powerful and mysterious coercion that isolated the aura of the false Dao fruit that Guan Mingxin and his party remained sober, were not affected by the false Dao fruit, and avoided a fatal crisis.

After several unsuccessful attempts, the Pseudo-Dao Fruits then locked their targets on other creatures who were not protected by the mysterious coercion.

However, with the blood-red phantom and blood regret, the things that the false Taoists originally wanted to do according to their master's wishes were completely destroyed by the blood regret.

Xue Regret did a good deed by mistake, and the will of the universe in the Liyuan Universe is also very fair.

No, it also brought some merits to Xue Regret, but gave Xue Regret a wrong reminder that he misunderstood that he was the darling of the Heavenly Dao, making him even more aggressively attack and kill those favored children of the Heaven who were favored by the false Daoguo.

In this way, those favored sons of the heavens had no time to refine the false Dao fruits, and they would disappear from life and death, and re-enter the cycle of reincarnation.

It is to avoid the fate of being coveted and hunted down by people as heaven and earth treasures in the future, and it will not happen that even if you have the opportunity to cultivate and become famous in the future, you will be picked up by the false Taoist fruit and have nothing, not even the chance of reincarnation.

As for Xue Regret, even though he is so rampant now, his end is already doomed...

When all this happened, the little milk cat didn't know it at all. It was shocked that the fragments of the divine land of the Ruin Continent were forcibly taken away by someone, so it didn't care about other things.

In the cognition of the little milk cat, this fragment of the Central Continent in the Divine Land from the Divine Desolation Period, whose energy was not consumed at all, and the majestic energy on it, in today's world, even the top powerhouses of the Divine Rank , can not be shaken!

But what does the little milk cat see now?
The astonishingly large fragments of the Divine Land were confiscated just like that! ! ! !

Take it away! ! !
gone! !
The terrified little milk cat forgot to adjust its direction when it was pushed out by the fragments of Shenlu.

Just like that, maintaining a dumbfounded and terrified expression, with a "pop", it landed on the head of a child in the air, knocking the child unconscious.

And the reaction of the child was beyond the kitten's expectation. Before the coma, the kid subconsciously raised his hand to scoop his face, and held the kitty tightly in his arms.

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